What sicko in the quango run by Trevor Philllips (The Equality and Human Rights Commission- name says it all) thought of this idea??
The quango is stating: ' Existing evidence shows that it is practically and ethically possible to ask adolescents about their sexuality'
Where is the evidence to show this?? Of course we won't see it.
It is ALWAYS possible but it doesn't mean that children understand it.
In my day GAY meant to be happy, now it's a sad excuse for sponging from the government!
My 11 year olds I don't think understand what it really means.
Why are we subjecting children to this kind of torment when we should nurture their childhood.
I want to know:
Who thought of this idea?
What is the point?
Which minister sanctioned this?
Trevor Phillips has come up with some absolutely useless ideas like this before.
He is trying to justify his position again.
Now for some reason he is championing the rights of Gays, Lesbians, Trans-Sexuals, Trans-Gender, Gay Trans- Sexuals and Gender people etc etc.
This will leave the door open to paedophiles gaining access to children with the wrong intention, you watch
This quango should have been squashed with the cuts.
However, because Mr Phillips is black, we have to watch our backs.
What Mr Phillips doesn't really champion are the white mans rights against blacks.!!!
These people make me sick.
If I was in power I would disband this band of nonesense immediately and save money.
This guy gets Stg 150k a year plus all the expenses and added benefits.
The quango is stating: ' Existing evidence shows that it is practically and ethically possible to ask adolescents about their sexuality'
Where is the evidence to show this?? Of course we won't see it.
It is ALWAYS possible but it doesn't mean that children understand it.
In my day GAY meant to be happy, now it's a sad excuse for sponging from the government!
My 11 year olds I don't think understand what it really means.
Why are we subjecting children to this kind of torment when we should nurture their childhood.
I want to know:
Who thought of this idea?
What is the point?
Which minister sanctioned this?
Trevor Phillips has come up with some absolutely useless ideas like this before.
He is trying to justify his position again.
Now for some reason he is championing the rights of Gays, Lesbians, Trans-Sexuals, Trans-Gender, Gay Trans- Sexuals and Gender people etc etc.
This will leave the door open to paedophiles gaining access to children with the wrong intention, you watch
This quango should have been squashed with the cuts.
However, because Mr Phillips is black, we have to watch our backs.
What Mr Phillips doesn't really champion are the white mans rights against blacks.!!!
These people make me sick.
If I was in power I would disband this band of nonesense immediately and save money.
This guy gets Stg 150k a year plus all the expenses and added benefits.