Friday, April 30, 2010

The EU is stupid !!

In this day of fighting terrorism, the EU has made it ILLEGAL for the UK to not give benefits to the family of terrorists or known activists.
So Obama bin Laden's family could reside in the UK and hopefully in Europe and receive all the benefits they want.

Now let me see here - the families of the terrorists know most of the time what their family members are doing and know where they are, but won't turn them in to the authorities, before they kill people in our countries, but it is legal for them to claim off the state that they are trying to kill !!!

It doesn't make sense and this is why the EU is so out of touch with reality and should be disbanded.

UK please pull out of the EU and listen to Common Sense ! Let these European idiots soak in their own blood.

Oh and by the way the rules should also be the same in each European country and not try and bash the UK. SO are you all laughing now?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Budget deficit

In the press today it says that ALL the parties are keeping the voters in the dark on the tax rises and cuts needed to tackle the budget deficit.

I reckon there will have to be at least 2p on personal tax
Vat up to 20%

This is nothing new for those who read my blog.

What I will say is that it will take at least 10 years to sort this out, so there is no quick fix.
The main thing is to curb benefits and service to immigrants and those who will not work.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Coalition ?

The UK just isn't used to coalitions and it will fail.
If they are accusing each other now of all sorts how can they work together?

In Labour you will get the parasites and useless MP's pushing for a role. Look at Harriet Harmen. She is only used to slobbering up to the PM and doing a completely useless job and imposing absolutely stupid and Politically Correct rules on us for equality!

Liberals are just not experienced enough and don't have any decent MP's to be a force.

Conservatives are the strong one's but when the other 2 parties are trying to gang up on them, why will it be different in a coalition.
You can imagine the Conservatives saying ' lets fix the economy and we do this!'.
Labour would say ' well you can only trust our policies and that is to spend'
Liberals would say ' now hang on lads, can't we have a compromise and just put taxes up on car parks!'

Of course it won't work and David Cameron is right in saying that it would be a complete disaster.

Monday, April 26, 2010

EU says Brits must ban Smacking children

Here we go, they are beginning to impose their rules on us.
Isn't this why children are now so much more out of order, because they know they cannot be punished.
even the Bible and Jesus said it is possible to punish children.
Seems the expensive living parasites in Brussels know better !!

UK Government apologize to the Pope

After some urk in the civil service sending a memo about ideas for the Pope when he comes to the UK the Vatican is “hugely offended” by the Foreign Office memo mocking his stance on abortion and birth control,

The memo, sent out in March following a “brainstorm” session by Foreign Office staff who are helping prepare for Pope Benedict XVI’s visit in September, warned recipients that the contents “should not be shared externally” because the offending document, titled “The Ideal Visit”, contained “even the most far-fetched of ideas”.
As well as suggesting the launch of “Benedict” condoms, the memo also proposed that the Pope should “announce sacking of dodgy bishops”, sponsor a network of AIDS clinics, conduct a training course for bishops on child abuse allegations and ordain a female priest.
Embarrassingly for the Queen it also suggested getting the Pope and Her Majesty to sing a duet for charity and changing the national anthem from God Save The Queen to God Save the World.

What is very curious,is that the Vatican is outraged about this, but don't feel the need for the POPE who is the only person to rule and judge the Catholic Church, to apologize personally, for all of the paeodophiles in the Catholic Church and all of the kids abused over the years.

So we have a point here, where the UK Government was quick to apologize, although the Pope refuses to apologize for the abuse of it's employees!!! It seems forgiveness is one way.

The Pope is threatening to cancel his visit to the UK. Fine please do so then we won't have a hypocrit on our island!!!

I have personal memories of such hypocracy. My parents were catholics, but non-practising. When my Mother died they then refused to attend her funeral. where is the forgiveness. This is where the Church fails and it's numbers dwindle.

Friday, April 23, 2010

TV debate

David Cameron blasted his opponents out of space last night.
However, I still feel that there are questions to be asked, like:

Why do we need a space programme

Why are we donating money to other countries

How are we to fix NHS, Policing, education etc etc

Surely we need to get our house in order and quick !!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Well done the French !!

Now I don't often say it, but ' Well done the French' for establishing a rule that Muslim women should not cover their faces in public.
Of course people are saying it's illegal or it's against their rights etc.
Well the answer is ' if you don't like it, leave !'

Also, in the Quran it isn't stated that women should cover their faces apart from when they are feeding their babies.
So it's all nonesense, especially in light of the issue in the UK where some people are not allowed to wear the crucifix in their own Christian country!!

Nick Clegg has blown it!

It has now been alleged by a newspaper that the Liberal man Nick Clegg had received donations into his personal account and they were used for his personal payments of mortgage etc.
If true, he will have blown all credibility and the UK voter will not accept this behaviour after all of the recent exposures of expenses etc!
So we will be back to a 2 horse race again.

All donations to political parties should via an escrow account and audited, this will avoid any problems in the future

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

expenditure on Satellite spying

The UK is testing a satellite in space for car speeding between 2 points.
Spending hundreds of millions on this, I wonder if it's worth while and the government will ever get our money back by the amount of convictions?

Isn't this going too far?

We are in a economical crisis but the UK government is wasting so much of our money on scatter brain ideas like this or supporting countries that won't help themselves!

Brown savaged on Radio talkshow

Gordon Brown blatantly lies again

Last weekend on a political programme, Gordon Brown said ' buses will be in Spain (Madrid) to collect stranded passengers and bring them home. In fact there are a 100 buses there now'.

So passengers made their way to Madrid only to find that there was no buses waiting.
The Ambassador for the UK showed up and said that ' you cannot believe everything you hear' to which a passenger said ' Gordon Brown had said it on TV!'

How comes Labour are still with 30% on opinion polls. The guy is an outright liar, similar to Mugabe!!!

Solution - Get Labour out of office as soon as possible!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is Clegg any different?

Mr Clegg of the Liberals has now been exposed as a toff and been to private school. SO far this has been kept out of the agenda.
A famous TV presneter has now said that he was his 'Fagg' which means his junior servant at school.
Mr Clegg denies this! How can a TV presenter get this so wrong?
Seems that Mr Clegg is very alike Mr Brown and denies things without thinking of the consequences!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Labour in 3rd place

Well is it surprising according to the Polls that the Labour government is in 3rd place. They are arrogant and ignorant!

The interesting thing is that the Liberals are coming up as 1st in the Polls.
Not that they will be the majority party, but if you look back in history, the same happened in 1915 when the electorate became disallusioned with the other 2 main parties and David Lloyd George of the Liberals came into power.
David Lloyd George introduced the National Insurance and the NHS service.
This was certainly historical and a very forward thinking party.
IF the Liberals came back into power, I wonder what they could introduce this time!

Labour in 3rd place

Well is it surprising according to the Polls that the Labour government is in 3 rd place. They are arrogant and ignorant!

The intresting thing is that Liberals are coming up as 1st in the Polls.
Not that they will be the majority party but if you look back in history, the same happened in 1915 and David Lloyd George was in power.
David Lloyd George introduced the National Insurance and the NHS service.
This was certainly historical and a very forward thinking man.
IF the Liberals came back into power I wonder what they could introduce this time!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Iceland cost us again

Scottish airports have been closed because of Volcanic fallout from Iceland and could cause closure to other airports as the fallout blows south.
I wonder if the Scots or the UK government will put a claim against loss of earnings from cancelled flights against the Icelandic government.That on top of the savings claim seems to be no-go idea!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Brown coming clean

Gordon Brown is admitting at last that his mistakes have added to the UK's financial problems.

Yet, he says he should be voted in again as the economy is safe in his hands !!!!

Which planet is this guy in????

It just begs belief and proves the guy is a complete imbecile, a dictator and totally out of touch with the people

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Families ripping off the benefits

The link above is about a family who live off benefits because they get more than working.

In my manifesto I urged for the ceasing of benefits for someone not working for 18 months. This family highlight where all of the tax money is going, needless to say equipping the family with top of the range mod cons! How does the government accept this open abuse?

Gran of 86 hounded by Marks & Spencer

The Sun - Widow Thelma visited the cafe with her daughter Deborah Nairn, 50, and grandsons David, 14, and Callum, 11.

She had bought a scone and cookie from the food section and then Deborah bought her a sandwich and a cup of tea in the cafe.

Thelma decided to nibble her biscuit - but was horrified when an assistant told her she couldn't eat it because of the VAT difference between cafe and shop-bought food. Yesterday she said: "This woman over-reacted.

"All the customers were looking at me, it was so embarrassing and very distressing."

Last night an M&S spokesman said: "Our policy is that cafe customers must only consume items bought in the cafe area. We are sorry for any distress caused to the customer."

Read more:

It's clear that the Gran did in fact buy the biscuit in M&S, so why didn't the staff listen?? Did they ask to see a receipt?
It was most probably from a recent talk they had from the management.
Perhaps the staff should be punished and the Gran be given a very nice token to spend at M&S.

What happens if the person needed sugar for diabetes would they still be so insensitive??

Mr Rose sort your staff out !!

David Cameron,Becks and Posh

David Cameron for the election is being taught how to lose his Posh (background).
It's a shame they don't do the same to David Beckham !!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

NHS is racist !!

This has been released since my blog of this morning !!!

Labour are doomed or we are!!

Mr Brown has now started to react to all of the items that the Conservatives are pledging.
He doesn't have much himself to say. If you read the summary of the Labour manifesto it really doesn't say anything of substance.
The IMF and other world economists are now saying that Labour's proposals are really NO GOOD. That will mean even more hardship to us.
If we don't do something very soon to pay back debt the UK will lose it's ratings and that is disastrous for us, because interest rates will need to go up (as I have said before.
Mr Kinnock has it right by saying that ' Mr Brown has a good radio face '. That way we can't see him lying!

At the weekend I was reading that a soldier who hit a suspected Al Qaeda guy has been kicked out of the army after 28 years of service, because he should have done it!! At the time of catching the guy apparently he was with colleagues digging at the side of the road to place a bomb for our troops!
This is lunacy. War is War and who is investigating the terrorists and Al Qaeda??

A nurse has lost her right to wear her cross so it shows in a hospital- Why? because it's against health and safety!
So what do we do about the Muslims who wear their hijabs and long beards and the sikhs who wear their daggers??
1. We are a christian society
2. What is good for one is good for the other
3. It's nothing to do with Health and safety but little hitlers who have no sense.

All in All Labour have to get trounced otherwise we are in serious trouble in the UK and Mr Brown will deny it's any of his fault but the Conservatives who now need to pick all of this up and sort it out again!

Friday, April 9, 2010

National Service

Isn't it amazing that as I release my Manifesto yesterday which included National Service, the Conservatives come out with something similar.
However, it didn't go far enough.
As I mentioned in my previous blogs, National Service will cut:
Cut Benefits
Give people a chance to learn a trade
and why not include immigrants, this will cut figures down!!

The Conservatives must be looking at my blog as this is happening quite a few times now!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Common Sense Party UK Manifesto


Scrap Targets
NHS data online
More investment to Cancer and Heart and survival rates
Freedom to move around country for operations
Open to natural medicine
GP's pay to results
Open GP surgery on Saturday and Sunday
Cut Middle Management in half
Increase Nurses pay
Introduce Matrons
Foreigners to pay
Immigrants to pay until nationalized


Universities for British students to reduce fees
University fees for Foreign students to double
Scotland Universities to apply same fees as UK
Improve teacher training
Heads to have power control teachers and salaries by performance
Re-Introduce reasonable punishments for students without teacher being penalized
Children can be removed from schools for incessant violence and Parents penalized (unless medical grounds)
Re-introduce the 3 R's
Introduce regular reading tests
Introduce classes for brighter pupils who need more challenges


Increase tax by Stg 300 per person for 5 years to improve National debt
Freeze Council tax
First time buyers out of Stamp Duty
Cut Corporation tax
Reduce small and medium sized business tax
Stop tax credits to high earners
Millionaires to pay Inheritance Tax
Increase tax on Alcohol and cigarettes
VaT to 20%


All immigrants MUST speak English
All Immigrants must have sponsors.Either employment or family
All Immigrants to show proof of payment of tax and N.I. for 3+ years before receiving free NHS or social benefits
Elderly immigrants must be sponsored by family
Any immigrant with no job after 6 months must leave
All immigrants must have a return ticket which is non-cancellable
No social benefits to be paid for families of non British people to be paid
Reduce numbers of immigration per year


Cancel Human Rights agreement
More protection against EU rules
Restore National control on social and employment legislation
Cut expenses for MEP's


Increase hardware
Cut Nuclear spending
Improve armed force salaries and bonuses
Improve forces and veterans care
Investigate mental health after conflict or service in war zones
Review all strategic defense plans
Re-Introduce National service for ages between 16-20 for a 2-3 year period include training for jobs


Introduce rebates for re-usable energy
Introduce an investigation into Solar power in Africa and bringing to the National Grid
Introduce more electric car power points
Introduce more bicycling and cycling paths


Re view all Embassy processes
Create a National Security Council


Build high speed links to UK cities and Europe
Nationalize railways and buses
Introduce non-fee workers committees rather than Unions
A new Airport in the Thames Estuary near Thurrock


Cut N.I. contributions
Cut Corporation tax
Provide funding for re-usable energy
Tax Foreign companies who make excessive profits
Promote Foreign companies to invest in UK with incentives
Promote Government procurement from small to medium sized businesses
Bonuses to be part cash with a cap and part bonus certificates which are valued at company performance.
All bonuses must be performance related and proven
All banks provided with help must repay the funding from profits and until repaid no bonuses for management.


Every home owner should have mortgage protection
More council homes to be built
Stop benefits for people out of work for more than 18 months or they must have volunteer/community work of 30 hours a week
Savings limits to be increased


More money from the Lottery to be used
More sports facilities to be built
Promote family sport events


To be cut until debt is reduced to pre-credit crunch
Foreign donations will be cut back significantly


To be abolished as a waste of expenditure


Cut civil service
Cut Bonuses
Cut Mp's expenses
Cut MEP's expenses
Cut benefits
Cap salary rises


Improve services
Tenders to be electronic
Cut waste
Review expenditure


Increase pensions
Increase heating funding for winter

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Re-usable energy idea

Now here is a silly thought!
Why not payroll the setting up of solar energy in Africa to feed the UK National Grid?
This will provide cheap energy to the UK, provide funds to the African states and also provide jobs and income to the locals.

In other countries people who do this in fact get credit on their bills like the American actor Ed Bigley, who I think is now self sufficient and has no bills to pay!

Most probably the PC people in the UK will think it's an eyesore or it isn't in the rights of people to do such things, instead of starving and producing more hungry people in Africa.

Just a thought anyway.

Petrol price

As I have mentioned in previous posts, petrol prices are too high and it's mainly due to 80% tax.
Over the coming year or so you will read more and more articles in the papers that people are giving their cars up because the point of value has now gone over the borderline.
The new government had better start to address this issue otherwise there will be more unemployment from related jobs.

Gordon Brown tries to get dirty again and scores an own goal!

Gordon Brown on TV today, expresses that the Conservatives have lied about their National Insurance statement and that the Corporate world has been sucked in!
At least they can read him like a book.

The guy just doesn't get it!
+He has been exposed many, many times as a liar
+He has kept funding from the army and many of our troops have died because of it
+Labour have increased many taxes and initiated hundreds more i.e. Petrol whereby 80%
is now tax
+No one likes him
+He is as charasmatic as a slug
+He is a loser, big time.

His own goal is the more he does this the more he will lose votes by exposing his own lies.

UK election 6th May

Unfortunately I will be in the Middle East, so I have to make arrangements to vote.

Last night though I was watching the news and saw Gordon Brown outside 10 Downing street with his cronies (minus the Trade Unionists). It's a bit like deja vu with the biggest leech of them all, Harriet Harmen next to him and patting him on the back as they turn to go back into 10 Downing Street.I have seen this in the past with useless Mp's.It's a way of sucking up and being seen on TV before they use the dagger in the back.

This woman is now on equal rights or something and is trying to bring in some of the most PC and proposterous laws in her brain (if she had one).
This is the woman whose husband is tied up with Berlusconi and is facing jail in Italy.
How can this woman be taken seriously?? She must have good connections!

It just begs to believe!!

Religious beliefs

A nurse has lost her bid to wear her cross around her neck at work.

It's ok for Muslims to wear the Hijab and it's alright for Sikhs to wear a dagger at school but a cross in a Christian country, God forbid!!

Who on earth thinks of these things.

Let's bring common sense back into play and what is good for one is good for ALL!!

By the way France and Belgium are now banning the Hijab in schools and certainly don't allow daggers. So it's not a case of following Europe, basically we aren't! It's some idiot of a Politically Correct person again. Their time will come when PC will be curtailed and they are out of jobs. Soon I hope !!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trade Unions

Bob Crowe General Secretary, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) and a member of the General Council of the TUC between 2002 and 2009 had on average 2 votes per week for strike action.

This sounds a good way of justifying your job !!

The guy comes across as a spiv and seems to act like one!

However, he is always stressing that he is open to talks with ' The Management' to avoid strikes.
Somehow I don't believe him.

The common Sense party would look to get rid of these parasites and bring in co-operative workers committees with regular management meetings to avoid strikes, which only the workers lose out !

Dissolving Parliament

Well Gordon Brown has asked the Queen to dissolve Parliament for a new election.

Rumour has it that she didn't so much as accept it but took his arm off!!!

Well done Ma'am, let's get someone in with so idea.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Security breach

Labour have lied again.
They said that people records would be safe and never go abroad.
The SUnday Times has discovered that they are sending them to India for processing.

Has the government never heard that alot of fraud is comitted because it's just too lucrative for Indians to sell the personal details of people.
It wouldn't surprise me if there are Mossad agents in India taking all the I.d's. Isn't it convenient!!

I also read that the police are taking millions of pictures of motorists and their registration number plates and the photo's of the fron passenger and driver and storing them.
This is 'Big Brother' without doubt and will end in NO INSURANCE for identity theft, has the police and government are doing the criminal jobs already!!


The Common Sense party UK say's :
Stop this waste of time and effort for no purpose!!
The crminality that can be found in this process is negligible compared to the cost of not only the hardware for this and the staff costs, but also the amount of storage cost in datacentres etc.

Racism or not?

A couple who are devout Christians wouldn't let a gay couple stay at their Bed & Breakfast and are now facing charges.

Can you imagine if there was a Muslim Bed & Breakfast and they turned away a couple for not being married if they would get the same treatment - Of course not.

Shops can turn away anyone they want to without an excuse.

So what is the difference here?
The only fact is that homosexualism is not allowed in the Bible not the Koran, so why are htese Christians being investigated?
I thought the UK was a Christian country. Now what would Mr Blair do as he converted to Catholicism recently ????

Again Politically Correctness gone mad!

Political Manifestos

Last night I was looking through the highlights of the 3 main party manifestos.

In actual fact Conservatives give the most back to the voters with firm promises and money

Labour is all flimsey items which they have done for the past 10 years and don't give anything

Liberals are a happy medium between the 3 parties.

The Conservatives offer Cancer treatments that people cannot get now,They want to cut red tape, they want to get the NHS on it's feet again by cutting management and bringing back nursses and they want the police back on the beat to stop crime.

what does Labour want - to givbe kids lessons in Domestic science !!!!

What a waste of time.

I will give my own manifesto over the next week.
But here's an idea - how about getting back to the 3 R's !!!

Why are we Euro Sceptics?

In todays papers we see that the EU pratts are banning the name ' English Channel' and replacing with ' Le Pond'.

Also they want to ban Sunday trading.

It was never a good idea to join the EU, now it's beginning to take over. I hope the Conservatives are taking note against their election manifesto!!!

Police committing Treason

Some Police forces are wanting to Ban the England shirt with the 3 lions on, because it may incite hooliganism during the World Cup.

This must be treason surely?

'In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of betrayal of one's sovereign or nation...'

If we are not allowed to show our allegiance, this must be true!

All over Europe they fly their flags and show the colours of their teams etc. In En gland Oh no this may be nasty to some small group or something!!!

No wonder our police are swimming up the swannie as they don't ahve anything else to do!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gordon Brown is omitted from candidates leaflets

It seems that 93% of leaflets being sent out by the Labour hopefuls are missing pictures of Gordon Brown.
It appears that they think he is a liability.

How much more will it take this dictator to realize no one wants him anymore.
Tony Blair said that he has single handedly saved the UK economy. Well wasn't it Gordon Brown that single handedly put it such a position in the first place.
Never mind that it will take us 15 years to get it back to status quo!!!

The quicker he goes the quicker we can try and rebuild our lives.