Today it seems the influential Institute for for Public Policy Research agrees with me.
1. The figures don't count for EU migrants. This means that if the Greeks, Spanish, Irish etc want to come and work in the UK as they can't get jobs in their own countries, the UK government CANNOT do anything.
2. 500,000 ethnic Hungarians living in non-EU countries could come to the UK in the New Year.
3. 100,000 fewer people leaving the UK
4. net 200,000 migrants increase the UK population.
5. Each working fam,ily now have to pay out STG 30,000 a year to pay for migrants and other peoples benefits
6. taking into account the figures I have shown over the past few weeks we can see that for each family a total of
STG 10,000 plus is now leaving our pockets and it still hasn't finished.
Most of 2 and 4 will claim benefits
As I said this cannot be sustained and something has to give.
- My choices are:
- Civil Unrest
- Bankruptcy for UK and population
- Another war
My betting is on 4