Sunday, May 30, 2010

IPad not worth it

My son and I took a look at the new Ipad and for Stg399-599 I thought it was rubbish.
Really it's an enlarged IPhone, but without the phone bit.
All the extra peripherals are there, like a keyboard!!

Eurovision joke!

Not that the UK should have won, but the fact that we finance a good part of it and now all it is, is a political support system for certain countries and music is not part of the theme.
Now of course there is likely to be hundreds of millions of viewers and the usual advertising money ( big companies I doubt will pay for this), but what do we get back? Not a lot, it all goes to the minority countries
During our Austerity times we should stop the funding for such a crap programme

Why is Cameron and Clegg whining?

Both leaders before the election made themselves whiter than white and made a statement that if anyone had a dubious past regarding expenses would be investigated and sacked if required.
Now with one of the Lib-Dems taking expenses and paying his gay lover the money, they have tried to play it down.
This cannot be done they have stated their mark and now have to play the game!
In my view, this will cause more splits in the coalition moving forward.
David Laws comitted to things here:
He fraudulently claimed expenses when it was clearly against the rules of the House of Commons.
He has tried to hide and lie about his sexuality and using it as an excuse for his fraudulent claims.
On this basis he is a liar on 2 counts and therfore should be sacked as un untrustworthy politician.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Oil must come down to about USD45

Why has oil gone up so much? Currently just under USD75
Because the Chinese have been manufacturing like mad and need the oil for their power.
Now there is a massive move for Austerity packages in the western world and in the USA, the cheap Chinese goods and manufacturing will go down and therefore the demand for oil from the chinese.
I believe that this should make oil fall quite a bit. However, will the governments let the petrol price drop . By experience earlier this year not at all, they need all the tax possible!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Expect another conflict in the Falklands

As oil has been found, expect another conflict in the Falklands.
The recent agreement in Afghanistan I think is an agreement on 2 fronts.

1. To give British troops much needed equipment that the UK government has reneged on and just not provided. Hopefully this will save our troops.
2. Support from the USA for a pending conflict in the Falklands. Oil has been found, which is waht is has always been about. Argentina has been getting support from the South American countries and this can be with direct assistance, opposing oiwnership at the UN and also blockading all supplies.

A third possibility is that for the world economies to start moving the USA must begin to improve it's own. What else according to history but another conflict for the USA to gets it's armament manufacturing moving again!! Something is afoot mark my words.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Germany is dictating Europe and killing the Euro

The difference in pricing between each country in the Euro was to do with the individual country's inflation rate. This was to be managed by the European Central Bank.
Unfortunately this has never worked and never will.
Now we have panic!!!
So Germany has now passed measures, without consultation with it's partners, to stop financial institutions 'selling short' any German company shares and financial instruments detrimental to the German economy.
Now how does this work when they control the other countries economies and the other countries can't do the same?
This is outrageous Protetcionism, which has taken years to be cut and now overnight the Germans bring it back.
This has to be the breaking of the backbone of the EU and the Euro as a currency.
It also makes you wonder why the European Central Bank in Germany wanted all kinds of reports and statistics from financial institutions?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ferguson the ex-Royal caught with hands in the till!

So Sarah Ferguson has been caught on camera selling herself for Stg500,000 to do favours for people. Of course she was selling herself for someone to gain access to Prince Andrew and his role as Ambassador for business ( or something .

The joke is that she isn't the only one and people have short memories.
Prince Andrew is a royal sponger of huge proportions
Prince Edward is a huge parasite
Oh God! yes then there is Princess Pushy from Austria - Baroness Marie-Christine von Reibnitz, daughter of Baron von Reibnitz and the former Countess Marianne Szapary, in Vienna.
Funnily enough she has been quite since her alleged affair broke out!
Viscount Linlkey has been a bit of a ponse in the past.

So she isn't the only one! It seems that there are still people trying to get Fergy!!

Shame the police don't deploy the same tactics when trying to catch criminals isn't it ????

Monday, May 24, 2010

Austerity cuts

Announcements today to cut spendingby Stg6bn.
I can see that civil service and governemtn depts will be cut,but to be honest, this isn't far enough. They can cut a lot more. They need a good business person to run this kingdom!

I am sure that there will be tax rises and there will be an outcry, but both Conservtaives and Lib-Dems are saying something has to be done now. They are right of course!

Unfortunately, speeding cameras are bringing in much needed rvenue so they won't go.

Dartford bridge brings in a minimum of Stg 80mio a year to each council for Essex and Kent, so that won't go.

If you want to read what is likely to be cut please see the link below:

Austerity cuts!

Announcements today to cut spendingby Stg6bn.
I can see that civil service and governemtn depts will be cut,but to be honest, this isn't far enough. They can cut a lot more. They need a good business person to run this kingdom!

I am sure that there will be tax rises and there will be an outcry, but both Conservtaives and Lib-Dems are saying something has to be done now. They are right of course!

Unfortunately, speeding cameras are bringing in much needed rvenue so they won't go.

Dartford bridge brings in a minimum of Stg 80mio a year to each council for Essex and Kent, so that won't go.

If you want to read what is likely to be cut please see the link below:

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cutting funding for the debt

Cameron has announced over Stg500 mio of cost cuts to quangos.
This is a realisation of what we all knew, that they are a waste of time!

What they have also realized is the wastage of expenses and freebies. i.e. £125 million on taxis; £320 million on hotels; £70 million on flights; £3 billion overall on travel; £580 million on office furniture and £1 billion on advertising

This is proposterous!
I know that they must have these items but we all know they abuse them as well as look after their mistresses and family on them

We as voters know it goes on, so why the hell haven't we done anything about it before??
I mentioned in an earlier blog that Lord Hanningfield replaced a new carpet because he didn't like the colour at a cost of Stg 7000.
We don't get to hear about it and the local govt officers don't like to rock any boats.
Now the Lord is being investigated for wrong doings and could possibly be charged.
This type of wastage of our money he bloody well should be!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

British Troops to be managed by USA is a disaster

Let's face it the British are revered for their toughness and prowess.
USA is known for bravado and collateral damage.

Look at the history:
2nd World war they landed on wrong beaches
Granada they walked into a wall of troops when they was told it was empty
Look at Vietnam
Look at Iraq etc and they had to rely on the Brits.

This is most probably for the Americans to supply us with helicopters etc so we don't keep getting blown up.

Who on earth allowed this??
Dr Liam Fox is correct-get us out!!

Besides our troops will be needed in the Falklands soon, mark my words!!!!

Mandelson is at it again

Peter Mandelson must use so much vaseline that he supports the manufacturers!

He has been kicked out of Cabinet twice and then got back in.
He recently tried to become head of the Labour.

Again he is caught having dinner with Russian billionaires and allegedly had his palm greased again.
These are only alleged news paper investigations.

But Common Sense has to prevail. He has had so many of these alleged items, that there is never smoke without fire, especially from a guy who took his Brazilian much younger man person to Brussels with him, had a luxury dwelling and got his lover a job as well as loads of cash.
Where ever he sits there are rumours about his antics! My Father would turn in his grave.

He is well known to lose jobs and the recent Vauxhall is a prime case. I said this in my blog (please look at the historyof my blog)that they were doomed to lose a good portion of their jobs as his word means nothing especially when the German minister spoke to the company that bought them out without him saying anything. I am not sure but I think the plant has closed down or is very minimal with a loss of about 4500 jobs.
The guy is a slime ball and should be kicked into touch at long last. Send him to voluntary retirment to Brazil, where he can do what he likes to do at his heart's content!!

Anyway back to the article. He did a deal (allegedly) which I am sure he pocketed a good amount and more jobs were lost. Why elkse wouyld a Russian Oligarch take him by private jet and have dinner with him???? You don't do this for nothing, as we say on the East End of London Streets!

Euro must change to exist!

After 10 years the Euro is about change.
As I have said before, how can 1 Central bank govern different economies, when each country is different?
How can prices only differ in other countries according to inflation.

Both Germany and France when creating the Euro wanted UK help to stop one of the other two gaining power and the UK refused to get involved.
In fact the UK has done brilliant from the Euro by staying out of it with regards to exports. 45% approx of our exports go to Germany!

The question is: why on earth did Germany create the Euro when it had one of the strongest currencies in the world at the time.
A leaders ego springs to mind.
It appears that Germany Chancellor Kohl had doubts at the time and so did the French.

Now the Germans are licking their wounds and are trying to get UK backing to help.

Because of the way that Europe has made it's Constitution it needs the UK's backing in order to change the Euro and how it's managed.
This is where the UK will get their power back from the Eruo Bureacratic ponses with no common sense!!

However, this could cause the UK a political storm due to the Lib-Dems thoughts on Europe and the Conservatives.
The Conservatives must be strong and not weaken, otherwise we will become embroiled in the Euro nonesense.

For the Common man and about Greece - How can borrowing even more billions of Euros dig them out of the crap. The interest payments alone can't be paid by their Olive harvests!!!

Only 16 out of 27 countries in the EU have adopted the Euro, doesn't that tell you something???? Maybe we will take what we can from these idiots, but not take their currency and save our economies from being taken over by Heir or Monsieur something or other.

Italy, Spain and Portugal are also in trouble so the bailing out has not stopped. The French do nothing apart from Hot air and the Germans cannot afford anymore.

After so many years of managing their economy and currency they are in the position of not knowing what to do.
If you look at the French before the Euro, they were also in trouble!!

Each country must manages it's own economy and Interest rates.
Disband the Euro Central bank.
Forget Eutopia or Federalism

This will mean that inetest rates in countries will rise significantly, but this is part of Austerity-stop borrowing!!
Inflation may have to rise to save.

A plus side is that Consultants like me will be needed to break up the currencies and revert back!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh my God!!

Michelle Obama is in a row because the cream dress she wore was described as ' nude' which against her black body doesn't work!
I think she looked stunning in it no matter what colour either her or the dress was. However, the political correct brigade are at it again!
Hopefully President Obama will tell them all to get lost!

Arizona may cut off Los Angeles electricity which caters for about 25% because of something about illegal Mexicans! Is this a new civil war about to explode?

Again I re-iterate for our Prime Minister a few of things:

1. Allow immigrants but make them prove they have paid tax and N.I contributions for at least 3 years before they are allowed benefits

2. Use pensioners for social services. This makes use of expertise at a lower cost and helps everyone, including children who are being abused and the current social service people can't get the rose coloured glasses away from their university snotty noses!
3. Build a new airport in the Thames Estuary near Thurrock on the thousands of empty acres at Fords which is being wasted. All the surrounding area is in decline and needs the work!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

World Cup 2018 is stalled!!

If I was the Press Association I would come down heavily on the Mail on Sunday for exposing Lord Triesmnan's comments that has led to his resignation and the UK bid put into jeopardy for the World Cup 2018 bid.

The Mail on Sunday for short term exposure has now ruined a huge economy benefit, job benefit and reputation benefit.

The reporter and the editor should be sacked.
1. These were private comments
2. It seems to be a set up by one of Lord Triesmans ex-colleague or an implicit exposure of privacy. Has the Mail on Sunday used listening devices? I don't know but just after Britain put their bid in the press wants to throw it all away. This is sabotage and I think the UK secret service should investigate and expose the Mail on Sunday!

What they should have done was to take Lord Triesmans comments and investigated the Spanish and the Russians then that would have been a better story. As it is I think the Mail on Sunday will lose readers now and not gain anything from it apart from hostility if we lose the chance to stage the World cup again as we have the infrastructure and great stadiums!!!

Complete scandal by a bunch of jubboes!!

The Common Sense Party UK would demand an investigation into the practises and morals and ethics of the press.
Lib-Dem and Conservative Blueprint for UK Proposals

Cutting the deficit
THEY agreed to "significantly accelerated reduction" in £163billion deficit.
Public spending cuts main weapon, not new taxes.
Emergency budget within 50 days and £6bn cuts in spending this year.
Review on spending


review to be held in autumn.
50 days is before Autumn!

"Real" rise in NHS funding.
How will this be monitored to not spend on middle management?

Overseas aid to hit 0.7 per cent of UK's wealth.
This should be slashed. What is the actual amount?

Extra cash for poor pupils.
For what? Please spell out

New Trident nuclear deterrent to be "scrutinised" for value.
What defenses do we have now? A depleted armed forces!

Tax breaks and hikes

NATIONAL Insurance WILL rise 1p for 20million workers, but not employers.
So what happened to the comment that Public spending is the main weapon and not taxes?

Tax-free earnings to reach £10,000 in long term.
How long term?

Lib Dems can abstain on married tax breaks.
I bet they don’t mind receiving them unless most are unmarried!

Capital gains tax rises to match income tax.
This is an extra tax again!

Reform of the banks

NEW banking levy plus "robust" action on bonuses.
This will impose charges again to the customer and banks to move out of the UK!

Moves to make banks lend more, including loan guarantees.
How will they do this and when?

Independent commission to look at splitting banks.
Another commission. The FSA is ineffective they are saying!

Bank of England gets control over regulation.
Again FSA is ineffective! And may be disbanded

A cap on migrants

ANNUAL limit set on non-EU immigrants.
How many and how will they do this?

The deal will also stop migrant kids being locked up. But a Lib Dem plan for an amnesty for a million illegals is ditched.
Why can’t migrant kids be locked up? Are they different from UK kids? If a 15 year old murders someone he can’t be locked up for the crime but a UK kid can?

Parties will talk further on how to impose limits.
When and any deliverables?

Big voting shake-up

ELECTIONS every five years. Parliament disolved only if 55 per cent of MPs agree.
Not sure of the purpose on this and will need to see the reasons and the solutions

Referendum on a new voting system, but parties can be for or against. Voters can "recall" MPs. Committee to plan elected Lords.
What happened to a referendum?

Pensions and welfare

RETIREMENT age to be phased out. State pension age rises to 66, with basic rate linked to earnings.
Does this mean we can never retire?

Rewards for private welfare-to-work firms more closely linked to success.
Rewards for what?

Handouts only for those willing to work.
This doesn’t make sense to me.

New-look education

CHARITIES or firms can set up schools.
Back to old style schools and not a bad idea

More freedom over what kids learn.
Freedom for who and who will decide?

On universities, parties will wait for a report by Lord Browne.
Lib Dems can abstain if they oppose the Government's policy.
Not sure that this is democratic? Seems like a bail out!

Relations in Europe

NO more transfer of power to the EU, with any changes put to referendum.
Agreed and if possible pull out. France threatening UK now is not an EU policy!
The Government will not oppose Brussels increasing criminal justice powers.
This is a nightmare and should not be allowed. They can impose laws on us that are not beneficial.
i.e. you will imprison our criminals!

Parties ruled out joining Euro while this deal is in place.
explain ‘this deal’

Civil liberties

"FREEDOM Bill" to scrap ID cards, kids' database and new biometric passports.

Freedom of Information extended.
Agreed and this should be ALL information

Safeguards on DNA database.
How? So far the experience has not proven the case and the government is the biggest problem with hundreds of laptops going missing and some found on trains and taxis etc

Moves to stop anti-terror laws being misused and protect trial by jury.
Mis-used or not implemented. Please clarify

A greener country

"LIVE" readings on home electricity meters.
This is tax based

No new runways at Heathrow, Gatwick or Stansted.
No should be in the empty thousands of acres in the Thames Estuary where jobs are needed.

Duty on planes, not passengers, to stop airlines flying empty jets.
Eventually will go to passengers of course. Are they deluded?

Lib Dems can abstain on plans for more nuclear power.
Lib Dems don’t seem to want to vote for much do they!!! What are their solutions?

VaT and taxes

For those who read my blog will rememebr that I mentioned VaT would rise to 20%. It's hardly a surprise that a retailer is agreeing and already adjusting their prices.
I gues this will be announced very soon. Also, expect VaT to be introduced for items that are excluded at the moment.

The Government has to raise taxes and money soon!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lib-Dem and Conservative Blue Print for the UK

Lib-Dem and Conservative Blueprint for UK Proposals

THEY agreed to "significantly accelerated reduction" in £163billion deficit.
Public spending cuts main weapon, not new taxes.
Emergency budget within 50 days and £6bn cuts in spending this year.
Review on spending

review to be held in autumn.
50 days is before Autumn!
"Real" rise in NHS funding.
How will this be monitored to not spend on middle management?
Overseas aid to hit 0.7 per cent of UK's wealth.
This should be slashed. What is the actual amount?
Extra cash for poor pupils.
For what? Please spell out
New Trident nuclear deterrent to be "scrutinised" for value.
What defenses do we have now? A depleted armed forces!

NATIONAL Insurance WILL rise 1p for 20million workers, but not employers.
So what happened to the comment that Public spending is the main weapon and not taxes?
Tax-free earnings to reach £10,000 in long term.
How long term?
Lib Dems can abstain on married tax breaks.
I bet they don’t mind receiving them unless most are unmarried!
Capital gains tax rises to match income tax.
This is an extra tax again!

NEW banking levy plus "robust" action on bonuses.
This will impose charges again to the customer and banks to move out of the UK!
Moves to make banks lend more, including loan guarantees.
How will they do this and when?
Independent commission to look at splitting banks.
Another commission. The FSA is ineffective they are saying!
Bank of England gets control over regulation.
Again FSA is ineffective! And may be disbanded

ANNUAL limit set on non-EU immigrants.
How many and how will they do this?
The deal will also stop migrant kids being locked up. But a Lib Dem plan for an amnesty for a million illegals is ditched.
Why can’t migrant kids be locked up? Are they different from UK kids? If a 15 year old murders someone he can’t be locked up for the crime but a UK kid can?
Parties will talk further on how to impose limits.
When and any deliverables?

ELECTIONS every five years. Parliament disolved only if 55 per cent of MPs agree.
Not sure of the purpose on this and will need to see the reasons and the solutions
Referendum on a new voting system, but parties can be for or against.
SO the parties can disagree with the voters referendum?
Voters can "recall" MPs.
Why?I guess this is from their very long summer break
Committee to plan elected Lords.

RETIREMENT age to be phased out. State pension age rises to 66, with basic rate linked to earnings.
Does this mean we can never retire?
Rewards for private welfare-to-work firms more closely linked to success.
Rewards for what?
Handouts only for those willing to work.
This doesn’t make sense to me. Why handout if they don't want to work?

CHARITIES or firms can set up schools.
Back to old style schools and not a bad idea
More freedom over what kids learn.
Freedom for who and who will decide?
On universities, parties will wait for a report by Lord Browne.
Lib Dems can abstain if they oppose the Government's policy.
Not sure that this is democratic? Seems like a bail out!
Relations in Europe
NO more transfer of power to the EU, with any changes put to referendum.
Agreed and if possible pull out. France threatening UK now is not an EU policy!
The Government will not oppose Brussels increasing criminal justice powers.
This is a nightmare and should not be allowed. They can impose laws on us that are not beneficial.
i.e. you will imprison our criminals!
Parties ruled out joining Euro while this deal is in place.
explain ‘this deal’

"FREEDOM Bill" to scrap ID cards, kids' database and new biometric passports.
Freedom of Information extended.
Agreed and this should be ALL information
Safeguards on DNA database.
How? So far the experience has not proven the case and the government is the biggest problem with hundreds of laptops going missing and some found on trains and taxis etc
Moves to stop anti-terror laws being misused and protect trial by jury.
Mis-used or not implemented. Please clarify

"LIVE" readings on home electricity meters.
This is tax based
No new runways at Heathrow, Gatwick or Stansted.
No should be in the empty thousands of acres in the Thames Estuary where jobs are needed.
Duty on planes, not passengers, to stop airlines flying empty jets.
Eventually will go to passengers of course. Are they deluded?
Lib Dems can abstain on plans for more nuclear power.
Lib Dems don’t seem to want to vote for much do they!!! What are their solutions?/

UK Banking

So the Liberals and the Conservatives plan to investigate the banks and their activities. How do they propose to do this?
If it's the FSA then they are on a loser and very expensive investigation and one which will be a fudge.
Is this the bfirst signs of banks moving away from London? we shall see.
The bonuses have been rediculous and this has been a short term gain. The only people to benefit are those who have receiuved the bonuses and can now stop work and do their own thing.
HSBC moving back to HongKong! Hedged Funds to Switzerland! this is the start of it all.
Goodbye UK financial industry.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

UK has a government

Well the past 5 days has been an embarrassment to the UK political scene.
Anyway we have 2 progressive and young heads of parties.
The problem is that they are young and I guess at some stage will lock horns for a battle

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Total Confusion after the election

I know it seems to be exciting for the MP's, but from an outside world, there is chaos in UK politics. No decisive winner and yet the party that has the majority of seats can't seem to get into power!
The Liberal Democrats who are holding the cards at the moment show themselves as indecisive, which is what we all knew anyway.
Gordon Brown has at last offered his resignation and because of this the Lib Dems are willing to talk to the Labour party in sharing power.
Maybe it's me, but this is the party that has caused all the chaos in the first place and the total economic blow out.
Surely they can't get in again?
We will have people like Harriet Harman pressing ahead with absolutely stupid laws on Political Correctness as a major item!!!
No more ' what can we do for you/' but what can you do for me attitude has taken over in the UK politics.
Let's get real !!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

UK election

I can see that voters are rejecting Gordon Brown, thank goodness. I hope it's enough to give them a clear majority, otherwise it's a disaster.
Liberals after all the hoohah are nowhere to be seen. Still another 100 seats to be accounted for.
Then there will be the claim of rigging for the postal votes.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


It really can't be a surprise that they have found oil by the Falklands. It was obvious the other week when they tried to blockade the ships from an Argentinian port, that they must have known something at the time.
Expect the Argies to now complain to the U.N. and any other body that they should own the Falklands
Also, expect Argentina to make agreements with other South American countries to get Britain kicked out, block all parts for the drilling etc etc.
There will be another conflict, unless the UK pays the Argentinians something.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Christian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin

It seems that the Labour dictator state is in full swing !!

There is no such thing as ' Free speech' anymore in the UK and Europe.

Quote from the Daily Telegraphy 'Dale McAlpine was charged with causing “harassment, alarm or distress” after a homosexual police community support officer (PCSO) overheard him reciting a number of “sins” referred to in the Bible, including blasphemy, drunkenness and same sex relationships'

So it seems that the Bible that we Christians and the UK religion is based on, cannot be good anymore!!

The UK is becoming more and more outrageous and the bigots are winning!

The Common Sense Party UK would bring in common sense and bring back free speech and ban isiots moaning to police for pathetic complaints, because they want to cause trouble or do something with their days of boredom!! Thye don't like it, then leave the Uk, it's very simple isn't it ??