It now appears that a Union between the 17 'insiders' is occuring and the EU is threatening the other 10 'outsiders' to be sidelined, of which the UK is an outsider by not joining the Euro.
However, the Uk should in fact stand it'S ground for numerous reasons.
Yes we know that the Euro problem is causing us heartache at the moment, but being outside provides us flexibility.
1. the French are courting the Chinese, but this will be a very expensive folly. The Chinese are looking to take over everything, so in panic they will acquire a large part of manufacturing in Europe. They know that this is the way to build power houses.
2. The ECB is refusing to print money because of their fear of inflation, so whereas before, sovereigns should never go bust because they can print money, this is failing for Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Greece and Italy.
3. It is inevitable that inflation will hit all the euro countries.
4. Germany is gradually taking all of the power and decisions
5. Sarkozy is trying to be as powerful as Merkel, but he has little say really, as France is in bad trouble, but currently have hidden it
6. Banks need to capitalize themselves and again this would normally mean cut back on loans, but if they do the economy will stall further and take longer to get back on it's feet
So with this in mind the UK should NOT seek to enter the Euro but should in fact seek to make agreements in other countries. Even what is left with the Commonwealth and also the USA.
One thing for sure, no matter what is agreed with the Europeans, the UK will be screwed at a later date with secret deals with Germany and France. We see it now so why will it ever change.
Another question is what are USA and Russia doing, while China is being courted?
USA is bust also at the moment and as I have said before, the shift in power has now changed to China.
Russia is staying outside for the moment, but will enter the fold eventually, when they realize what China are doing.
The UK can get back on it's feet without Europe, but we need a back bone and I am not sure, in fact I am certain the present government doesn't have the guts!!
God help us all!!