Friday, October 29, 2010

Housing and mortgages

I don't know how I am not a top Economist !!

UK increase in Funding EU surrender

I said it the other day and I think I am going to be right again.
Only I ma confused about the figures and percentages.

The other day I wrote that the EU wants an increase in Funding of Stg 840 million which I thought was a 6 pct increase.
Now Cameron is compromising from a NO INCREASE situation to a small increase 2.9 of Stg 430 million.
Now if you do the maths here there is a difference of Stg827 million.
So are we funding the ER by Stg 14 bn or 14.827 bn???

Which then changes the figures slightly and we could be increasing by 3 pct.

I said Cameron didn't have the balls to stand up to the EU MEP's who are demanding this increase. I am right of course!!!

We will hear the final result tonight no doubt of how much Cameron has caved in.
By the way, all of this increase by the members are to pay for salaries of existing MEP's or new ones from the lesser states forming more Quangos! JOBS FOR THE BOYS/GIRLS

A Elf & Safty warning!!!

Southampton NHS has gone stupid!

Halloween is full of tricks and games for the kids.
One of the games is Apple bobbing which involves placing Apples in a bucket of water and the Kids/Adults duck their heads in the water and try to grab an apple with their mouth and pull it out.

Southampton NHS has declared that it's dangerous and that people playing this game need:
++Goggles ( not sure if these are diving goggles) but it's about Cornea scratches and infections. Oh and the high velocity impact of an apple hitting the eye!
++Remove Apple stalks as it could cause people to be blinded

Guess the name of the consultant - Parwez Hossain
Yes another immigrant who has no sense of ancestry and tradition !!!

So a game that is done generally once a year and for about 5 mins is to be banned!!
I guess the hospitals will now refuse to treat people because they didn't have the Elf & Safty gear on!!

A bunch of prats down in Southampton by the sounds of it

Thursday, October 28, 2010

MEP's demanding 5.9% growth in UK's contribution to EU

Who do the MEP's think they are?
1. they are not elected
2. they are not accountable
3. they have no real agenda
4. they are expense parasites
5. half of them are crooks claiming wrong expenses and then never being sacked. Lot's of freebies
6. are in Brussels that has been nearly bankrupt twice but claim it almost annually

Via Yahoo:

Cameron budget plea to European leaders

David Cameron will appeal to fellow European leaders later to keep next year's EU budget as low as possible.Skip related content
The Prime Minister is expected to agree that the £107bn budget will increase by at least 2.9 per cent in 2011, despite previous British demands that it should not rise at all.
The UK's contribution could grow by more than £400 million, despite swingeing cuts across Whitehall.
But Mr Cameron has embarked on a diplomatic offensive by telephone to try to keep the rise to a minimum - and well below the 5.9 per cent demanded by MEPs.
His conversations with German chancellor Angela Merkel, French president Nicolas Sarkozy and European Council president Herman Van Rompuy came as he prepared to attend an EU summit in Brussels.
While the budget is not on the formal agenda, it will dominate conversations on the sidelines and in meetings between government heads and officials.
Mr Cameron, who will be attending his first EU summit as Prime Minister, has been calling for a freeze in the budget at a time when many countries, including the UK, are cutting spending.

Banking overhaul

Why is it that a merchant has refunded money to my  Bank Debit card last week, the merchant bank account has been debited and I am told it can take up to 10 working days?

This is pathetic and a rip off again from the banks.
They debit our accounts with the same day effect whether pending or not, but it takes an age to get the money back eventhough the money has been debited to the debtor.

In Europe the refund would be the same day so the UK banks have NO excuse at all as it's all electronic now

EU recovery (Not)

Let me re-iterate what I have said earlier.

The UK will not recover until 2013-2014.
Interest rates will head towards 15% and for Greece, Portugal, Spain will be the first to hit this level.

Enough said!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I am right again on House prices in the UK

Hello !!! people are waking up to what I have been saying !!

Is there really a recovery and why do Interest rates have to rise

I said months ago that Interest Rates will have to rise in the UK.
So now today we have 2 bits of news:
1. The recovery for last quarter was double than what was expected i.e. 0.8%
2. Interest rates will need to rise.

The first point is rediculous! We have massive unemployment, the banks are not lending, house prices are falling again, companies are going bust etc etc.
How the hell do they think we are recovering?? Even the man on the street can realize this isn't true.

On the second point, the Bank of England is always quick to raise rates at any mention of a recovery or good trade news. However, this isn't a proven recovery start and therefore any raise in rates will stop it again.
One point to make- IF the rates do rise you can bet your bottom dollar the banks will lend again when it gets to about 6 or 8%.

Unfortunately, no matter what Cameron says about the banks, he will not FORCE the banks to lend.
Ministers are too weak willed to do this !!

Geert Wilders gets a new bench of judges

This is my hero of the moment.
He tells the truth but then gets arrested.
He then becomes part of the coalition in Holland and still goes to trial.
He goes to court and then proves the judges are biased.

It cost Euro 1.5 million to get him to court.
Now they have to do it all over again.

The fact is that Geert will get let off in the end and he wins no matter what.

16.5 million approx people in Holland
of which 3 million approx are Turks and Maroccans that have 2 passports.
This 18% of the population have 2 passports but then if you take those that don't and also those that haven't been captured legally this must be near to 20%.
So a 5th of Holland are one of these nationalities and Muslims.
This isn't healthy for Holland, hence why Geert is speaking up

I don't blame him !!

Gipsies leapfrog 4,500 in housing list

Near to where I live in Essex, there are a bunch of gipsies going around in their caravans.
Now bear in mind they have no say, they originate mainly from Ireland and they wreck everything in their path and theft goes up immediately, where they move!

So we have a number of them in Essex where the local council are bending over backwards to give them housing in front of everyone else.
What is staggering is that they don't want a house, because they want to generally travel. What they want is like a
timeshare of various sites over the UK!!!

So (1) they leap over everyone (2) they refuse what they get.

My guess is because then the police can track what they do and they will have an address for benefits so they can't fiddle anymore.

Call me a cynic, but I bet I am not far from the truth.
I would tell them to get on their bike and cut all of their benefits as they have never paid any tax or stamp duty etc

Afghanistan crooks

AT long last the newspapers have woken up to one of my previous blogs.
Karzai and his family are taking bundles of cash from the likes of Iran in order to gain influence.

1. they are crooks
2. thye are getting money from everyone and yet have another agenda in the background.

Western world should expect this parasite to turn on them when a better offer comes in !!!
This will be soon.

Cost of EU increases

Funding the EU committees and agencies has more than tripled since 2005 and will reach STG 2billion by end of year. I am not sure if this includes the latest cap in hand STG 840 million.
The latest request is an increase of 6%, but what is happening with the other parasite countries?
David Cameron is in Brussels 'fighting' our cause, but he won't be as successful as Maggie Thatcher.

The European Commission is asking ON TOP of this a further 8% rise in 2011 budget to open 5 new agencies and boosting the budget of 47 others who already exist, who employ 10,000 people.
This stinks of jobs for the 'has beens and parasites'.

How can the EU not be involved in the austerity that all memeber countries are embroiled in.
Because they are NOT accountable to anyone. They are not elected, but it's jobs for the boys!!

Economical and Social Committee want STG 124 million in 2011.What for? arranging parties and travel???

Committee of the Regions ( have no idea) want STG 81 million

Come on voters start shouting more!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

UK makes agreement with Swiss Banking

Apparently, now the British Inland Revenue can ask Swiss banks for the accounts held by British Nationals.
This is so the Government can find monies, being hidden for tax reasons.
As the Swiss banking was based on being secretive etc, surely this means a pull out of funds and a downward turn of the banking system in Switzerland?

What happens AFTER the credit crunch?

WE can all see and feel the pinch from the new government.
What I am not hearing is what happens when it's all over?
Do taxes go back, does spending go back.
They are only asking us to put our hands in the pockets without a 'dangling carrot'!
Will be nice to have an incentive to our pain

Monday, October 25, 2010

Repayments of Deposits by financial companies

Why is it that companies take deposits from your cards with immediate effect and yet, when the deposits are due back it takes so long

e.g. Deposit from BMW dealer takes up to 10 working days
Deposit from car lease companies can take up to 10 weeks.

Why can't the Ombudsman or FSA do something about this !!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wikkileaks vs Hypocrits

There is an outcry about Wikkileaks publishing 400,000 documents about Iraq and the abuse.
To be honest I can't see what the hell there is an outcry about!

War is War and always has been, and if you look back to the Ottoman Empire they were just savages in war.
So now there is an outcry by the fact that the Iraqis tortured people and the U.S. knew about it!
Well the enemy cut off people heads on the web! so what is worse??

As the Bible and Quran says 'an eye for an eye'.

Why are these do gooders getting involved?

If the enemy is killing and torturing our people then do the same, we can't ask them first if we can shoot them!!!

EVERYTHING goes in cycles, so watch the world as it starts to go back a couple of hundred years!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Muslims vs UK Nationals

A Cafe in UK with an English wife and a Turkish Husband.
Cafe been going for some time and serves all kinds of food including bacon.

Now the local council has told them to get rid of their air extractor fan ( obviously against elf and Igene)
because the muslims don't like the smell of bacon.

H.A.B. and tell the muslims to move elsewhere or take a  detour!!!!

So it would work if they buried a pig in the New York site!!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Now the hidden taxes are being revealed!!

As I said this morning, the cuts just don't add up to me and the amounts mentioned. This means I indicated that things were hidden or just not advertised as well.

Here is the first hidden tax realized and is equal to about Stg 1 billion!!!

Budget cuts don't make sense

Firstly, I don't have ALL the figures, but I have pulled out most.
The totals I have don't come near to the figures promoted.
What does stick out like sore thumb are:

International Development an increase of Stg 3.7 bln which equates to +47%
Why? these are handouts to countries where most goes on corruption!

Intelligence and increase of Stg 100 mio or +4.7% when all we hear is that cyber wars and terrorist are our biggest threat!

Work and Pensions decrease Stg 9.3bln which is 9.3%

Energy and Climate change increase of Stg 800 million or +27%
Environment, food and rural affairs decrease of Stg 700 million or -24%

N.Ireland, Scotland and Wales decrease of Stg 1.1 bln or -2%
But this won't be true as Wales has announced free prescriptions so costs will rise.
Why is it that only the UK has to pay???? If we made these countries pay for prescriptions it will cut costs quite a bit.

The cuts have a certain amount of  presumption included and I can say that most of these will not be correct.

So from Stg 81bln I expect a reduction of this figure to about Stg 15 bln.

How on Earth can the EU want an Extra STG 840 million from UK

This has to be the biggest joke going !!!

So let me put this into context:

Greece big takers from EU and now Bust
Spain Same
Portugal Same
Several other countries Same

UK announces the biggest cut backs and taxation in 75 years and now the plonkers from the EU want some of our money as well.
Well as far as the CommonSense party is concerned we should cut back on donations abroad, cut back on EU funding.
The new aircraft carriers which we are building ( no other country) is going to be used for USA and FRENCH planes and I guess other EU countries!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A native parasite !

Kelly Marshall claims STG 29,000 benefits each year and is a well known thief, who uses her kids and a pram  as cover.
What is bad about this case is that she spends money and claim NHS free surgery for cosmetic surgery.
She has had her boobs made from 34a to 34DD on us tax payers.

Surely the local government and NHS should be able to stop this parasite.
I wouldn't mind but the boob job hasn't helped her looks!!!

Abu " the hook" Hamza is still costing the UK tax payer

So far he has racked up STG 3,5 million of legal bills in his bid NOT to be deported.

1. Wouldn't it be cheaper just to get rid of him
2. Why is he allowed to hire 3 QC barristers AND 3 solicitors to support him, isn't 1 enough
3. What the hell are they charging
4. What idiot allowed him legal support
5. Don't they realize he is taking the p*** ?

The Common Sense Party would make things very simple.
If convicted of racial hatred, ship them out on the first plane never to be allowed in again, even for a holiday or transferal of flights.

This will obviously save millions of pounds.

Again the government is an arse!

Saudi Prince found guilty of murder in London

Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser al Saud was found guilty at the Old Bailey of murdering Bandar Abdulaziz in a 'brutal' assault at their five-star hotel suite.

Of course the Prince will NOT spend much time in a UK jail.

1. The Saudi's will be very embarrassed that this has been in trial, not the fact that he is guilty!
2. The Saudi's will want this to go away very quickly
3. The Saudi's will threaten the UK with loss of contracts in Saudi Arabia if they don't send him back
4. The Saudi's will threaten problems for Brit's in Saudi Arabia
5. The Saudi's will offer new defence contracts as a payment

Taliban rule in Universities

Islamist extremists are beginning to rule our Universities.
In the City University in London they are engaged in "sub-criminal extremism", abusing staff and students and leaving them feeling threatened.

I can't understand why they can't kick them out then?

They are just parasites and scum of the earth.
Why do we tolerate this.
If someone is proven to be abusive etc then it can't be easy to ban them.
Maybe it's because the tutors and management are so weak they are too terrified to do this.
In which case close the University down !!!

NHS patients records online

Is the government that stupid that they will allow this?
1. The NHS has failed many times in keeping patients records private, by losing them
2. This is open to abuse and fraud and will cost the government and the taxpayer dearly in false benefit claims from mafias and terrorist groups around the world.
3. The NHS cost the tax payer something like STG 2.5 billion in a failed IT development and implementation by Accenture.

This is a disaster !!! Just goes to show that the MP's and Committees really don't live in the real world!

Unbelieveable !!

I am either psychic or good at what I do.
Yesterday I said the cuts will affect about 500,000 jobs and today the headlines say exactly that.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Winston Churchill wisdom on taxation

Winston Churchill: “I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”

Big day for UK today as cuts to budgets are announced

I reckon that todays announcements will add 500,000 to the unemployed numbers.
Less staff in the civil service
Less soldiers and support people
Less teachers
etc etc

Now it's not the Conservatives fault, as they are just trying to cut the deficit to save interest and therefore tax payers money.
All Labour can do is to spout their mouths off as to how much and how quickly this is all happening. Of course NO apology for getting us in this mess. They are also arguing over the percentage of whether it's budget cuts or tax raises.
The Conservatives look like are doing 80% budget cuts and 20% tax raises.
Labour want 60% and 40% so what would you prefer??
The Conservatives have recognized that the government is ripping everyone off with their expenses etc, but unfortunately it just cuts the services as the civil service don't know how to manage. They are apes and running around like baboons (if possible!).

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Only Great Britain from the United Kingdom pay for prescriptions!

Today the Scot's have announced that they are to make prescriptions free, the same as Wales and Ireland.
Why is it we have to in the UK?
I just don't get this. The NHS needs funds desperately and here we are announcing free prescriptions, but not in the UK and the UK tax payers are paying for all of this free service to the other countries of the UK.

Where is the logic?

The population of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is approx. 10 million I would guess that prescription fees would fetch about Stg 250 million. Is this too small to sniff at???

We are being priced out of life!!

Councils are considering raising Council tax to fill the cuts in budgets.
Transport fares are threatening to rise 40% in the next 3-4 years
So far I reckon all of the announcements will cost the man on the street about 1500-2000 a year extra in tax at least.

Wait till the budget this month and you will see this rise even more.

Expect huge strikes in the next 6 months along with the strikes in Europe.
The Unions are just waiting for the budget to hit the new government hard.

More families will lose their homes
More families will be poor
More suicides
More alcoholism
More Heart attacks

But none of this will have been the governments fault both past and current!!

In the middle is the cost of the Olympics and this will come to about STG 20bln at the end, when it started off at STG 2.5bln !!
Tickets costs will prohibit the games being sold out and most games will be half to almost empty, partly in protest and mainly because people can't afford it.


At long last a Military bigwig has now agreed with me, that we couldn't protect the Falklands with the cuts.

I rest my case !!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

The new crusade begins !!

Retired French schoolteacher in 'niqab rage' case

Hillary steps into row about UK military budget cuts

Personally, I think it is right for the USA to step in and voice their concerns.
As you all know I have been worried for a while about this and no one in the government is listening or reading the newspapers and what people are saying.
The UK has an obligation to NATO on it's defense spending and it looks like the government will go below what each country has agreed to.
Also, the USA see the UK as their strongest supporter and don't trust anyone else, so if we cut to a degree that makes us ineffective I don't blame the USA stepping in.
The UK government has to listen and not get annoyed when the USA question what is Law under NATO!!
Otherwise NATO should suggest that the UK position is threatened as a major league player.

How stupid is the UK government with immigrants?

These are both true cases and examples of many others!

Toorpakai Saedi, an afghan single mother and her 7 children who live in a STG1.2 million house in Acton, west London, at a cost of STG 12,458 a month in housing benefit

Q1. Why is a single mother with 7 kids in London?
Q2. How on earth did she get here?

Case 2.
Abdi Nur, an out of work s
Somali bus conductor, his wife Sayruq and their 7 children have the rent to pay on a STG 2.1 million townhouse
in affluent Kensington, west London.
Granted asylum in 1999 and were housed in North-west London, before moving to escape what they described as "poor area" where shops closed too early in the evening!

Q1. Why do we need a Somali bus conductor?
Q2. 7 children must be a magic number?
Q3. How can they dictate to us where they live?

Of course this was the Labour government PC brigade, who have absolutely no idea they have been taken for a ride.
Why can't they take the place of British people who have to live in B&B with their families.
Otherwise I would ship them off to Lancashire or Yorkshire where there are many Muslims.
In Case1 Toorpaki looks very comfortable in her mansion and still wearing her burka and fresh roses all around her (picture from Sunday Times)!
If she didn't like her culture in Afghanistan and wanted to come to UK, I would have thought that she would try to blend in and not distinguish herself in a very hypocritical way!

The UK government should now review all cases and ship the spongers off to other areas where it is much cheaper to house them, or ship them back to their own country to live in squalor that they have come from.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another HMRC blunder

So the HMRC wanting to have all salaries paid to them rather than through the employers is looking decidedly ominous!!
As I mentioned in a previous blog this can cause terrible problems with the HMRC taking money when they want from salaries without any investigation into technical errors or human errors.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why Muslims like the UK

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Germans turn against Muslims

Look back on my blog and you will see comments to this previously.
Nationalities such as:

are now experiencing an undercurrent of displeasure about immigrants who are Muslim.

These mainly relate to:

who are in abundance in these countries.
Mark my words a modern day Crusade is forming!!

I told you Gordon Brown was a Scottish dictator!

Blair had a huge argument with Gordon Brown about Pension reforms, so Gordon Brown said that unless Blair let him publish a paper written by Adair Turner, he would demand an inquiry by the Labour Party's National Executive Committee into the loans for peerages. Tony didn't agree to blackmail.
So wihtin hours of the threat the Labour Party's Treasurer demanded an inquiry.

This led to all kinds of arrests and if you remember Lord Levy.

This also led to excessive use of Police power and basically stopped the Government from doing anything.
The police had dug a hole with their cavalier attitude hoping to get a big fish and also taking all emails and records from politicians and Downing Street for ten years!

All said and done, I kept warning about Dictator Brown and after all he is a Scottish git that has plunged the country into near bankruptcy.
Now the new Labour leader wants the UK voter to trust Labour again - NEVER!!!!

Race equality in UK

Trevor Phillips head of the Race Equality quango is in the press again.
This guy earns something like STG 150k a year most probably more and is one of the most racist people I know.
He rarely takes the side of a white person and certainly doesn't seem to understand it works both ways.
But as Trevor is black I guess we can't expect anything more.
He started as a 'B' class news reporter on TV and then landed this job several years ago. Recently there was a push to get rid of him, but he managed to survive.
Now the reports come out that Education is biased and that blacks, muslims and every other bugger is stepped on by whites.
This guy should be kicked out and another more arbitrary person put in the role that can see both sides of the coin!!!

IMF sort of agrees with me about the future

As most will know I have said that due to all of the decisions being made now by the European and American government over the economies, the only way out is a war.
'Lo and behold the IMF writes:
' When you lose your job, your health is likely to be worse. When you lose your job, the education of your children is likely to be worse. When you lose your job, social stability is likely to be worse- which threatens democracy and even peace...'

On top of that China refuses to revalue the Yuan and now USA may slap a tax on Chinese goods.
That will also decrease the usage of Oil to make their cheap products and shipping them to the Western world !!??? ehhh does that mean prices will rise and oil falls- what do I prefer????

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Eu agreement with India will open floodgates to UK

The Eu has made a trade agreement with India which also means that the gates are open for Indians to come to the UK.
This contradicts the governments pledge to stop immigration!
The EU seems bent on ruining the UK!
This will mean jobs going from the Brits.
This will mean benefits outgoing to foreigners
This will mean our tax hikes going to fund others
This will mean the UK going bust!!

UK house prices to fall significantly

Taking all of the tax rises and the Bank of England threats to cap mortgages and the cuts announced, my view is that house prices will fall 50% from current levels.
This will hit the market significantly, because of the negative equity to a huge percentage of House owners,
there will not be any movement. Not only that but the banks will refuse to lend money to people to maintain their house, so small skilled workers will lose work.
Again I repeat this will eventually need a war to get out of the spiral!

University fees in the UK vs Scotland

Cost of university tuition will soar to £36,000

Yet in Scotland the Scottish gits don't pay anything, but it's on the UK tax payer.
Why is this?
Why can't we start to charge the Scots?

Linda Norgrove: US handling of bungled rescue raises concern

Yet again the yanks screw up.
They kill the person they are going there to save!!!

They tell us how upto date their equipment is and how good their Seals are, but they screw up time after time!!!

They wanted glory, but have ended up with egg on their faces again.
I bet there is a Senate vote on money or a Committee meeting voting on a programme and they needed a success!

Anyway the upshot is they have killed a young British girl and they will class it as Collateral Damage!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

So much news- Police wasting money

After my blog on 6th Oct I have some real life proof of the stupidity of  the police force and legal departments.

Saturday I spoke to a C.I.D. guy and he was telling me that after investigating numerous thefts, 3 foreign guys were arrested. They were from an Eastern Bloc country of course!

Anyway he can normally figure out if they can speak English or not very quickly. Anyway on one interview he saw the guy was exaggerating his moves to the Translator. So he knew he could understand.
Anyway he spoke to the guy and English and was told by his boss not to etc.

Anyway as he took the guy out of the room, in a cockney accent the thief asked when his mates will be freed!!!!

So not only are we paying millions for translators but we are being taken for a ride.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Military bands ordered to wear earplugs!

Looks like some Elf & safty guru has stuck their nose in again and expects all of our military band players to be Beethovens (deaf).
So as they play, they must wear earplugs!
Even the Ministry of Defence is in disbelief of this action.
Can they not talk to Mr Pickles who is trying to do away with all this nonesense?
Who said that?

EU at it's most stupidness!

How can the current government try to stop wastage in the EU.
Set up a group of course called Eurosceptic Thinktank.

The Eurosceptic Thinktank launched a blistering attack on the EU Parliament and it's wastage (jollies) of money.

Guess who is funding this group?
Yes! you have it the EU to the tune of STG 500,000 a year.

NHS wasting money and blocking competition

We all know this, but no one does anything. Why else will they have 4 middle managers per patient?
Now it seems they only give contracts to those that over charge and will not threaten their power or introduce competition to make the NHS competitive and cheaper.
One surgeon says that he can do a hip replacement in 45 minutes whereas an NHS doctor takes 2.1/2 hours.
Wouldn't be foreign would he???

The NHS urgently needs an overhaul to make it a corporation and run like a business.
Maybe a performance related bonus make kick them in the arse!!

Police are wasting our money!

The Bedfordshire police force has spent Stg 357,595 this year for interpreters!
1,399 with translators charging Stg 66.76 an hour.
How many nationalities do they have in Bedford!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

IMF says Europe is in a depression

Again I hate to say it, but I said this about a year ago in this blog, if you want to go back and check.
If this is the case, how will Europe get out of it.
I suspect that the UK will be the first and how?
A war!!!!

This will come in the aspect of the Falklands soon.
Mark my words!!!

This is like killing 2 birds with 1 stone, because the government will suddenly realize that they can't cut the funding to the armed forces and also talk about modern warfare, when they will also need men on the ground!!

Jubboes spring to mind.

Wilders in Netherlands is correct

Gert Wilders is in court and it's being covered by SKY and other channels.
He is accused of creating terror by claiming that Islamists ( Fundamentals) are the scum of the earth.
Well he is right of course and we all know it.
I do 'cos I have lived and worked in the Middle East for 15 years.

The government have played right into his hands and they had no choice to take him to court, because they backed themselves into a corner.
Now they will lose on any count.
1. Wilders should get off, because he is now a politician, plus all he has to do is to show even an interview of some nutter in Iran this morning having a group and training them to kill Americans. Of course there are many videos of such things from Muslim countries. Also, Mr Wilders is claiming he has the right to say it as ' Free Speech' which is the constitution of a western country native. He has a point here !!!!
2. If he is convicted, then he will have more than enough press and support from all over Europe.

The Dutch Government has made a huge error with this.

I support Mr Wilders because he is correct about Islamists.
Here are a few questions for you to think about:
1. Why do Muslim families congregate together when moving abroad.
2. Why do Muslims want their own councils and laws where ever they live
3. Why can't Muslims denounce Islam without having a death threat against them
4. Why can't we mock Muslim faith as we do Christianity
5. Why are Islamists saying the world must convert to Islam without exception
6. Why am I seeing more on YouTube speaking out against Imams preaching death to the infadels
7. Why must there be a mosque in every country when Christians cannot have one in Saudi (it's illegal to practise Christianity), as an example
8. Why don't Muslims really integrate with other religions as the Quran preaches.
9. Isn't the Quran made up of the Old and New Testament- answer is yes!

There are many more questions, but I would bore you.

Anyway, good luck Mr Wilders and good on you for standing up to your rights!

Conservative Conference 2010 - Benefits change

So here is the news, the Conservatives are changing the benefits, and people with earnings of over Stg 44,000 will have their child benefits stopped.
Stg 44,000 is classed as high earners, which actually isn't the case in all events!
If you take all tax increases now then these people earn considerably less than others.

So lets run through the figures a bit.
We will use a typical family with 2 children and 2 parents (is this typical?)
One family will have one earner at Stg 84,000 and another will have 2 earners of Stg 42,000

Single earner tax is Stg 23,530 per year
Single earner National Insurance is Stg 4600 per year = Stg 28,130

Two earners tax is Stg 14,210 per year and National Insurance is Stg 7,982 per year = Stg 22,192

This means that the single earner family earns Stg 5,938 a year less than the two earner family.

Child benefit loss for 1 earning family = Stg 20 per week for first sibling and then Stg 13.50 a week for the second = Stg 1,688.40

Child benefit loss for 2 earning family = 0

So the single earning family is Stg 7,626 approx worse off
So the accusation of a housewife being charged more is in fact correct.

What isn't being stipulated is the fact that foreigners can come to UK and claim all the benefits they want including child benefit.

Many instances where Estonians, Lithuanians, Polish and other EU poor countries are coming to UK and claiming Child benefit, when their families are in fact still back in their own country!!!
Wait till Turkey becomes a member, then we will see a huge hole in our benefits.
Where is the common sense in that?

So here we have proof for all of these useless EU countries, that have mafia type arranged claims and fraud groups.
It seems that they either don't have any or not enough benefits in their own country, so they come to the UK and steal ours and our government agrees to it! Even in Holland and Germany and France they are now reviewing this policy and it will change.
Can you imagine if we as UK residents went to Estonia and try to claim benefits? we will be laughed at and so we should do the same.

If you think about the logic. Countries want to come to the EU because they can rape much more money from other countries like UK,Holland,Germany and France than they can provide jobs and salaries to get tax from their own workers. No it's easier to rape other countries and let the personal income go up and spend in their own countries. It's easy politics and economical sense.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My blogs are being realized

Now come on! you have to admit, I am good!!

The government is now looking at another Heathrow in the Thames Estuary.
I said this about a year ago!

The Euro is failing!
Now this guy thinks the same!!

This is why I write this blog. To prove to myself and to others how good I am

Overhaul of the UK benefits system will not save!

It's OK to try and change the National Benefit and Welfare system, but not  alot will change unless you overhaul who can claim!
i.e stop non-UK National Insurance payers receiving benefits, as in, Estonians, Lithuanian, Turks etc etc
All that will happen to the new scheme, is that they will claim more!!

The founder of the Big Issue was talking about jobs in the UK, but what can you do when 95% of new jobs are going to Polish (mentioned in previous blogs)
After the Credit crunch, numbers of Polish have now gone above 500,000 in the UK, as was announced this week.

UK Defence budget

After my comments over the past week and Dr.Liam Fox, David Cameron has come out in the newspapers and said he is overhauling the UK Armed Forces and that they will have the means to work in Afghanistan.
So far I haven't read any detail as there isn't any. Anyway, with the Conservative annual meeting this week in Birmingham, I hope that we will get an insight as to what he intends!
I am still worried about the Falklands though !!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Harriet Harmen's ego

As you all know, I think Harriet Harmen is a complete waste of space, with her last couple of years in power with Labour, passing nonsensical equality laws.
She has always been a parasite and a brown noser as the Sun recently caught her out at the Labour conference.
Her husband obviously knows this, as he has fixed a SKY vote for her, to be the most fanciable woman MP, when in fact it was Gloria De Piero ( Harriet is 60 and Gloria is 37 slim and pretty).
 So it seems that the whole family hold no bounds into what they want to fix to boost their egos.

Bank of England to get tougher on Mortgage

The Bank of England is to impose much more stricter rules for obtaining a mortgage.
I have said previously at least twice that this will bring values of houses down and to kill the economy and it's recovery.
First time buyers will not be able to get mortgages unless they have saved about Stg50,000 for a deposit. Who can do that?
If there are no first time buyers then there is no second tier movement.
Then there will be a reduction in house building which leads to unemployment, which then leads to house repossessions!
What they hell are they doing?????
I wrote to the Bank of England to tell them this, but got a reply which basically said "Sod off, we know it all !"
Well expect me to say in 1 years time " I told you so!"