Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Britain cannot deport dangerous immigrant criminals say EU judges

Who are these Judges. As I said before sack them all!!!

Undesirable or dangerous immigrants who may face ill-treatment at home cannot be deported, no matter how bad their crimes in Britain, human rights judges have ruled.

Britain cannot deport dangerous immigrant criminals say EU judges
Undesirable or dangerous immigrants who may face ill-treatment at home cannot be deported Photo: ALAMY
In a test case ahead of more than 200 similar actions pending against the UK, the Strasbourg judges decreed that the UK's duty to protect people against torture or inhuman treatment is ''absolute''.
The case involved two Somalis facing enforced return to Mogadishu after receiving convictions in the UK for serious criminal offences.
The European Court of Human Rights awarded Abdisamad Adow Sufi and Abdiaziz Ibrahim Elmi, both currently in UK immigration detention centres, 14,500 euros and 7,500 euro respectively for costs and expenses in bringing the case.
Sufi, 24, claimed asylum in the UK in 2003 on the grounds that he belonged to a minority clan persecuted by Somali militia. His account was rejected as not credible and asylum refused.
Elmi, 42, arrived in the UK in 1988 and was granted leave to stay as a refugee in 1989, renewed indefinitely in 1993.
After convictions for a number of serious criminal offences - including burglary and threats to kill in Sufi's case, and robbery and supplying class A drugs cocaine and heroine in Elmi's case - they were issued with deportation orders. Their UK appeals that they risked being ill-treated or killed if returned to Mogadishu were rejected.
The European Court of Human Rights blocked their deportation pending a hearing of their appeals to the Strasbourg court.
On Tuesday the seven-judge court ruled unanimously that deporting them would breach the Human Rights Convention Article 3 which bans ''inhuman or degrading treatment''.
The ruling said: ''The court reiterated that the prohibition of torture and of inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is absolute, irrespective of the victims' conduct.
''Consequently, the applicants' behaviour, however undesirable or dangerous, could not be taken into account.''
The judges said no one disputed that, towards the end of 2008, Mogadishu was not a safe place to live for the majority of its citizens. The situation had deteriorated since then.
The ruling cited the UK's own Asylum and Immigration Tribunal which acknowledged the dangers, while saying it was possible that individuals with connections to powerful people in Mogadishu might be able to live there safely. Anyone else being returned would face a real risk of persecution or serious harm, although those whose home area was in any part of southern and central Somalia might be able to go back in safety and without undue hardship.
Human Rights Watch described the situation in Mogadishu as ''one of the world's worst human rights catastrophes''.
The judges concluded that the general level of violence in Mogadishu ''was of sufficient intensity to pose a real risk of treatment in breach of Article 3 to anyone in the capital''.
The judgment described the case as the ''lead case'' against the UK, with 214 similar cases pending before the same court


So far all that I have said is coming true.
here is another bit for you all.

Greece has announced that it is selling some of it's assets totalling €50 billion.

39 Airports
State horse racing company 
Casino Mont Parnes
Three Gold mines
Two Defence companies.

I would think China will buy:
Maybe Waterways if linked to the Ports
3 Gold Mines
2 Defence Companies

Again, Mark my words!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

OFT ruling on debit cards

The Office of Fair Trading has ruled that companies can NO longer charge for debit bards.
The cheap airlines charge for each transaction and obtain extra fees. In Ryanair vase it's Stg16 per round trip and with Easyjet it is Stg 6.

Hooray I hear you say!

Just look at the fares from tonight.
Amazingly they will go up:
Ryanair Stg 8 per leg
Easyjet Stg6

Monday, June 27, 2011

China's Premier Seals £1.4bn Deals With UK

Well you can bet your life this isn't as big as the Prime Minister wanted.
But let's take a look at the implications of what China is doing!
I have already said that they have taken over 30% of the Far East natural mineral companies and 95% of the Rare Earth materials and National Grid companies.
Now they are :
1. Buying Euro bonds
2. Investing more into Europe

You can expect them to buy most of Greece as a means to help them, however, remember Greece was known for it's ship building! Ideal for their new battle fleet they are building.
Then after all of this they can hold the Western world to ransom.
Remember the Chinese are cunning and they are undermining the USA , but the USA hasn't realized yet!!

From Sky news

China's premier Wen Jiabao has held a summit with David Cameron at Downing Street - where they have agreed deals worth £1.4bn to British business.
The Prime Minister said they had "worked to deepen the dialogue on bilateral trade".
The Chinese premier was also questioned on human rights abuses in the country, with Mr Cameron insisting the issue was not "off limits" during the talks.
Mr Wen said China was "committed to the respect and protection of human rights" and added that Britain and Beijing had to treat each other as "equals" on the issue.
He stressed that China was pursuing "political structural reform and improvement of democracy and the rule of law" as well as economic growth.
It is the second day of Mr Wen's three-day visit to the UK, which a No 10 spokesman says marks the next step in "our strengthened relationship" with China.
The two leaders have signed an agreement enabling UK firms to exploit opportunities beyond Beijing and Shanghai in China's fast-growing regional cities.
The deal is expected to create opportunities in architecture, civil engineering and research and development.
The British poultry market is also to be allowed to export to China and deals for the supply of pigs are to be agreed at the summit between the two countries.
Along with promoting business opportunities in China, the gathering is also seen as a chance to engage Chinese leaders on the country's dubious human rights record.
Downing Street has made clear it regards freedom of speech and the rule of law as essential to the long-term prosperity and stability of the world's fastest-growing major economy.
Mr Wen, who arrived in the UK on Saturday night and visited Stratford-upon-Avon and Longbridge on Sunday, is accompanied by other high-ranking members of the Chinese government.
He faced human rights protests outside the factory - with several dozen demonstrators waving placards denouncing China's human rights record.
Mr Cameron will be joined for the UK-China Summit by Foreign Secretary William Hague and Chancellor George Osborne .

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

2011 census is hacked by a boy in Wickford Essex from the government!

So it is illegal not to have completed a census form for the UK government.
Then a team which includes a 19 year old from Wickford Essex hacks it all!

And the government tells us they are safe.
The government is the biggest Operational Risk for our identities than anyone else.

I reckon there has been at least 10 times our details have gone missing from:
other Civil servants

They spend out tax money and can't even get it right!

Greece debt

While the UK papers underplay the Greek debt by saying the first tranche was about € 100 bln and now another €110 billion, In fact the German newspapers are already quoting €350 billion.
So even with the latest funding mentioned there is still a shortfall of €140 billion!

There is no way Greece can get out of this.

Even with Greece defaulting this will mean everyone is hit including the U.S. with Letter of Credit debt etc.
The IMF will take an enormous hit as will the European Central Bank.

So we may just as well get it out of the way.

What plans are under way to make a bankrupt country, liquid again?
How will people get paid.
Will we return to bartering?

UK funding Greece and other EU countries

Although the UK government is saying that they are not funding the catastrophe in Greece and other countries, we are in fact !
The IMF has secured from the UK a further Stg10billion.
Who is lending to Greece ?
Yes you have it the IMF!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Facebook decline

As I said a couple of weeks ago people will turn off from Facebook and look what's happening.
What I find amazing is that the press are saying that it's losing it's interest and it's boring.

Come on give the person on the street some credibility. It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that they are downloading apps to Facebook to obtain illegal information will it??? As I mentioned !!

Trevor Phillips is sticking his nose in and gets it completely wrong again

This guy has a long standing history of being utterly wrong and yet he has a mega salary for Racial Equality.
He now is stating that Christians have it wrong and in fact Muslims are integrating better than Christians.
Unlike me(15 years) he has NO experience of living in a Muslim country and nor does he see beyond the end of his nose.
If he read papaers and talked to European countries he would know that:
Angela Merkel
Nik Sarkozi
and more

Have stated that Muslims DO NOT integrate and it's a fact.
Pakistanis have their groups in UK
Arabs have their own areas and other Muslim communities do.
Because they cannot afford corruption from outsiders.
So his article is absolute rubbish and I wished the government gave him the sack
 because he has no value whatsoever.

Chinese own 95% of the Rare Earth elements

Now most people wouldn't have heard if this. But there are Earth elements we use for all kinds of items:
Welding Masks
Camera lenses
Colourant for glasses and enamel
Xray tubes

See the link.

Now the Chinese now own 95% of this, plus a huge chunk of raw materials.
Our politicians are oblivious to this, but even a numbskull can see what is happening here.
The U.S. has given up as this is expensive and it involves open mines.

eventually the Chinese will hold us ALL to ransom!!

Frank Fields is spot on! 9 out of 10 jobs go to migrants

My son applied for a job on the 2012 arena in east London.
He met a site forman who advised him that he had to apply to the Tower Hamlets council (full of migrants)
but he said you are wasting your time as 95% of workers here are Polish!

So those who are English and live in the area have no chance of work because of migrants.
What is the UK coming to.
Oh yes I know - not the UK anymore.
William Shakespeare will be turning in his grave!!!

The CommonSense Party Uk will always put UK nationals as priority for jobs!!!

Britons are in hard times

As I have said before, more and more people will be in trouble and need govt support.

This latest article just backs up what I have been saying. again there is a certain baseline when people won't be able to borrow anymore!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Muslim inbreeding report

1400 Years of Inbreeding

A Huge Muslim Problem

By Bryan Fischer Focal Point

Nicolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive 
research into a little-known problem in the Muslim world: the 
disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage 
of first-cousins.

This practice, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian 
tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has 
been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world.

This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world, 
since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, 
including marriage.

The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually 
irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage 
to its intelligence, sanity, and health.

According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are 
inbred. In Pakistan, the numbers approach 70%. Even in England, more 
than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, 
and in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.

The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim 
countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia, 64% in Jordan, and Kuwait, 63% in 
Sudan, 60% in Iraq, and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

According to the BBC, this Pakistani, Muslim-inspired inbreeding is 
thought to explain the probability that a British Pakistani family is 
more than 13 times as likely to have children with recessive genetic 
disorders. While Pakistanis are responsible for three percent of the 
births in the UK, they account for 33% of children with genetic birth 

The risk of what are called autosomal recessive disorders such as 
cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher and the 
risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher.

Other negative consequences of inbreeding include a 100 percent 
increase in the risk of stillbirths and a 50% increase in the 
possibility that a child will die during labor.

Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of 
Muslim marriage patterns. According to Sennels, research shows that 
children of consanguineous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and 
that social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies.

The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for 
being classified as "retarded," increases by an astonishing 400 percent 
among children of cousin marriages. A good source for suicide bombers, 

(Similar effects were seen in the Paranoiac dynasties in ancient Egypt 
and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a 
significant period of time.)

In Denmark, non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more 
likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the 
Danish army.

Sennels says that "the ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and 
abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world." He points out 
that the Arab world translates just 330 books every year, about 20% of 
what Greece alone does.

In the last 1,200 years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been 
translated into Arabic, about what Spain does in a single year. Seven 
out of 10 Turks have never even read a book.

Sennels points out the difficulties this creates for Muslims seeking to 
succeed in the West. "A lower IQ, together with a religion that 
denounces critical thinking, surely makes it harder for many Muslims to 
have success in our high-tech knowledge societies."

Only nine Muslims have every won the Nobel Prize and five of those were 
for the "Peace Prize." According to Nature magazine, Muslim countries 
produce just 10 percent of the world average when it comes to 
scientific research (measured by articles per million habitants).

In Denmark, Sennels' native country, Muslim children are grossly 
overrepresented among children with special needs. One-third of the 
budget for Danish schools is consumed by special education, and 
anywhere from 51% to 70% of retarded children with physical handicaps 
in Copenhagen have an immigrant background.

Learning ability is severely affected as well. Studies indicated that 
64% of school children with Arabic parents are still illiterate after 
10 years in the Danish school system. The immigrant drop-out rate in 
Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born.

Mental illness is also a product. The closer the blood relative, the 
higher the risk of schizophrenic illness. The increased risk of 
insanity may explain why more than 40% of the patients in Denmark's 
biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant 

The U.S. is not immune. According to Sennels, "One study based on 
300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a 
lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the 
population as a whole."

Sennels Concludes:

There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin 
marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because 
Muslims' religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus 
prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, 
the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed 
first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive. This 
has produced overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal 

Bottom line: Islam is not a benign and morally equivalent alternative 
to the Judeo-Christian tradition. As Sennels points out, the first and 
biggest victims of Islam are Muslims. Simple Christian compassion for 
Muslims and a common-sense desire to protect Western civilization from 
the ravages of Islam dictate a vigorous opposition to the spread of 
this dark and dangerous religion. These stark realities must be taken 
into account when we establish public policies

The frightening face of Islamic extremists in the UK

As my family were from this area I find this terrible and it only backs up what I have said in the past.

Police 'covered up' violent campaign to turn London area 'Islamic'

Police have been accused of “covering up” a campaign of abuse, threats and violence aimed at “Islamicising” an area of London.

Victims say that officers in the borough of Tower Hamlets have ignored or downplayed outbreaks of hate crime, and suppressed evidence implicating Muslims in them, because they fear being accused of racism.
The claims come as four Tower Hamlets Muslims were jailed for at least 19 years for attacking a local white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls.
The Sunday Telegraph has uncovered more than a dozen other cases in Tower Hamlets where both Muslims and non-Muslims have been threatened or beaten for behaviour deemed to breach fundamentalist “Islamic norms.”
One victim, Mohammed Monzur Rahman, said he was left partially blind and with a dislocated shoulder after being attacked by a mob in Cannon Street Road, Shadwell, for smoking during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan last year.
“Two guys stopped me in the street and asked me why I was smoking,” he said. “I just carried on, and before I knew another dozen guys came and jumped me. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in hospital.”
“He reported it to the police and they just said they couldn’t track anyone down and there were no witnesses,” said Ansar Ahmed Ullah, a local anti-extremism campaigner who has advised Mr Rahman. “But there is CCTV in that street and it is lined with shops and people.”
Teachers in several local schools have told The Sunday Telegraph that they feel “under pressure” from local Muslim extremists, who have mounted campaigns through both parents and pupils – and, in one case, through another teacher - to enforce the compulsory wearing of the veil for Muslim girls. “It was totally orchestrated,” said one teacher. “The atmosphere became extremely unpleasant for a while, with constant verbal aggression from both the children and some parents against the head over this issue.”
One teacher at the Bigland Green primary school, Nicholas Kafouris, last year took the council to an employment tribunal, saying he was forced out of his job for complaining that Muslim pupils were engaging in racist and anti-Semitic bullying and saying they supported terrorism. Mr Kafouris lost his case, though the school did admit that insufficient action had been taken against the behaviour of some pupils. The number of assaults on teachers in Tower Hamlets resulting in exclusions has more than doubled from 190 in 2007/8 to 383 in 2008/9, the latest available year, though not all are necessarily race-related.
Tower Hamlets’ gay community has become a particular target of extremists. Homophobic crimes in the borough have risen by 80 per cent since 2007/8, and by 21 per cent over the last year, a period when there was a slight drop in London as a whole.
Last year, a mob of 30 young Muslims stormed a local gay pub, the George and Dragon, beating and abusing patrons. Many customers of the pub told The Sunday Telegraph that they have been attacked and harassed by local Muslim youths. In 2008 a 20-year-old student, Oli Hemsley, was left permanently paralysed after an attack by a group of young Muslims outside the pub. Only one of his assailants has been caught and jailed.
Even during meetings of the local council, prominent supporters of Tower Hamlets’ controversial directly-elected mayor, Lutfur Rahman – dropped by the Labour Party for his links to Islamic fundamentalism - have persistently targeted gay councillors with homophobic abuse and intimidation from the public gallery.
The Labour leader, Josh Peck, was attacked with animal noises and cries of “Unnatural acts! Unnatural acts!” when he rose to speak. The Conservative leader, Peter Golds, was repeatedly heckled as “Mrs Golds” and a “poofter”.
Mr Golds said: “If that happened in a football stadium, arrests would have taken place. I have complained, twice, to the police, and have heard nothing. A Labour colleague waited three hours at the police station before being told that nothing would be done. The police are afraid of being accused of Islamophobia. Another Labour councillor said that the Met is now the reverse of what it must have been like in the 1970s, with a complete lack of interest when white people make complaints of harassment and hatred.”
In February this year, dozens of stickers appeared across Tower Hamlets quoting the Koran, declaring the borough a “gay-free zone” and stating that “verily Allah is severe in punishment.”
The Sunday Telegraph has learned that during a routine stop-and-search at the time police found a young Muslim man with a number of the stickers in his possession. He was released without charge on the advice of the Crown Prosecution Service. Police also had CCTV images of a second unidentified Muslim youth posting the stickers at a local railway station, but refused to release the pictures for several weeks.
Peter Tatchell, the gay human rights campaigner, said: “The police said no-one was allowed to talk publicly about this because they didn’t want to upset the Muslim community. We’ve made very clear the difference between the Muslim community as a whole and these particular fundamentalists, and the fact that the police wouldn’t publicly say what they knew was an absolute disgrace.”
When the CCTV footage was finally released, in early April, the culprit was quickly identified as 18-year-old Mohammed Hasnath, who last week pleaded guilty to a public order offence and was fined £100. Jack Gilbert, of the Rainbow Hamlets gay group, said a more serious charge should have been brought. “The vast majority of the community saw the material as threatening, but the police were not willing to accept it as threatening,” he said.
Hasnath’s “interests” on his Facebook page include Khalid Yasin, a hate preacher who describes Jews as “filth” and teaches that homosexuals must be killed. Yasin has spoken at least four times since 2007 at the East London Mosque, Tower Hamlets’ most prominent Muslim institution. Although the mosque claims to be against extremism, discrimination, and violence, it has hosted dozens of hate, extremist or terrorist preachers and also hosted a “Spot The Fag” contest.
In the same week that it issued a press release condemning the anti-gay stickers, the mosque was also due to host a “gala dinner” with Uthman Lateef, a homophobic hate preacher.
The mosque is controlled by a fundamentalist group, the Islamic Forum of Europe, which says that it is dedicated to changing the “very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed ... from ignorance to Islam.”
The IFE’s community affairs co-ordinator, Azad Ali, is chairman of the Muslim Safety Forum, an organisation officially recognised by the Met as its “principal [liaison] body in relation to Muslim community safety.” Mr Golds said: “This relationship may explain the police’s feebleness.” The IFE also has close links to the Tower Hamlets mayor, Mr Rahman.
There is no suggestion that any mosque official has been personally involved in any act of violence or intimidation. However, in an email obtained by The Sunday Telegraph, one IFE activist, Abu Talha, used the name of the group to threaten a local Muslim woman who ran a dating agency.
“I am asking you kindly to stop these activities as it goes against the teachings of Islam,” he wrote. “Let me remind you that I have a huge network of brothers and sisters who would be willing to help me take this further…If by tomorrow you haven’t changed your mind … then the campaign will begin.” The dating agency has now closed and the woman has left the area.
Mr Ahmed Ullah said: “There has been a gradual increase in these kinds of attacks, that’s for sure.” A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: “When any allegation of crime is made to us, we investigate appropriately. We will always take action against hate crime in accordance with, and within the confines of, the law.”

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What did I say about Pakistan and not trusting them?

So the Pakistanis are so outraged about the Americans capturing and killing Bin Laden that they have arrested the people who helped the Americans, knowingly or not.
No one in the western world could understand how Bin Laden hid in Pakistan for 5 years undetected.
So I guess that this is the proof, that Pakistan knew he was there and they don't like being caught out..

I said a couple of months ago that Pakistan is not to be trusted.

Britains debt vs the aid and funding it gives

The credit crunch meant that the UK had to find 86bn pounds over the next 4 years to repay.
What is an astounding fact is the following:

IMF wants Stg 9bn increase in contributions
Eu wants an increase of Stg 900mio
Greece will cost us Stg 10bn
Portugal will cost us Stg 4.4+
Ireland will cost us Stg 10bn
Announced increase in aid is Stg 4.5 bn
Eu is threatening to penalise the UK Stg 1 bn

This so far totals Stg 39.8bn

So can someone tell me that when we have a credit crunch here and austerity measures, why the hell we give nearly 50% extra of our debt away!!!???

Where is the common sense in this?

Human Rights Act is boil on society! Rapists and paedophiles now have more rights than the victims!

The UK should pull out of this accord immediately

Sack the judges as well

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Inflation will NOT go down

With utility companies about to raise their services by about 13-15%.
With raw materials rising.
With Oil still up and may go higher.
With banks lending at 14-19% for business and individuals
with, with etc etc

How on earth can Inflation come down?
No. we are in a stagflation period no matter how you put it!

P.s. with interest rates at 2.05 for 3 year money and short term money at 0.5%, why do Banks in the UK lend at 14-19% and banks in Europe lend at 8%??
Also lending at 2300%

I have asked the Chancellor and Treasury by email. Lets see if they answer!
I have also asked why Wonga are not charged as Loan sharks.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

E-coli funding

I am amazed at how correct I am and all within a couple of days

This article is about UK funding the e-coli joke in Europe.
However, this will NOT be the final figure, believe me!!

People are beginning to speak out

Although I think the Arch Bishop is a baffoon, he is backing what I said weeks ago that the British public will only put up with so much.
It seems now is the time that people are willing to speak out in our free society.

The government needs to take heed as this can escalate!

Global power shifting

I wrote 9mths -1 year ago about the great powers that eventually lose their influence like the British Empire etc.
I mentioned that China will be the next biggest power.
I think I am right if you look at what is happening today.

Europe is in disarray
USA is Broke and it's forces very thinly spread around the world.
OPEC is in trouble with the smaller countries not agreeing to increase in output
China is building a carrier for the navy with 4 more planned.
China has bought 30% of all commodity resources in Australia and the Asia Pacific area
China has bought part of the UK power grid and others around the world, plus other companies.
China has admitted to hacking I think in 2008 and now they have the National Grid, who knows??
China has the largest military in the world.

God forbid if China has any investment in Facebook which is now secretly applying spybots and photo recognition. I think Facebook are shooting themselves in the foot here.

So am I ringing any bells in your head?
Watch out all the world leaders!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The U.N. should watch out for Gaddafi

Like a rat in a corner, he will attach back.
It's my guess that as a last action, he will attach Misrata with chemical or germ warfare.

The U.N. are too naive

Issues at the heart of the electorate

Law and Order
Overseas aid
EU funding

So far the government has screwed up all of them!
This does not look good so expect future dissent in the ranks.

Scandal of Britain's £700bn overspend

Can't see why this guy is surprised? He obviously doesn't read the CommonSense Party UK blog!!

Here’s a startling, though depressingly unsurprising, factoid I came across while – sad bastard that I am – digging around in the Office for National Statistics data base. Britain has not had a surplus in trade since 1982, or nearly thirty years, and even back then, it was only the gusher of still relatively new North Sea oil development that sustained it. The current account, which includes income on overseas investment, looks little better. There’s been no current account surplus since 1984.
I’ve added up the numbers in this sad history of shame, and the brutal truth is that since 1984 Britain has spent a sum more than it has earned equivalent to well over half of the country’s entire national income, or in round numbers, £700bn. I’m reminded of Mr Micawber’s famous recipe for happiness. “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.”
In Britain, we long ago forgot about the importance of living within our means. The consequent misery visited on us in the financial crisis is the modern equivalent of the debtors’ prison to which Mr Micawber was eventually condemned. Yet still we don’t seem to have learned our lesson. Despite a near 25pc devaluation in the pound since the start of the financial crisis, one of the biggest devaluations ever – which should in theory make British goods and services more competitive – we are still importing far more than we are exporting. Last year, the current account deficit was again on the increase, to 2.5pc of GDP.
I’ll be reflecting on how little we have learned from the profligacy of the past in a longer column for the Daily Telegraph later this week.


Germany having taken the blame, we now here of cases in various countries, including the USA.

What people haven't picked up on is the fact that some of these cases were before Germany blew the whistle.
So how come we didn't hear about them before?

Basic Economics !

In the UK a high percentage of people are already on the bread line.
The government is about to tax more.
Utility companies are increasing their bills by approx Stg200 a year and just to point out that in the past 3 years these have risen approx 75% and they are foreign owners so this is money leaving the UK.
Oil companies are keeping prices artificially high.
Employers are lowering salaries.
EU asking for an extra Stg 1bn
Government giving aid to countries that don't need it or it'S going to bribery and corruption

Basic Economics shows that this is too little cash for the nation and also revenues leaving the UK.
More unemployment
House price fall and if you remember I said a few months ago they have another 25% to fall
Increase in house repossession and therefore homeless families will put a burden to the social benefits
I can see Stg going to 1.00 against the Euro or maybe even .85p

The economy will collapse if this continues. !!

The government had better do something very soon otherwise it will be too late

UK will end up paying for the Germans mistake in blaming Spain for e-coli

It's obvious now that the Spanish Farmers want compensation, much more than they would have earned normally, before the panic.
Spain has refused the first offer of compensation and you can understand why when their finances are bad and there is a 20% unemployment rate.

So what will happen. Eventually a exagerated compensation will be agreed, advertised as Germany paying, but of course the EU will pay and then they will ask the UK foot most of the bill.
Remember my words!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The great UK Olympics scam!

So the facts are:
The original bid to build was Stg 2.4 bln
Overall cost Stg 8 bln approx.
Now that it's in the finishing stages, then the committee says that it's being delivered on time and within budget!
Which one?

My son tried to get a job there and the foreman said that there was no chance because the Tower Hamlets council was controlling the jobs. This is the council that only helps  with all Muslim factions and any minor/minor group etc. anyway the foreman said he would't stand a chance because 95-98% of jobs went to Polish or Latvians or Lithuanians etc!

It can't be a surprise that the UK people didn't get tickets and why?:
Foreign websites advertised tickets before they were issued
Foreigners buy rooms in Hotels.
Foreigners spend in shops
Foreigners pay over the ticket price

So all in all it sounds like a right scam.

All the British do is to pick up the excessive cost as there is NO way we can aver make the money back and eventually the taxpayer will bear the cost.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

UK Foreign Aid crisis

The UK government has ringfenced 0.7% rise in Foreign Aid equal to Stg 4 bn a year!
Last week Melanie Phillips from the Daily Mail was booed on Question time by suggesting that our Foreign Aid should stop!
However, she has received much support from the person on the street and quite rightly so!

As I mentioned the other day, Foreign Aid is doing nothing apart from lining other peoples pockets

Take India as an example.
We give a lot of money to India and they have millions of poor people.
Where does our money go?Their own space programme and even their own Foreign Aid programme!!!

Live Aid raised Stg 90 million in 1985 and some money went to Ethiopia whose regime lured 600,000 people to camps
and who subsequently were deported and of which 100,000 died.

Mr Cameron suggests that if we cut aid this will cause more terrorism. Well so far I haven't seen any reduction of terrorism for the Aid we give!

Aid to Afghanistan had to be stopped after a U.S. report said that Stg 1bn was missed through corruption and I wonder why Kharzai looks so well and his family have bought many properties abroad?

The Prime Minister has announced Stg 110 mio in Aid for Egypt, Tunisia and the Middel East.
This is the same group that are making fortunes from OIL and what they charge us! Let the Oil rich countries fund them.

The British donate more to humanitarian causes than anyone else in Europe.
Six times more than Germany and seven times more than the French.

Bear in mind that the EU want more tax from the British worker and more money is going to NHS and other depts, how much more can we give before the whole system collapses?

UK Foreign Aid currently at Eur 8.7 bln and will rise to Eur 12.4 bln, imagines what we can do with that in the UK??

Arrogant Sharon Shoesmith's dept causes the death of an infant but she doesn't think it''s her fault

Defiant to the end and after winning her case of unlawful sacking she say's ' she doesn't do blame!'
So let's get it right.
Her Social Services dept, was AGAIN at fault of a death of an infant who was tortured by adults.
They missed all signs, didn't check anything eventhough the child was on the 'at risk' register.
So because of a loophole by Ed Balls she gets off and can possibly have a payoff of Stg 1.5 to 2.5 million.
Colleagues who also lost their jobs get nothing.

The legal system should:
Apologize for the loophole
Criticize her managerial skills or lack of
Give her 1p as a token gesture or award her money to a children's charity.

She has her name cleared of the crime which is what she wanted as money wasn't a motive.

But please bear in mind, this is the SECOND time a child was born in similar circumstances by her dept at Haringay. And she earned Stg 133,000 a year plus extras plus expenses etc etc

Foreign Aid from UK

A senior minister launched an extraordinary defence of Britain's lavish foreign aid budget- saying it was to make us popular abroad.
Alan Duncan needs sacking!

The only thing that makes UK popular is the give away benefits and letting in terrorists!

This guy must be on another planet.

Our aid is used mainly for corruption and people to have lavish parties etc or subsidize other regimes progarmmes.
All the UK does is pay out money for little in return.
Cut all aid and let's look after those at home first!!

Human rights frees a convicted thief

A man has been let out of jail because it breached his 'uman rites' and he has a history of aggressive behaviour.
This guy storms to his boys school threatening to smash all the cars in the car park over a row over a bracelet, his 5 year old boy was wearing.
The school confiscated it as he was defying school rules.
He swore in front of pupils and threatened violence.

Yet this wretch of a person was allowed to be let free because of technicalities.
Article 8 of Human rights states: right to respect for a private and family life.
Well this wasn't private to start with. The guy is in and out of jail so no family life then!

If anything he should be locked away again.
The Human Rights law is an arse and who ever conjured this up should be shot! Oh no that's a breach of their rights!!!

Man's sperm is stolen but has to pay for his 'family'

A man who had his sperm frozen in case he became infertile finds out that his ex-wife tricked the IVF clinic to release the sperm twice and had 2 children.
He then had to pay Stg 100,000 for their upbringing as well as Stg 200,000 legal costs when fighting the claim!
This just doesn't sound like justice to me.
Things that spring to mind are:
Human rights

Only this can happen in the sad state we call UK these days.

She has the kids in 2001 and 2003 explaining that they were from one night stands ( tells you the kind of woman!), and then makes a claim in 2007 against him and he didn't know anything about a family. He has had to explain to his new wife and family.

Surely common sense should prevail in the legal system for this?
Men are screwed in all case sin the western world!

Government parasites

Civil servants live a high life on Credit cards funded by the tax payer.

The more I hear about the way the government and it's officials spend our tax money, the more my blood boils.
It's like 2 steps forward and and then one step back.
Not only are the government offices claiming for the tiniest item, but they go on holiday as well veiled with a trade mission title.
There are so many examples of wastage, that I can't take the time to list.

However, here is a small list:
Stg 34,000 on restaurants and bars which included weekends in the Cotswolds!
Credit cards being used for MArks and Spencers, Amazon, Tesco and many others
National Theatre tickets
Mobiles for chauffeurs
boutique hotels ( what's going on there then Miss Jones ?)
Trips to India, China and Dubai

If the CommonSense Party was in power there would be a complete review of expenditure by normal accountants (because the large accounting firms of this world are absolutely useless and as corrupts as anyone)
and we would cut budgets and staffing to a more corporate level to make it efficient and tax cost effective, leaving billions to pay off debts or to fund local services, Nurses, teachers etc.

Maybe taxation for benefits like we are charged is the answer, I am sure that this would stop spending!