Wednesday, March 30, 2011

11 year olds to be asked if they are Gay!!!

What sicko in the quango run by Trevor Philllips (The Equality and Human Rights Commission- name says it all) thought of this idea??

The quango is stating: ' Existing evidence shows that it is practically and ethically possible to ask adolescents about their sexuality'
Where is the evidence to show this?? Of course we won't see it.
It is ALWAYS possible but it doesn't mean that children understand it.

In my day GAY meant to be happy, now it's a sad excuse for sponging from the government!

My 11 year olds I don't think understand what it really means.
Why are we subjecting children to this kind of torment when we should nurture their childhood.

I want to know:
Who thought of this idea?
What is the point?
Which minister sanctioned this?

Trevor Phillips has come up with some absolutely useless ideas like this before.
He is trying to justify his position again.
Now for some reason he is championing the rights of Gays, Lesbians, Trans-Sexuals, Trans-Gender, Gay Trans- Sexuals and Gender people etc etc.

This will leave the door open to paedophiles gaining access to children with the wrong intention, you watch

This quango should have been squashed with the cuts.
However, because Mr Phillips is black, we have to watch our backs.
What Mr Phillips doesn't really champion are the white mans rights against blacks.!!!

These people make me sick.
If I was in power I would disband this band of nonesense immediately and save money.
This guy gets Stg 150k a year plus all the expenses and added benefits.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A question of confusion

As I am in  Munich,Germany I have noticed that the Germans diet here, is based around Pork (which I love) and beer.
So I am confused as to why there are so many Muslims here?
Or am I assuming incorrectly, that the majority of the Turkish immigrants here are Muslim and not Christian!!
Seems to me to be a slight oxymoron or maybe just me being a moron.

Shortage of RAF pilots for Libya as defence budget cuts bite

Monday, March 28, 2011

Cost of the budget and bonuses

As usual the REAL cost of the budget is seeping out.
Nearly everyone with kids are going to lose.
What do you expect??

Isn't his what an Austerity package is?
It has to cost.

What I don't understand is why the Conservatives are so lame!
Look at Holland , my second home.
The people have all twittered etc on all channels and threatened ING to withdraw money if they pay bonuses to the bosses.
This would put a run on the bank which is supported by the government.
So the Dutch government then called a 100% tax on all bonuses.
Needless to say the ING bank has now stopped all bonuses.
Also what they did was make it retrospect for the past 2 financial years I believe.
What a fantastic whizz, why can't the UK do this???

Cost of the budget and bonuses

As usual the REAL cost of the budget is seeping out.
Nearly everyone with kids are going to lose.
What do you expect??

Isn't his what an Austerity package is?
It has to cost.

What I don't understand is why the Conservatives are so lame!
Look at Holland , my second home.
The people have all twittered etc on all channels and threatened ING to withdraw money if they pay bonuses to the bosses.
This would put a run on the bank which is supported by the government.
So the Dutch government then called a 100% tax on all bonuses.
Needless to say the ING bank has now stopped all bonuses.
Also what they did was make it retrospect for the past 2 financial years I believe.
What a fantastic whizz, why can't the UK do this???

Anarchy in London

Who in their right mind doesn't think that the usual hate mob will bombard such a large protest in London, that is being televised?
The Unions cannot say it wasn't there fault.
It was going to happen because IT ALWAYS happens!!
So we have at least Stg 5mio damage to shops. Now they should charge the organizers.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bank of England Economist says the public is losing faith

Mr Dale I think has his facts a little wrong.
We are trying to get out of a bad slump, the banks are not lending, but according to him the man on the street is worried about inflation.
I don't think so.
The man on the street is worried about surviving and keeping his house when he has no money!!!
Oh and we have a very high unemployment


The UK and the US as usual don@t have an exit strategy. The same as Afghanistan and Iraq!
When will they learn.

So when they get rid of Gaddafi who will take over. We have seen in Afghanistan that whoever, takes over they are just puppets there for the money!! Karzai and his family have somehow acquired properties all over the world!!

So The best thing would be for Gaddafi to get assassinated and then they have agreement with his playboy son.
At least we know whom we have and how to play him.He will always be looking over his shoulder.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Budget Day

What to expect:
Although petrol prices won't go up, look for the road tax to go up by about Stg 10 a year. This will be against a non-rise in petrol of 1-5 pence. Guess who wins?
Playing around with pensions will mean a loss to alot of people
Expect alcohol to go up quite abit.
Expect Cigarettes to go up by about 20p a pack
Maybe VAT on more items
No push to make banks lend
Expect about 50,000 new apprenticeships but this isn't good enough bearing in mind there are 1 millions people under 25 out of work. The minimum required would be 300,000. When will this come??
Expect cuts in NHS and other local services. This puts the doers out of work but not the managers.
Merging of the National Insurance and personal tax will increase taxation and not decrease it, be warned!
I hope a freeze on overseas donations or even a reduction is in the announcements.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cameron Public dispute

This article is about the dispute between the government and Britain’s senior military officer.
I must admit I was surprised reading yesterday that the USA and UK may try to take out Gaddafi.
I had read ages ago that there is some convention to say that governments cannot do this.
As I have said previously the Saudi want him out because he tried to assassinate the king Abdul not very long ago.
So why don't the Saudis do this anyway.
Because this is the way the Saudis do business, they let other people do the dirty work, so there is NO blame on them and because they can pay for it with arms orders etc.
Why don't Mossad do it??
This seems reasonable as the Israelis seem to be a law to themselves.Then Saudi can send money to them covertly!
Odds are that someone will do it as no one wants him in power. The Brits having sucked up to him under Labour are now very embarrassed and don't want the fallout if he lives on. So they will prefer a puppet regime.
If you take out the Father, you have to take the son as well!!
So we shall see.

Quran burning

So the Reverend Terry Jones has burnt the Quran.
Now watch for the fundamentalists to call for a fatwa against him.
If anything happens to him, then you can expect all hell to let loose in USA.

As I said months ago the crusade has begun!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Nuclear power

Basically Japan is a warning!
In Europe the proposed programmes are likely to be run by private or commercial companies.
No way on earth will they have the contingencies nor the cash to react to such a catastrophe.
In Japan if they had acted quickly and ensured that the reactors had water cooling then this wouldn't have happened.The fact that they didn't know what to do and if it was cost over benefit worthwhile, meant that a meltdown is inevitable.

The governments should take notice, but they won't

we are all doomed!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mr Berlusconi is trapped

It's not that people are outraged by Mr Berlusconi being with a prostitute. For gods sake at 74 and he can do it, is impressive.
It's from outside sources really and those who want to get rid of him.
Normal people in Italy don't find anything unusual in the usual behaviour of an Italian man.
It's the fact that the girl was a 17 year old.

I have a different perspective on the whole thing.
1. Assuming that Berlusconi uses reputable people or companies, then the agent MUST have known that she was 17 years old.
2. She was getting an obscene amount of money
3. She was getting a luxurious life
4. She MUST have enjoyed it 'cos she was a regular
5. She is now rich from all the interviews etc she is getting

I am sure I can think of other thing like her family are poor etc.

I am not condoning it, but there is always 2 sides to a story. Will the girl stop? I doubt it as she can now charge an absolute fortune to do it.

So if this is the only way that people can remove Berlusconi, then it won't work.
He managed to avoid it before and he will again. He is a Billionaire and has the mafia on his side, so don't expect him to go out of sight.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What is going on with the USA?

Why is President Obama staying quiet?
Conflict in the Libya and now Saudi in Bahrain!
Obama has backed off all conflicts.

Is the USA spread too thin with the Iraq and Afghanistan issues?

Now I fear that Bahrain will turn more towards Saudi and less of a freer society.

The Middle East is keen to get rid of Gaddafi because he tried to assinate the King of Saudi Arabia about a year ago and it is Saudi who is keen for the USA to get rid of Gaddafi while not leading themselves.

Maybe the USA isn't keen to help Saudi until they sign another arms deal!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Back to the 50's

The NHS may be reverting to partial private medical help, when the visitors get it free.
This is the same as before Bevan brought in the NHS.

There are rumours that the BBC will be closing down at night with the excuse that money will be diverted to more quality programmes. More like more expenses for the Fat Cats..
I remember this when I was 5 years old.

We are not a progressive country anymore but an imploding country.
Soon it looks like Africa will be more developed than we are!!!! with our money.

This is a very sad society we live in today.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Calls to sack the Duke of York

Ity states that the Duke is worried about his Trade Envoy role.
Well I guess he will lose all the perks and access to many people around the world to sponge off!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

European bond rates are moving higher

The debt crisis still continues with Greece, Portugal and Ireland having to pay near to 7% for 2 year money.
This has to be at 10% very soon.
As per previous blogs !!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Judges are destroying our values

Judges are becoming more and more nincompoops.
Basically idiots!!

The idiots in the European Court of Justice have stopped insurance companies in the UK providing women with cheaper insurance than men!
Now I think that this is discriminatory against women. Experience and history tells insurers that women have less accidents, so they are charged less.
This has to be a movement by the strong European Insurance companies getting their claws into judges and MEP's and therefore making more profits.
Plus it seems that it is something only the UK does and therefore has to go !!
The European Court of Justice blame the gender difference.
I haven't heard of any women in the UK complain as they normally do, have you???
I would like to know how they would handle a man who becomes a lesbian trans-sexual woman!!!

The second point is again based on my comment last week about the black couple with lots of love wanting to give a kid a home. However, because of their views on homosexuality, due to their religious beliefs have been told that they cannot foster.
What Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson implemented was to stop the protection of children up to 10 years old from inappropriate discussions, which can be construde as abusive to a  child up to 10 year old, maybe even older.

Now I wonder if this is backed by the fact that a council in the UK vetted a reporter for a job with them and then sent him to a childrens playcentre and didn't do any CRB check on him for child abuse and paedophilia.

So it seems one sided. I am an FA coach and MUST have a CRB check each 3 years, otherwise I cannot be left alone with kids for coaching. However, if you work for the council, you are free to do whatever you want with kids!!

Europe is a joke!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Prescriptions up in the UK by 20 pence

Why si there this injustice and explains why the NHS is falling apart

'England is the only part of Britain still charging for prescriptions. They are free in Wales and Northern Ireland and will be free in Scotland from April 1.'

At long last the Government offices are being exposed.

The MOD wanted a light bulb changed.
So a 65p light bulb cost Stg 22 to change.
Must have been the cost of the many civil servants it took to watch!!
This is just one example now published as wastage in the ministries.

Another story is that the funding for a UN office is about to be cut off by Britain because they cannot substantiate what they spend their money on!!!

Come on let's have many more and save tghe tax payer money!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another unbelievable case in European courts of Political Correctness and insanity

2 lesbians in Germany decide to have a baby.
So they go and get a donor's sperm. Not sure if it's private or through a spermbank.
Anyway, they have a lovely baby (I guess) and then of course one loses income as the partner needs to stay at home and look after the baby.
What do they do???
Of course they go to court and sue the sperm donor for maintenance!!!.

This precedent was actually brought up in the UK some years ago, when children were allowed to get records from Fertility clinics.
On the basis that we haven't heard anything in the newspapers I guess either nothing happens or the cases are dropped.

But in this case it is something else:
1. These are 2 lesbians who investigated and decided on how to have children
2. No such thing as the immaculate conception
3. Lesbians, Male gays, Trans-sexuals etc are a minor group (apparently) and the courts tend to give in their favour.
4. If this couple win, it is likely to bring in some kind of racism, as men will not sign to give sperm away to non-heterosexuals.
5. Sperm donors will disappear for everyone
6. How does that leave the decision of a Christian couple to not let 2 male gays into their hotel based on their peruasion. Presumably the sperm donor will have the same problem.

These are the times we are having. It's PC gone completely mad.
Can we not have some CommonSense in our lives ?????

More troops to loose their jobs

I will say it again !
The Argentinians will soon make a move for the Falklands.
I can't imagine how short sighted these civil servants and politicians are!!

Basically, the UK is now indefensible ! AND cannot fulfil their UN pledge

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Britain cuts Foreign Aide

Thank goodness some Common Sense is applied.
We could cut even more and save billions of pounds.
Perhaps they should listen to me earlier!!!

The government are in trouble over forces

To tell the troops by email that they may lose their jobs is unforgivable even to David Cameron,
But to inform all 10,000 on the front line in Afghanistan, that they are all now vulnerable to lose their job is downright Treason or something similar.
They are there under pressure for a bunch of no hopers, getting shot or blown up and the government seems to have gone back on it's word to protect those on the front line.

The government are in DEEP trouble. David Cameron cannot back out of this one.
He is heading for self destruct!!!!

The person on the street isn't stupid.
The coalition are going down the same road as the new Labour did under Blair.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Foster parent ban: 'no place’ in the law for Christianity, High Court rules

2 things I want to know:

1. what happened to freedom of speech in our constitution?
2. Where is the Church? they should be screaming like crazy at this.

There is no place in British law for Christian beliefs, despite this country’s long history of religious observance and the traditions of the established Church, two High Court judges said on Monday.

Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson made the remarks when ruling on the case of a Christian couple who were told that they could not be foster carers because of their view that homosexuality is wrong.
The judges underlined that, in the case of fostering arrangements at least, the right of homosexuals to equality “should take precedence” over the right of Christians to manifest their beliefs and moral values.
In a ruling with potentially wide-ranging implications, the judges said Britain was a “largely secular”, multi-cultural country in which the laws of the realm “do not include Christianity”.
Campaigners for homosexual rights welcomed the judgment for placing “21st-century decency above 19th-century prejudice”. Christian campaigners claimed that it undermined the position of the Church of England.
The ruling in the case of Owen and Eunice Johns, from Derby, is the latest in a series of judgments in which Christians have been defeated in the courts for breaching equality laws by manifesting their beliefs on homosexuality.
Senior churchmen, including Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, recently began a campaign urging Christians to stand up for their rights and have petitioned the Prime Minister to review human rights laws.
In their ruling yesterday, the judges complained that it was not yet “well understood” that British society was largely secular and that the law has no place for Christianity.
“Although historically this country is part of the Christian West, and although it has an established church which is Christian, there have been enormous changes in the social and religious life of our country over the last century,” they said.
It was a “paradox” that society has become simultaneously both increasingly secular and increasingly diverse in religious affiliation, they said.
“We sit as secular judges serving a multicultural community of many faiths. We are sworn (we quote the judicial oath) to 'do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of this realm, without fear or favour, affection or ill will’.”
The judges acknowledged that there was a “tension” in the case of Mr and Mrs Johns between the rights of individuals to maintain their religious beliefs and the rights of homosexual people to live free from discrimination.
However, when fostering regulations were taken into account, “the equality provisions concerning sexual orientation should take precedence” over religious rights, they said.
Andrea Williams, from the Christian Legal Centre, which backed the Johns’s case, said the ruling “undermines the position of the established Church” in England.
The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the former bishop of Rochester, described the judgment as “absurd”. He pointed out the monarch took a coronation oath promising to uphold the laws of God, while Acts of Parliament are passed with the consent of “the Lords Spiritual”, and the Queen’s Speech finishes with a blessing from Almighty God.
“To say that this is a secular country is certainly wrong,” he said.
“However, what really worries me about this spate of judgments is that they leave no room for the conscience of believers of whatever kind. This will exclude Christians, Muslims and Orthodox Jews from whole swaths of public life, including adoption and fostering.”
Speaking personally, Canon Dr Chris Sugden, the executive secretary of Anglican Mainstream, said the judges were wrong to say religion was a matter of private individuals’ beliefs.
“They are treating religion like Richard Dawkins does, as if Christian faith was on a parallel with Melanesian frog worship,” he said.
“The judgment asserts that there is no hierarchy of rights, but itself implies there is one in which the right to practise one’s religion is subordinated to the secular assumptions about equality.”
(Daily Telegraph)