Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rochdale vs Muslims vs Social Services

Girls in Rochdale have been groomed for the sex trade, by 15 Muslim men.
Apparently it’s well inbred in the culture there.

What is worse is that the men predominantly from Pakistan take girls who are Christian and white from the age of 13 years old.

I have lived on and off with Muslim society for 15 years in the Middle East and their view of white, Christian women is that they are ALL
Whores/Prostitutes, because they can’t do the same thing with their own, as it’s against Islam.
The other way is ok and it’s about time the Western world and Social service get to understand this.

One girl interviewed said she had gone to school covered in flee bites, smelled because of poor hygiene,
dirty clothes and her Father even told Social Services and the police who did nothing.
Why did her Father not take her away
Why did the police do nothing
What on earth did Social Services do.

With the Police it is of course possible, going by history, that they are either involved or partake in such lewd events.

Social Services are a complete waste of time, who employs Graduates who think they actually are saving the world!
When my wife had a child we had them come around to the house and we were actually asked ‘ were we abused as kids?’
I told her that it was none of her effing business and to piss off.
So unless they get answers to their stupid questions, they have no idea.
I was also asked what I considered myself: British, Ethnic etc etc.
I replied ‘English’. The woman said that this was not an answer as it wasn’t on her list, so I asked her what she did for Scots, Welsh and Irish
Who never consider themselves British.

The second time I had dealings with these numpties, was when I was trained for high level Autism coaching.
2 came from Newcastle area. They didn’t appreciate my banter with my only other male colleague, they complained about us
And were some of the most bigoted people I have met, again graduates from the University of non-real life!

Suggestions of what the government can do:
Ensure that Muslims mix with Christians more and for both religions to understand each other
Bring in grandparents to work in Social Services for common sense
Sack most graduates in Social Services
Make police accountable for such failures

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Screw the UK Financial centre

The UK having pumped Stg 45 bln into the IMF for the debt crisis
is not enough for the EU.
 They are upset that we quite rightly refused to give them a blank cheque to ease their pain.
Nor did we agree to a transaction tax for Insurances, Share purchases or any other financial contract, which could be Credit Cards as well.
In order to get revenge the EU now want to control and rule the UK banking society and restrict them to a tight fiscal law, which in turn means the closure of banks or a Bail out by the UK tax payer.

The EU is now becoming an anti-UK federation and is going beyond it’s constitution.
But like everything else in the EU, this will all be done behind backs of the EU parliament and then implemented on UK at a moments notice.

This is currently being investigated by an unelected panel.
Who is on this panel?I doubt a UK MEP!

Basically, this is backing the call for an exit of the EU by the UK.

It's now beyond a joke and we have to withdraw from the EU!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Killings in France

The Killing of 3 or 4 people in France seems to me to be an execution! The man was an Iraqi and the people were shot in the middle of the head, which indicates there may have been more then one executioner or a very good assassin as a normal person wouldn't do this in the same place to all people!The police had better hide the little girl who has survived, as the executioner will be looking for her.

Free for all in the building trade?

Well here we go the government getting it all massively wrong again!
I advocated since 2 years ago is that the way to get the economy running is for more house building and 'Lo and behold' the government has suddenly woken up.
The problem is that they have eased the planning application, which means that hallowed green land not meant to be built on, can be.
Building applications are not the issue. The issue is funding. So the government has to force the banks to lend and not give them free money for their own profits in Quantative Easing.

The other aspect is that jobs MUST go to British workers and not Europeans like;Polish, Lithuanians etc, because all this does is to export our economy and nothing will pick up here in the UK.
Money has to stay here in the UK to be spent to get the economy going.
This is basic and commonsense in economics!
Which means our government will screw up again and wonder why it never worked!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cannot practise Christianity

So the court of Human rights and the British Courts say that if you want to wear a crucifix and your employer doesn’t want it, then you should resign or change jobs to a lesser demeaning role.
I wonder what would happen if we now told Sikhs they can’t wear their turbans or ceremony knives or Muslims cannot wear their headcaps etc.
Of course they wouldn’t have it and the courts will rule in their favour.
This is now al become barmy. It goes to show, that we are NOT a tolerant society and that Christianity will disappear or go underground.
They cannot deny this as Christians are now becoming a minority

Crooks in government return

Have you noticed over the years that if you are in government and are found guilty of an offense or resign because of one, then the time on average to return to government is about 2.5 years!
If you look at all of those Ministers who were convicted of expense theft, most are still in government or politics.
Baroness Warsi is still a Baroness and still in Politics
David Laws is back
There was a guy in the UKIP who used expenses to fund a car, but was never sacked and is still in Brussels as an MEP
It really is a Fraternity and what they can get for themselves. Politics is NOT about serving the people anymore, but themselves.
We need a party to change all of this.
CommonSensePartyUK !

The Coalition is a lame duck

The latest Shuffle in the UK government is a shame and the ‘man on the street’ knows it.
It seems that only the cabinet are in total denial of what is going on.
  1. Anyone who opposes Cameron gets the chop.
  2. Anyone who questions Cameron is chopped
What they failed to do is to get rid of the ‘dead wood’ I.e. Cameron and Clegg. These are the most unproductive people at the senior level of government.
Cameron has more holidays than the average man and the most that I can remember as a Prime minister.
So let’s look at some of the changes.
Baroness Warsi – well is this a surprise, she cooked the books for her own gain in expenses
Jeremy Hunt – We all know that this guy did NOT tell the complete picture with Murdoch, we all know he isn’t quite straight and yet he gets promoted.
Patrick Mcloughlin – favours a new runway at Heathrow and yet a far better choice for pollution and jobs will be the Thames estuary where I have advised my readers that there are thousands of acres of wasteland and the local economy needs it after Fords have closed down most of their manufacturing there.
Ken Clarke – has made some hideous blunders with the law, Prisons etc and yet still has a job
Theresa Villiers – Who? Exactly, but this is the UK government trying to get their 40% quota as ruled by EEC, regardless if they are any good!
David Laws – goes to Education. This is guy who also fiddled his expenses, so being good with Maths is a good role for him!
Newspapers are asking , where are the minority and blacks? Well if they are no good nor interested how can you have them in Government?
There needs to be a new party to wipe this lot out.
CommonSense Party UK !

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tories 2 carbuncles in Office

I have written before about the government and it's lack of Statesmen, now I will say that the government has 2 carbuncles that will drag the Tory party down. (1) Michael Gove - Education Minister (2) Jeremy Hunt -Culture Minister.
Michael Gove is making some howlers of mistakes, but the latest is beyond belief. He told the exam board to raise the benchmark for GCSE passes. That isn't bad in itself, but to raise them at the last minute is a catastrophe for the esteem of the losers!. Even teachers seem to teach according to the benchmarks, so they had no idea that this was going to happen, so the lessons were of less quality shall we say.
(2) Hunt screwed up among other items the BSKYB purchase and his associations with Rupert Murdoch, to be seen with him at the Olympics, eventhough it was with a handshake! He then said that the London retailers were up on profits and busy, during the Olympics, only for the press to show that Oxford street was empty and that retailers had said this was a totally false statement.
So this begs to believe, that the MP's seem to be able to say anything, but not be held accountable, nor transparent on what they tell us. They really think we will suck it all in!
The CommonSensePartyUK wants to be able to speak on behalf of the people and have a team of people who can bring the economy back again and make the UK Great again!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

UK Nuclear arms being managed by private firm

what is it the government just doesn't understand about reducing the armed forces? Now they are passing the management of some of the nuclear arms. This will definitely lead to espionage and spies and bribery etc.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

How useless is Cameron?

Cameron really is becoming a useless Prime Minister that only reacts to situations. He has no back bone and wants to be everyones boy! He backtracks on most things and really has no idea what a statesman or true politician is. I have never known a Prime Minister to have so many holidays or just travels around instead of governing the country. The Liberals are likely to dump him in the next election but he still seems hell bent on austerity. The problem is that Ed Milliband is no better but will crave the regards of what the Conservatives are doing for the economy by not spending.
The UK politics and parties are in the doldrums and there is no rising star in any party really. I have no idea what the Universities are teaching students, but it isn't true politics, but just being politically correct! What has Cameron actually achieved? He promises to make the banks lend money-nothing happens, he has promised numerous things but they don't happen. He tells people by reaction what they want to hear and then lets time go by and blames others when it doesn't happen. He is completely useless and ineffective!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

UK economy to go lower before a rise

The UK economy could go lower by -0.5%, before any upturn.
If the level of -1.0% holds then we should expect an upturn to an eventual +2.5%.
This would take about 4 years to achieve.
It’s all down to Osborne to relax austerity and force banks to lend money!
However, at the moment Osborne is screwing it up and soon will hold the wrath of the IMF although they told us to implement austerity!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Syria will use Chemical warfare on it's own

Do NOT believe for one minute that the Syrian government will NOT use Chemical warfare on their nationals!
They have slaughtered thousands so far, so why not go that one stage further?
This is an historical theme in the Middle east that when they have lost, the government WILL use chemical as a trail for the victors, so that they can weep their losses and families that have gone

Islam in non-Muslim countries

At Long Last Blair admits the threat of Islam vs Christianity
In a recent interview Tony Blair admitted that Islam is about dominance rather than coexistence!
Hopefully MP’s around Europe will take note!

Immoral to pay cash in hand

Pay cash in hand is immoral

The government is claiming that they are losing stg 2 billion a year by people paying cash in hand and it's damaging the economy!
Which kind of school do these people go to?
1. By a plumber not paying tax he gets to keep more, which is the aim. Then he can spend it on his family or staying alive with food.
2. Lets the government make their figures transparent. A loss of Stg 2 billion by 2 million people as they suggest makes each one of them saving Stg 100,000 each! If they are not suggesting the man on the street then let them investigate medium to large company books! They are only whinging 'cos it stops their expense accounts going overboard! Is the government that strupid?yes of course they are, history proves it!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

UK MP's and their ability

In UK Politics we have no Statesman in either party, ut we have a number of 40 odd year olds who have been to privileged school and many are wealthy.
Now we have a woman/girl of 32 years old who wants to bring voting age down to 16 years old. Now this is a curious thing because after this year all school 'Children' have to stay at school until they are 18 years old. Based on the fact that politics isn't taught at schools much, why would they do this?
Typical Labour-ite who has been to Uni.
Think about it!
Primary school==>Secondary school/Grammar school==>University==>gofar for an MP==>Bunk up for an MP==>Brown noser for an MP==>become an MP!
Where do they become street wise in this flow??
There you go, thats the state of our politics at the moment.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Oil Prices since 1967 based on WTI Oil (American)

This is based on the globally traded WTI Oil price which is a little cheaper than the Brent Oil

Over the next few days I will show the difference of what the price is today and what it should be and how we are being hoodwinked by the governments and profiteers!

Historical Oil Prices

Year/Mth Price in USd

1946-1 1.2

1946-2 1.2

1946-3 1.2

1946-4 1.3

1946-5 1.3

1946-6 1.3

1946-7 1.3

1946-8 1.5

1946-9 1.5

1946-10 1.5

1946-11 1.5

1946-12 1.6

1947-1 1.6

1947-2 1.6

1947-3 1.6

1947-4 1.9

1947-5 1.9

1947-6 1.9

1947-7 1.9

1947-8 1.9

1947-9 1.9

1947-10 1.9

1947-11 2.1

1947-12 2.1

1948-1 2.6

1948-2 2.6

1948-3 2.6

1948-4 2.6

1948-5 2.6

1948-6 2.6

1948-7 2.6

1948-8 2.6

1948-9 2.6

1948-10 2.6

1948-11 2.6

1948-12 2.6

1949-1 2.6

1949-2 2.6

1949-3 2.6

1949-4 2.6

1949-5 2.6

1949-6 2.6

1949-7 2.6

1949-8 2.6

1949-9 2.6

1949-10 2.6

1949-11 2.6

1949-12 2.6

1950-1 2.6

1950-2 2.6

1950-3 2.6

1950-4 2.6

1950-5 2.6

1950-6 2.6

1950-7 2.6

1950-8 2.6

1950-9 2.6

1950-10 2.6

1950-11 2.6

1950-12 2.6

1951-1 2.6

1951-2 2.6

1951-3 2.6

1951-4 2.6

1951-5 2.6

1951-6 2.6

1951-7 2.6

1951-8 2.6

1951-9 2.6

1951-10 2.6

1951-11 2.6

1951-12 2.6

1952-1 2.6

1952-2 2.6

1952-3 2.6

1952-4 2.6

1952-5 2.6

1952-6 2.6

1952-7 2.6

1952-8 2.6

1952-9 2.6

1952-10 2.6

1952-11 2.6

1952-12 2.6

1953-1 2.6

1953-2 2.6

1953-3 2.6

1953-4 2.6

1953-5 2.6

1953-6 2.8

1953-7 2.8

1953-8 2.8

1953-9 2.8

1953-10 2.8

1953-11 2.8

1953-12 2.8

1954-1 2.8

1954-2 2.8

1954-3 2.8

1954-4 2.8

1954-5 2.8

1954-6 2.8

1954-7 2.8

1954-8 2.8

1954-9 2.8

1954-10 2.8

1954-11 2.8

1954-12 2.8

1955-1 2.8

1955-2 2.8

1955-3 2.8

1955-4 2.8

1955-5 2.8

1955-6 2.8

1955-7 2.8

1955-8 2.8

1955-9 2.8

1955-10 2.8

1955-11 2.8

1955-12 2.8

1956-1 2.8

1956-2 2.8

1956-3 2.8

1956-4 2.8

1956-5 2.8

1956-6 2.8

1956-7 2.8

1956-8 2.8

1956-9 2.8

1956-10 2.8

1956-11 2.8

1956-12 2.8

1957-1 2.8

1957-2 3.1

1957-3 3.1

1957-4 3.1

1957-5 3.1

1957-6 3.1

1957-7 3.1

1957-8 3.1

1957-9 3.1

1957-10 3.1

1957-11 3.1

1957-12 3

1958-1 3.1

1958-2 3.1

1958-3 3.1

1958-4 3.1

1958-5 3.1

1958-6 3.1

1958-7 3.1

1958-8 3.1

1958-9 3.1

1958-10 3.1

1958-11 3

1958-12 3

1959-1 3

1959-2 3

1959-3 3

1959-4 3

1959-5 3

1959-6 3

1959-7 3

1959-8 3

1959-9 3

1959-10 3

1959-11 3

1959-12 3

1960-1 3

1960-2 3

1960-3 3

1960-4 3

1960-5 3

1960-6 3

1960-7 3

1960-8 3

1960-9 3

1960-10 3

1960-11 3

1960-12 3

1961-1 3

1961-2 3

1961-3 3

1961-4 3

1961-5 3

1961-6 3

1961-7 3

1961-8 3

1961-9 3

1961-10 3

1961-11 3

1961-12 3

1962-1 3

1962-2 3

1962-3 3

1962-4 3

1962-5 3

1962-6 3

1962-7 3

1962-8 3

1962-9 3

1962-10 3

1962-11 3

1962-12 3

1963-1 3

1963-2 3

1963-3 3

1963-4 3

1963-5 3

1963-6 3

1963-7 3

1963-8 3

1963-9 3

1963-10 3

1963-11 3

1963-12 3

1964-1 3

1964-2 3

1964-3 3

1964-4 3

1964-5 3

1964-6 3

1964-7 2.9

1964-8 2.9

1964-9 2.9

1964-10 2.9

1964-11 2.9

1964-12 2.9

1965-1 2.9

1965-2 2.9

1965-3 2.9

1965-4 2.9

1965-5 2.9

1965-6 2.9

1965-7 2.9

1965-8 2.9

1965-9 2.9

1965-10 2.9

1965-11 2.9

1965-12 2.9

1966-1 2.9

1966-2 2.9

1966-3 2.9

1966-4 2.9

1966-5 2.9

1966-6 2.9

1966-7 2.9

1966-8 2.9

1966-9 3

1966-10 3

1966-11 3

1966-12 3

1967-1 3

1967-2 3

1967-3 3

1967-4 3

1967-5 3

1967-6 3

1967-7 3

1967-8 3.1

1967-9 3.1

1967-10 3.1

1967-11 3.1

1967-12 3.1

1968-1 3.1

1968-2 3.1

1968-3 3.1

1968-4 3.1

1968-5 3.1

1968-6 3.1

1968-7 3.1

1968-8 3.1

1968-9 3.1

1968-10 3.1

1968-11 3.1

1968-12 3.1

1969-1 3.1

1969-2 3.1

1969-3 3.3

1969-4 3.4

1969-5 3.4

1969-6 3.4

1969-7 3.4

1969-8 3.4

1969-9 3.4

1969-10 3.4

1969-11 3.4

1969-12 3.4

1970-1 3.4

1970-2 3.4

1970-3 3.4

1970-4 3.4

1970-5 3.4

1970-6 3.4

1970-7 3.3

1970-8 3.3

1970-9 3.3

1970-10 3.3

1970-11 3.3

1970-12 3.6

1971-1 3.6

1971-2 3.6

1971-3 3.6

1971-4 3.6

1971-5 3.6

1971-6 3.6

1971-7 3.6

1971-8 3.6

1971-9 3.6

1971-10 3.6

1971-11 3.6

1971-12 3.6

1972-1 3.6

1972-2 3.6

1972-3 3.6

1972-4 3.6

1972-5 3.6

1972-6 3.6

1972-7 3.6

1972-8 3.6

1972-9 3.6

1972-10 3.6

1972-11 3.6

1972-12 3.6

1973-1 3.6

1973-2 3.6

1973-3 3.6

1973-4 3.6

1973-5 3.6

1973-6 3.6

1973-7 3.6

1973-8 4.3

1973-9 4.3

1973-10 4.3

1973-11 4.3

1973-12 4.3

1974-1 10.1

1974-2 10.1

1974-3 10.1

1974-4 10.1

1974-5 10.1

1974-6 10.1

1974-7 10.1

1974-8 10.1

1974-9 10.1

1974-10 11.2

1974-11 11.2

1974-12 11.2

1975-1 11.2

1975-2 11.2

1975-3 11.2

1975-4 11.2

1975-5 11.2

1975-6 11.2

1975-7 11.2

1975-8 11.2

1975-9 11.2

1975-10 11.2

1975-11 11.2

1975-12 11.2

1976-1 11.2

1976-2 12

1976-3 12.1

1976-4 12.2

1976-5 12.2

1976-6 12.2

1976-7 12.2

1976-8 12.2

1976-9 13.9

1976-10 13.9

1976-11 13.9

1976-12 13.9

1977-1 13.9

1977-2 13.9

1977-3 13.9

1977-4 13.9

1977-5 13.9

1977-6 13.9

1977-7 13.9

1977-8 14.9

1977-9 14.9

1977-10 14.9

1977-11 14.9

1977-12 14.9

1978-1 14.9

1978-2 14.9

1978-3 14.9

1978-4 14.9

1978-5 14.9

1978-6 14.9

1978-7 14.9

1978-8 14.9

1978-9 14.9

1978-10 14.9

1978-11 14.9

1978-12 14.9

1979-1 14.9

1979-2 15.9

1979-3 15.9

1979-4 15.9

1979-5 18.1

1979-6 19.1

1979-7 21.8

1979-8 26.5

1979-9 28.5

1979-10 29

1979-11 31

1979-12 32.5

1980-1 32.5

1980-2 37

1980-3 38

1980-4 39.5

1980-5 39.5

1980-6 39.5

1980-7 39.5

1980-8 38

1980-9 36

1980-10 36

1980-11 36

1980-12 37

1981-1 38

1981-2 38

1981-3 38

1981-4 38

1981-5 38

1981-6 36

1981-7 36

1981-8 36

1981-9 36

1981-10 35

1981-11 36

1981-12 35

1982-1 33.9

1982-2 31.6

1982-3 28.5

1982-4 33.5

1982-5 35.9

1982-6 35.1

1982-7 34.2

1982-8 34

1982-9 35.6

1982-10 35.7

1982-11 34.2

1982-12 31.7

1983-1 31.2

1983-2 29

1983-3 28.8

1983-4 30.6

1983-5 30

1983-6 31

1983-7 31.7

1983-8 31.9

1983-9 31.1

1983-10 30.4

1983-11 29.8

1983-12 29.2

1984-1 29.7

1984-2 30.1

1984-3 30.8

1984-4 30.6

1984-5 30.5

1984-6 30

1984-7 28.8

1984-8 29.3

1984-9 29.3

1984-10 28.8

1984-11 28.1

1984-12 25.4

1985-1 25.6

1985-2 27.3

1985-3 28.2

1985-4 28.8

1985-5 27.6

1985-6 27.1

1985-7 27.3

1985-8 27.8

1985-9 28.3

1985-10 29.5

1985-11 30.8

1985-12 27.2

1986-1 22.9

1986-2 15.4

1986-3 12.6

1986-4 12.8

1986-5 15.4

1986-6 13.5

1986-7 11.6

1986-8 15.1

1986-9 14.9

1986-10 14.9

1986-11 15.2

1986-12 16.1

1987-1 18.7

1987-2 17.7

1987-3 18.3

1987-4 18.6

1987-5 19.4

1987-6 20

1987-7 21.4

1987-8 20.3

1987-9 19.5

1987-10 19.8

1987-11 18.9

1987-12 17.2

1988-1 17.2

1988-2 16.8

1988-3 16.2

1988-4 17.9

1988-5 17.4

1988-6 16.5

1988-7 15.5

1988-8 15.5

1988-9 14.5

1988-10 13.8

1988-11 14

1988-12 16.3

1989-1 18

1989-2 17.8

1989-3 19.4

1989-4 21

1989-5 20

1989-6 20

1989-7 19.6

1989-8 18.5

1989-9 19.6

1989-10 20.1

1989-11 19.8

1989-12 21.1

1990-1 22.6

1990-2 22.1

1990-3 20.4

1990-4 18.6

1990-5 18.2

1990-6 16.9

1990-7 18.6

1990-8 27.2

1990-9 33.7

1990-10 35.9

1990-11 32.3

1990-12 27.3

1991-1 25

1991-2 20.5

1991-3 19.9

1991-4 20.8

1991-5 21.2

1991-6 20.2

1991-7 21.4

1991-8 21.7

1991-9 21.9

1991-10 23.2

1991-11 22.5

1991-12 19.5

1992-1 18.8

1992-2 19

1992-3 18.9

1992-4 20.2

1992-5 20.9

1992-6 22.4

1992-7 21.8

1992-8 21.4

1992-9 21.9

1992-10 21.7

1992-11 20.3

1992-12 19.4

1993-1 19.1

1993-2 20.1

1993-3 20.3

1993-4 20.3

1993-5 19.9

1993-6 19.1

1993-7 17.9

1993-8 18

1993-9 17.5

1993-10 18.1

1993-11 16.7

1993-12 14.5

1994-1 15

1994-2 14.8

1994-3 14.7

1994-4 16.4

1994-5 17.9

1994-6 19.1

1994-7 19.7

1994-8 18.4

1994-9 17.5

1994-10 17.7

1994-11 18.1

1994-12 17.2

1995-1 18

1995-2 18.5

1995-3 18.6

1995-4 19.9

1995-5 19.7

1995-6 18.4

1995-7 17.3

1995-8 18

1995-9 18.2

1995-10 17.4

1995-11 18

1995-12 19

1996-1 18.9

1996-2 19.1

1996-3 21.4

1996-4 23.6

1996-5 21.3

1996-6 20.5

1996-7 21.3

1996-8 22

1996-9 24

1996-10 24.9

1996-11 23.7

1996-12 25.4

1997-1 25.2

1997-2 22.2

1997-3 21

1997-4 19.7

1997-5 20.8

1997-6 19.2

1997-7 19.6

1997-8 19.9

1997-9 19.8

1997-10 21.3

1997-11 20.2

1997-12 18.3

1998-1 16.7

1998-2 16.1

1998-3 15

1998-4 15.4

1998-5 14.9

1998-6 13.7

1998-7 14.1

1998-8 13.4

1998-9 15

1998-10 14.4

1998-11 12.9

1998-12 11.3

1999-1 12.5

1999-2 12

1999-3 14.7

1999-4 17.3

1999-5 17.8

1999-6 17.9

1999-7 20.1

1999-8 21.3

1999-9 23.9

1999-10 22.6

1999-11 25

1999-12 26.1

2000-1 27.2

2000-2 29.4

2000-3 29.9

2000-4 25.7

2000-5 28.8

2000-6 31.8

2000-7 29.8

2000-8 31.2

2000-9 33.9

2000-10 33.1

2000-11 34.4

2000-12 28.5

2001-1 29.6

2001-2 29.6

2001-3 27.2

2001-4 27.4

2001-5 28.6

2001-6 27.6

2001-7 26.5

2001-8 27.5

2001-9 25.9

2001-10 22.2

2001-11 19.7

2001-12 19.3

2002-1 19.7

2002-2 20.7

2002-3 24.4

2002-4 26.3

2002-5 27

2002-6 25.5

2002-7 26.9

2002-8 28.4

2002-9 29.7

2002-10 28.9

2002-11 26.3

2002-12 29.4

2003-1 32.9

2003-2 35.9

2003-3 33.6

2003-4 28.3

2003-5 28.1

2003-6 30.7

2003-7 30.8

2003-8 31.6

2003-9 28.3

2003-10 30.3

2003-11 31.1

2003-12 32.2

2004-1 34.3

2004-2 34.7

2004-3 36.8

2004-4 36.7

2004-5 40.3

2004-6 38

2004-7 40.7

2004-8 44.9

2004-9 46

2004-10 53.1

2004-11 48.5

2004-12 43.3

2005-1 46.8

2005-2 48

2005-3 54.3

2005-4 53

2005-5 49.8

2005-6 56.3

2005-7 58.7

2005-8 65

2005-9 65.6

2005-10 62.4

2005-11 58.3

2005-12 59.4

2006-1 65.5

2006-2 61.6

2006-3 62.9

2006-4 69.7

2006-5 70.9

2006-6 71

2006-7 74.4

2006-8 73.1

2006-9 63.9

2006-10 58.9

2006-11 59.4

2006-12 62

2007-1 54.6

2007-2 59.3

2007-3 60.6

2007-4 64

2007-5 63.5

2007-6 67.5

2007-7 74.2

2007-8 72.4

2007-9 79.9

2007-10 86.2

2007-11 94.6

2007-12 91.7

2008-1 93

2008-2 95.4

2008-3 105.6

2008-4 112.6

2008-5 125.4

2008-6 133.9

2008-7 133.4

2008-8 116.6

2008-9 103.9

2008-10 76.7

2008-11 57.4

2008-12 41

2009-1 41.7

2009-2 39.2

2009-3 48

2009-4 50

2009-5 59.2

2009-6 69.7

2009-7 64.1

2009-8 71.1

2009-9 69.5

2009-10 75.8

2009-11 78.1

2009-12 74.3

2010-1 78.2

2010-2 76.4

2010-3 81.2

2010-4 84.5

2010-5 73.8

2010-6 75.4

2010-7 76.4

2010-8 76.8

2010-9 75.3

2010-10 81.9

2010-11 84.1

2010-12 89

2011-1 89.4

2011-2 89.6

2011-3 102.9

2011-4 110

2011-5 101.3

2011-6 96.3

2011-7 97.2

2011-8 86.3

2011-9 85.6

2011-10 86.4

2011-11 97.2

2011-12 98.6

2012-1 100.2

2012-2 102.3

UK Immigration is in a complete mess!

We can't seem to stop unwanted immigartion! Why?

We have a body of law makers in the the Supreme Court that are now saying the new points system for the UK to control immigartion is unlawful!

So does that mean non-UK people can now control who comes in or not?

Someone needs to stomp on this useless body of people.

Trust in the CommonSense Party UK to do this!

1 in 5 rapists are immigrants in UK!

Rule 8 in the Human Rights act allows rapists to come and here and commit their rape and we cannot send them back!

Why not?

I am confused why should an immigrant come here with the permission of their own government hoping to get rid of their problem and pass it onto us.

I say kick them out and never let them have any rights again!

Scum of the Earth!

New Census shows huge increase in UK Population

Now let me see, vast immigrants coming to UK claiming Rule 8 of the Human Rights act, or just pure immigration from Muslim countries. On average a Muslim family is about 6-8 peopel, of mainly are oppressed to take the faith and to copulate as much as possible to grow their numbers.

So is it unusual that out of the 3.7 million increase at least half are foreigners, which of course doesn't include the UK passport holding Muslims.

Don't forget if you look at the UK and the demographics, we have to take into account the following nationalities:













These are just a few to note that tend to have large families.

It's a well known fact that Europeans don't normally have large families, so my guess this is where the large increases are from. I may be wrong. However, having lived, worked and have friends from a number of these groups I doubt it.

All I am saying is that the government can't be surprised that the population has grown and it will be bigger at the next Census.

I will let you the reader have a conclusion as to how this has occurred!

Jobless Facade in the UK

Hail to the mighty Coalition, jobless has reduced by 100,000+ last month.

Here is the story!

1. Jobless centres are stopping to pay benefits

2. The London Olympics takes on short term staff, like 1 month

3. Summer brings about short term work for labourers with long days

So you can bet your bottom dollar that come October, unemployment will jump and the governement won't know what hit them - again! We will see 3 million unemployment in the UKL as more school leavers come on board as well.

Don't forget the armed forces staff who have been made redundant.

Don't forget the new immigrants sneaking in as well with the Border staff not being botehred anymore!

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

The government are just grabbing any tiny bit of good news at the moment.

Who is going to save the UK?

Any donations for me to work full time on my Party- UK CommonSense Party UK will be more than welcome!!!

Petrol price rip off in UK

So petrol is about to go up again. Although it has come down and we haven't seen a similar adjustment.

Saudi Arabia promised to produce more, but no price drop.

Economic turmoil globally and a reduction of manufacturing hasn't brought a drop in price.....

All stinks of a cartel or manipulation to me!

Bring on the alternatives quickly!!

G4S basically are liars and Teresa May incompetent

It's as plain as the nose on my face that G4S have been trying to save money and get away with it. They had hoped to get many foreigners here at a much cheaper price, rather than give Brits the chance. A RAdio interview with another company showed that they offered 6000 experienced security staff to G4S who refused. They aslo offered training officers that could train 150 ...people a day and this was refused. So don't believe the owner and let's hope they go bust!

However, who was the twit in government that gave them the contract without any checks or project management. Plus gave then Stg 53 million fee!

Teresa May has now at least twice been caught being told lies and not checking any details. She needs to be removed for a sceptical male, rather than a trusting optimistic female!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The U.N. is a bigger murderer than the Syrian Government

Isn't the a body, a bigger murderer, than the syrian government?
Thousands of Syrians are being killed by the government in Syria and all the U.N. can do, is debate and watch!
I thought that the U.N. was established to protect people globally against such horrors. Obviously, I am wrong!
They did this in the Gulf war and numerous other conflicts.

Friday, July 6, 2012

USA beginning to fall from power

I wrote about the USA as a power house collapsing and China taking over, seems to be coming true, but in a quiet way. A large number of the African nations,especially those in oil are not being pricing in USD anymore, but in the Yuan!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Explanation of my comments

MY blog comments are read globally and after some comments I need to explain a little more.
In the UK there is a furore regarding interest rate fixing by Barclays and the argument is, that the government says it’s a crime and want someone to be prosecuted for it.
However, for those involved in banking and setting interest rates ( I used to be one of them) , all know, that this is not possible to prosecute for wrong doing and maybe this is just a jerk reaction to all that is going on in the UK at the moment.
So let me explain a little.
Each business day at 11am (UK time) interest rates are set by several banks using the average rate of all banks quoting.
Barclays was proven to email the other banks asking for an agreement on the level of the rates before they were fixed. This is officially set by the British Bankers Association. The name of this is LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate). This isn’t set by a law but is self regulated. Differences on this rate is about 0.125% each day up or down and it is used to set rates for various periods of time up to a year. This has an affect on personal loans, mortgages etc to the consumer as well as set the rate for banks lending to each other. In today’s market where a single deal can be STG 3billion this can make a large difference.
The government is now trying to prosecute bankers for changing the rates by collusion, because they call it fraud. However, what I am saying is, that it can’t be fraud and therefore no one will be prosecuted and the whole thing is a waste of time.
The reason I say that this isn’t fraud is because of the following:
1. The LIBOR is run by the British Bankers Association
2. It is concluded and shown on systems like Reuters and Bloomberg
3. It is advertised on the internet
4. The rates are published each day in the financial newspapers
5. It is reported to the Bank of England
6. The Bank of England is answerable to the Treasury and the government
So in light of this how is it fraud?
The inference now is that the treasury at the time run by Labour did in fact have words with the Bank of England to lower rates in this way. Funnily enough all of those mentioned in the Treasury and Bank of England deny this was said. Bob Diamond said the conversatrion wasn't recorded as the call was made to his New York office that didn't have a recording machine on. All very convenient and all of the participants trying to deny the conversation was made with Bob Diamond.
That is why I say it all stinks and is a waste of time. Unless the Bank of England wanted to get rid of Bob Diamond at Barclays who has resigned.
I hope that this clears some matters up for my readers

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The government, Banks, Bank f England and the FSA are all crooks and know perfectly well what is going on! The LIBOR fixings are everyday business day and these are controlled and run by the British bankers association (BBA). These are reported to the Bank of England and the FSA, who in turn report to the Chancellor and his cronies. So everyone knew what was happening! I know because i used to have to help fix the LIBOR in my trading days.
So if a LIBOR rate was higher than the interbank market, they ALL know. What I find incredible is that no one is investigating why banks are charging: 14% loans, 17-30% overdraft rates and that there are companies charging 2700% interest for loans. Why are these not mentioned?
LIBOR fixing is not run by laws so no one can be charged for fraud. Fraud is a means of hiding hidden costs, LIBOR rates are published everyday in the Financial Times and online.
It's all rubbish and no one is accountable

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Egypt is about to shoot itself in the foot

So the Egyptians have a cause to get rid of Mubarak.
They want freedom and most communications have been on Facebook and other social services for their rallies and discussions.

So we now have Mubarak in Jail and there is 2 contenders for the President and leadership role.
1. A guy who is an ex-Mubarak minister
2. An Islamic almost fundamental person who wants to run the country on an Sharia basis.

So the Egyptians have a choice of the following:
1. A guy who has the same values as Mubarak, which is really a dictatorship
2. A guy who wants to make Sharia Law, which already exists in Egypt, but will be much stricter. This means that the openness that they crave, or the more Western values, will be restricted, so actually is the opposite to what they have fought for.

My guess is that as the Egyptians are not the brightest sparks will go for the Islamist and shoot themselves in the foot.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

UK PLC is terminally ill

The UK is very sick!

We have one of the lowest performance for pensions in the world.

Quantative Easing has nothing for the ‘man on the street’. It finances the banks at 0.5% while they charge us 8.9-14% for loans, upto 30% for overdrafts and credit cards, ‘Official’ loan sharks like are charging between 1600-6500% in interest. Bank profits are going through the roof and they wonder why!

No loans to businesses.

I said weeks ago about 10 years down the road and that figures will prove Abortions going through the roof as people can’t afford a family.

his week’s Sunday Times quoted up to 28% increase in London for Abortions!
Instead of a ‘baby boom’ we have a’ baby collapse’ which means 20 years down the road we won’t have enough workers etc. But that will be ok ‘cos we will have the flood gates open for immigrants. This means that 40 years down the road we won’t have an indigenous UK native anymore.

The government is going to allow Gay marriages which means that Churches won’t be able to decline marrying them. This contradicts the Bible, so marriages will move away from Church.

The government cannot look beyond their noses and see the damage that they are causing to the UK.

However, when you have a Prime Minister who forgets his daughter and leaves her in the Pub, we should expect this.

Where were the minders and hangers on?

The government should be looking at things to make GB great again.

Suggestion: Introduce a flat Tax rate of 25-30% and see how many companies will want to come to the UK, employ people, pay taxes etc! I have been saying this for months now.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Spanish Banks bailout

So we have gone from Euro 40 billion to Euro 100 billion for a Spanish bank bailout.
Don't you believe it for one minute!!
If you talk about Euro 400 billion you are nearer to the truth.
Basically, the bail out fund is insufficient and the ECB will have to issue bonds.

Friday, June 1, 2012

UK recovery

I said ages ago that the UK economy will be back again 2013/2014. I still think this is correct.
The USA is now recovering and we will follow about 10 months later.

Petrol companies making profits

Oil prices dropped have dropped about USD 45 a barrel but petrol prices in the UK are still high and expected to rise. 
In the current climate how comes a Swiss owned refinery in Essex UK has closed down as it's gone bankrupt.
Because of this closure we have warnings that petrol in the UK can go up 10p a litre.
Now this just doesn't make sense, for the whole of the UK! There are other refineries and one that is just about 5 miles down the road.
I think there is some skulduggery going on there. this is profiteering.

The government refuses to cut tax or even stop a rise in August. This will be counter productive and you can see cars being used less, so the govt will in fact lose revenue.

The govt is threatening extra taxes on the oil companies but lets see the facts;
1. The govt wont drop taxes
2. The govt will keep the rise in tax on profits for itself
3. there is no benefit to the motorist
4. It won't drop road tax

So in the end, it seems it's just a way for the government to raise more revenue and they don't care about the families.

The last time petrol was this price on the markets the cost of a litre of petrol was about Stg 0.90.
So why is it 50% higher?

Is the IMF really qualified?

First the IMF tells the UK that they need to bring in austerity packages.
Now they are saying we are stifling our economy for a recovery!

So what is it they want us to do?

Then there is Mrs Legard now found out not to be paying taxes.

 I think it's called 'I'm alright Jack!'

The EU and Euro problems will go out to the next generation

ost Governments and people are correctly focusing on the near term affects of the global economic collapse and the Euro debacle.
How can we get the economies going
How do we save jobs
However, what people are not saying – Yet! Is what will it do to the next generation?
Because there is such problems and now poverty, the western world isn’t spending and if they are not spending they certainly won’t want to have children.
I suspect that in a few years time we will start seeing figures of how much an increase there has been for Abortions.
Also, in about 5 years, the governments may wake up to the fact that we will have the opposite effect of the ‘Baby Boom years’ and that the Western world population will in fact decrease, which in
turn, will put massive pressure on governments incomes and social benefit funding.
What about a lack of workers or skilled people like plumbers and electricians. How about capital intelligence being eroded by a lack of students etc.
This will be totally alien to the western world and this is where the Chinese will begin to take over. They already have poverty and still reproduce, so they will continue to grow in population and to redistribute themselves.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Euro and Ireland

It appears that Ireland will vote to stay with Austerities.
You may ask the reason why.
Well let's take a look at the background.
The whole infrastructure of Ireland has been built on funding from the EU. They even got to as point of being able to borrow at negative interest rates. They have built everything based on the the advantages of a small nation being in the EU and the Euro.
So, based on this fact it must really irk the Irish that Greece has obtained billions of Euro's and now it's the chance of Spain and then it will be followed by France. So the Irish will NOT want to be left out. So this is why they need to vote along with austerity.
In the end with the funding from the UK and with the EU, you can bet your life the Irish will walk away with a plus cash flow from the EU and Euro.
Also, bear in mind the Germans need a positive piece of news, so they will reward Ireland.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

UK and IMF

The IMF says Britain are not recovering fast enough after the austerity package.
Here may be a few reasons why:
Utility bills up 15%
Dartford Tunnel fees up 30% eventhough it's been paid off many times
Banks not lending to individuals nor SME companies
Overdrafts up to 29%
If you can get a loan it's generally at 14.9%
Credit Card interest upto 30%
Tax up on petrol
VaT up from 17% to 20%
Food costs up for families

I would estimate that daily living has gone up by 25% since the 2008 financial crisis and there are more increases in costs and tax coming.
When there is a crisis like this ALL big companies put their prices up, otherwise how else are they making almost record profits and just look at the banks, they are steaming ahead for their shareholders.
Don't get sucked in by management not taking their bonuses or not taking as much, it is all hidden for when the furore dies down in the form of shares or in a bonus pot invested somewhere.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Abu Qatarda

Why are we waiting to kick this useless piece of life out of the country.
We now have the go ahead by the 'Uman Rites' mob in Europe.
Jordan have wanted him back for years to charge him for something he did in Jordan.
He has sponged millions from the UK taxpayer. Just save money and get him on a plane.
Otherwise, ship him to the USA where they want him as well.
Anyway to defy the UK and all the proper channels it would have cost the UK a fine if Stg 25,000.
We could have saved millions of pounds!
I wonder if his wives and family will go with him?
Doubt it, they will stay here and get all the benefits they can, 'cos in Jordan they get naff all!!

What are the consequences of Quantative easing?

QE may have held off initial problems with the banking industry, but no where else.
Here are the facts:
1. Banks borrow this money at 0.5% and it shows a huge profit on their Balance Sheets and to the shareholders. This improves the bonuses!
2. Banks overdrafts are ranging from 18-30%
3. Personal Loans are ranging from 8.9%(very little) to 14.9%
4. Bank Credit cards are charging between 24% to 35%
5. Small to Medium sized companies are not getting the loans promised by the government and they do nothing
6. Large businesses are hoarding their cash. This is why the Stock Market is so strong
7. Banks have generally stopped lending no matter what they say.
8. The economy in the UK cannot get going strongly unless there is money
9. Stg 325 bln into the system, but where has it gone? as I said above, to the banks

So basically, the whole thing has been a whitewash.
However, watch the bleating 2 years down the road when inflation starts to grow fast!
No doubt it will be blamed on the consumer for spending money, or having too much in savings.
And they wonder why?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

IMF as expected asked the UK to bail out the Euro

As i said months ago Britain will be asked to bail out the Euro in the form of lending to the IMF. We are now up to our limit of Stg 40 bln which is in the IMF charter. However, watch out as Spain collapses that we will be asked to add more. This is an outrage bearing in mind what we are going through, the Europeans are trying to stuff us 

Euro is at an end and the EU is coming to an end

Let's take it bit by bit!

France - The voters have decided to take action by voting against Austerity. When the chips are down the French are great at protectionism via the back door, so it's not official. Expect this to occur.
Expect more strikes. Expect the students to become violent.
If the French want less austerity then how can the European Central Bank manage?
Credit rating to go down further.

Greece  - The voters have decided to take action by voting against Austerity! I seem to have heard that elsewhere? Children are being given up to charity, because parents can't afford them. There will be violent clashes. Expect the government to be in disarray for weeks and maybe months before a coalition can be formed. Credit rating to go down further

Spain - with 1 in 4 now unemployed this is a civil war about to happen. Credit rating to go down further.

Holland - now voting against cut backs and they are one of the better off countries.

Germany - recession beginning to hit. Need Europe to begin to boost the economy to keep it going and support the Euro. Not going to happen for another 18 months!

UK will see signs of a turn around end of this year. UK will lose AAA rating. No justification if USA has lowered.

Other countries - Who is helping the Euro? It's very quiet from other countries.

N.B. What idiot is trying to take the EU social Welfare and give it to Turkey, who (1) hasn't joined the EU (2) still has human rights issues. This has to be a give away against the UK. Again some idiotic ponse from the EU has made a suggestion and is not accountable or liable for such an idea.

With these ideas the EU can NEVER continue to exist!!
It all becomes a Mafia corporation.

Monday, April 23, 2012

As i said months ago Britain will be asked to bail out the Euro in the form of lending to the IMF. We are now up to our limit of Stg 40 bln which is in the IMF charter. However, watch out as Spain collapses that we will be asked to add more. This is an outrage bearing in mind what we are going through, the Europeans are trying to stuff us and the fact that it's underhand!! George Osborne is in for a nasty ride. The coalition are a joke at the moment.
Also expect more chaos from Spain as it's being whispered etc that the husband of the youngest princess married a crooked Basketball player. Over the past years he has been syphoning money left, right and centre!
If nothing is done, expect a civil war in Spain.
Holidays to Spain will collapse this year creating even more problems.
If it all collapses expect the European Central Bank to more or less go bust as it won't be able to support the cash needed!!! More than a Trillion Euros 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

UK Government isn't telling the truth

1. There is no way on earth that the UK economy will show signs of a  pick up until the end of 2012
2. The same for Europe but end of 2013
3. Unemployment will get worse
4. Inflation MUST go up when you have foreign owners of our biggest companies and utilities putting price up between 15-30%
5. Banks are now charging 29% for unauthorised overdrafts and those authorized are about 22%APR
6. Credit cards are now being charged at just below 30% I.e. Barclaycard is a prime example
7. Tax going up so companies will not swallow the loss they will pass it on so inflation!
8. so the UK government is in fact creating inflation so interest rates HAVE to go up eventually and quite fast as the Bank of England fears inflation and puts interest rates up twice as fast than lowering.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Greek crisis

So the markets have reacted positively, but the creditors are down about 60% of their debt to Greece.
Now the Greeks are saying it still falls short.

The Greeks lied to get into Europe and the Euro and they will continue to lie until they squeeze the last b it and in fact have a credit on their books.

This hasn't gone away yet!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How much has Labour and the present Govt cost us in immigration

Well for one jobs!
When the Olympics has 95% polish workers and the Tower Hamlets or Newham council won't take on British workers, we have a problem.
My home town of Dagenham is now renowned for fraud, Children trafficking and Prostitution, is it a
co-incidence that there has been a massive influx of Africans and it's now known as little Nigeria!
The same people have received between Stg40,000 and 80,000 to leave London and move to Dagenham and Barking.
In Dagenham and Barking they now have zero council homes or any home to give to an actual British person!
Why in Dagenham on a little industrial site have 5 churches been set up? Are ours not good enuf, or is it because our Reverends will not approve of child trafficking and money laundering etc.
It really is big business in Dagenham and of course nothing goes to the taxman, but plenty leaves our Social Benefits office!!

Bearing in mind that this is just one area. Bear in mind there is the same in Scotland, as it's easier for the Africans to get into Scotland.

This is an outrageous situation and it will get worse.

The only way to stop this is to stop all immigration from non-EU countries.
Restrict immigration from EU countries that are not indigenous to that country.
It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

The only way to stop this is to stop all immigration from non-EU countries.
Restrict immigration from EU countries that are not indigenous to that country.
Make British Nationals living in the UK come first in the queue
It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

This was all created by Labour, but the present Govt is not tackling the problem

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

LibDems are a disaster

Is it just me that notices?
All they say is hike taxes or things that doesn't have a tax then make it so.
Now they want students to pay Council tax!
So you have a dormitory at University with maybe 200 students. So instead of getting one council tax for the building you get 200! As if the students can afford it as they are already in Stg 30k debt when they leave Uni!
They are blithering idiots riding on wave.
Can anyone tell me if they add value (not monetary) to the government?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

So are we seeing Nostradamus coming true?

Nostradamus said that a 3rd WW will start in the Middle East.
1. Russia and china seems to be happy that Assad is murdering his people.
2. Both again seem happy for Iran to make nuclear capability

One thing is for sure, Syria will not be allowed to settle until the deposing of Assad or his murder.
There cannot be peace in Syria until he is gone.
Iran will for sure provocate and build a nuclear arm of some kind.

In either case America will either go in or back someone else to go in and do something.
China for sure is backing Iran by buying all of their oil at inflated prices.

And then there is the 3rd item. Global recession! It could be all sorted with good old war!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Don't trust the Greeks!

So another bail out has been agreed.
Be WARNED! the Greeks have not been entirely truthful about their debt and you can expect at least another Euro 100 bln suddenly being realized.
I think the idea is to bleed the EU and then pull out of the Euro and be totally debt free!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

IPAD being attacked by the Chinese

So following on from my previous blogs about the Chinese taking over, here is another example.
Proview of China are suing Apple saying that they had the IPAD name and should hold the rights!
Now what does IPAD stand for?

Interpersonal Awareness Device   IPAD

So the question is? How on earth they would get that acronym from a language of signs!

This of course is retaliation for the USA suing various companies in China for their cheap reproductions. However, expect the shares to fall in Apple Inc. as long as the Chinese want to cause hassle.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Expect Greece to leave the Euro followed by Italy soon

Greece is in turmoil.
If anyone earns a salary the average is down to less than Euro800 a month.
Now with the latest EU rules signed by all but the UK the EU, IMF and European Central bank can impose all kinds of measures. Now with Greece they will call for more austerity measures without question.
People just won't stand for it! Especially as the Greeks remember the war and will not allow the Germans to dictate to them. This will bring the country near to civil war !
Greece has to pull out. If they do then others will look to do the same.
I know I haven't been alone in calling for the Euro to break, but I have been saying it since it's inception and more vehemently in the past year or so.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

God moves in mysterious ways!

So in the UK the church synod complains that the congregation is falling, youngsters have dropped away.
However, there have been 2 sure things 1. people want to get married 2. people die and need funerals.

So it seems God has found an answer to the synods questions.
1. up the cost of marriages by 40%
2. Put  fee on people dying by 50%

So of course this will mean 1. Registry office marriages or non-marriage 2. More small cremations and forget about the vicar doing a big speech.

This sounds like God is not an economist in these tight times! May as well have a performance bonus to top it!!

The Labour govt, the Olympic Committee and the Int'l Olympic Committee

1. Labour won the Olympics
2. They budgeted Stg 2.5 bln, but it's costing Stg 12bln! and if you read my blog my guess was 10 bln
3. The final cost is likely to be nearer to Stg 15bln. Please tell me how we are going to make this back?
4. The IOC takes 25-50% commission on everything if not more. I know from dealing with them.

Who wants to host this in future??

Saturday, February 4, 2012

UK economical pick up

What the majority of people don't know or understand is how the global economical cycles work.
Ok so here it is:
1. Starts in USA
2. Then UK 9 months later
3.Then Europe 12-18 months later

So we had the issue of Bear Stern and Lehman in the USA
Then we had Northern Rock etc
Then we had Ireland, Italy etc etc

The current situation is:
USA turning the corner
UK will do the same Sept/Oct of this year
Europe still being hit will turn in 2014.

Years ago I did a study of economical cycles and I found that:
An good times last 7 years and bad times 15 years and in between is the gradual rise and sudden falls.

So this is my expectation that the turning is beginning to happen but will be slowish, but the green roots will appear start of 2013 for UK which is what I wrote when I started writing this blog!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

UK Olympics

I think that if you check my history you will see that I got the cost of the Olympics spot on!!
STG 12 bln !!!!!

I cannot see why people are surprised it is always the case when the government announces any project.
It will cost generally 3 times as much. It's a game. The officials have no idea how much things costs and the favoured builders or contractors are told to under estimate the costs to get the job and then start to ratchet up the cost.

If you made MP's accountable then this may change things.
Labour's MP Tessa Howell is one of the biggest culprits who was the original sponsor for this project!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Is Vince Cable a Labour person or a Lib Dem?

Business Secretary Vince Cable wants to curb executives pay, stop bonuses and basically tax anything that has a monetary value.
I am surprised that this guy is a Lib Dem and not a Labour minister.
This guy alone can cancel the coalition with his antics. He really has NO clue about politics and what the man on the street is saying.
It seems that the Lib Dems feel that they are invincible because they can blame the Conservatives for everything they say.
I can see the coalition coming to the edge this year if it continues and if push comes to shove I bet most people will stick with the Tories.
However, I expect a conflict this year which will hide the economic problems in the UK and bring us back from the abyss!

Human rights is an ass !!

So we have 2 examples here in the UK

1. Mutarda the UK colonel for Bin Laden CANNOT be sent back to Jordan, because of his rights and will not get a fair trial in Jordan. This makes me wonder which system is correct? The one that tortures or kills the person who has murdered many civilians including children, or the one that does nothing. If I was MI5 I would arrange an accident for the guy and save us some money AND embarrassment on the International front!

2. A Mafia type of guy who has raped and killed says he is about to marry an UK citizen! Has sidestepped deportation back to his country many times.
 If I was MI5 I would arrange a n accident for the guy and save us some money AND embarrassment on the International front!

See the link here. No questions but a very simple solution. Why can't anyone else think of such solutions, it isn't difficult??

UK benefit rip off from foreigners

So we have just under 380,000 foreigners in the UK claiming benefits.
Based on jobseekers allowance alone this is Stg 1,027,520,000 a year alone.
They also claim: Child benefit although most of their families are in their own country, they also claim Family credit which is Stg 2,314,200,000 and there is more!!

All of this from us the taxpayer. It's about time the EU got it's act together on this illegal practise!!

Loan shark to be or not to be, that is the question!

So in the UK there is a radio advert, asking the vulnerable public who are out of a job and going to loan sharks, because they can't feed their family, to call a number any inform on loan sharks as it's illegal!

Now here's the thing that confuses me.
1. Bank rate is 0.5% (banks borrow money from the market or the Bank of England)
2. Banks are lending generally at 14pct
3. Barclaycard is charging 29.9%
4. Other credit cards are charging 16.9 - 19.9 pct some at 35%
5. 'Legal' loan companies are charging 2300 pct like Wonga sponsors to 2 football clubs I know and there is another company lending at 2600 pct
6. I contacted the Football Association asking how they allow this kind of treachery to sponsor football clubs and i was told it's not their business.
7. I wrote to the Treasury to ask how they can justify this kind of business and I wrote to the Bank of England. Needless to say I didn't get a reply.

The question is ' who is the crook' ??
In my simple mid it must be all of the above!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Europe and UK again !!

As I wrote some time ago it seems that the IMF will be approaching the UK for more funds. So this will be above a possible Stg 37-40 bln that is our ceiling according to the IMF agreement.
I explained months ago that the UK will end up bailing out Europe.

I also said that the effect to the average family was at least Stg 5000 a year for the austerity package and the bail out.
This now has to rise to Stg 7500.
Don't let the government fool you, it will cost us at least this for the next 5 years.

Expect more unrest in the UK with strikes becoming more often and unemployment rising hasn't stopped yet!
2013 will be a little easier for unemployment and the economy.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Europe is in trouble

As I said months ago the Euro will split. I did say that it was only delaying tactics.
It's as plain as the nose on my face that Greece will default. this will be followed by Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy.
The new fund just isn't enough to cope.
The French banks will also fall into trouble. Germany has a choice of paying everyone off or abandoning their Eutopian dream of managing Europe.
The recession is now creeping up on Europe as I mentioned ages ago.
It goes USA, UK and then  Europe.
It appears that the USA is slowly coming out of recession. It takes about 9 months for the UK to follow suit.
Expect some Euro countries to be downgraded again to at least a single 'A' and possibly BBB level. This is in itself means the Euro cannot continue in it's current form and such members.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Scottish Referendum

The Scots from eternity have denied being part of Britain.
The fact that the English taxpayer funds their Free prescriptions, Drugs, Universities and general living, is besides the point.
The Scottish National Party have for years wanted a referendum and want one for 2014.
Now David Cameron has said next year and they are crying about. They say they want more time to convince the Scottish people. Well they have had about 15 years already.

So Cameron has called their bluff.
What he needs to do now is tell them, that if they vote to part from Britain then the following will happen:
1. They will have to pay for their medication
2. They will have to fund their hospitals
3. They will have to fund their Education
4. Taxes will go up significantly
5. They will have to fund their Social Benefits
6. They will not get any Oil revenues as they haven't contributed to anything in exploration, drilling and refining etc
7. Unemployment will be about 50% and it will increase as companies pull out
8. RBS will go bankrupt
9. Bank of Scotland will go bankrupt
10. MP's will have to decide who they represent and if they say Scotland their salaries will fall

So the question is, how serious the SNP can be and what their manifesto is, 'cos I can't see how they can fund anything.

They really have no idea.
Also just to add that there is a city in Scotland, where the average age of living is 56 years old.
Maybe this is their ploy. They won't have to pay out any pensions if people have jobs!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

The UK Austerity package

Over the past year I have pointed out then the cost to everyone of all costs to them UK Austerity package.
Well we are entering 2012 and we are still hearing how much it will cost each family per year.

I mentioned Stg 5000 per year. This is now rising.For the lower paid person I would seriously look at this and consider going on social benefits!
In order to get people to spend we need to lower personal taxes, petrol taxes etc.
This actually brings in more revenue, but it seems the UK government really hasn't woken up to this.

Still the USA housing market is in the crap.Until this turns around do not expect the UK economy to turn around and this will be 6-9 months after the USA says it has turned around. Historically this is closely related!

Cameron's New Year message is inept

So we have the Olympics and the Queens jubilee, but if Cameron thinks this will help the economy he is seriously deluded.
1. The Olympics will cost about Stg 12bln so how ill we make a profit? Of course NOT a chance
2. The jubilee is a tourist attraction but is very short term.

How will this help the 1 million plus 18-25 year olds get jobs?
How will this help the UK recover from any Euro problems?
Just on these 2 items there is absolutely no chance!

So Cameron is an imbecile if he thinks the man on the street believes what he says.
If I was him I would sack my speech writers and advisors!