Wednesday, March 28, 2012

UK Government isn't telling the truth

1. There is no way on earth that the UK economy will show signs of a  pick up until the end of 2012
2. The same for Europe but end of 2013
3. Unemployment will get worse
4. Inflation MUST go up when you have foreign owners of our biggest companies and utilities putting price up between 15-30%
5. Banks are now charging 29% for unauthorised overdrafts and those authorized are about 22%APR
6. Credit cards are now being charged at just below 30% I.e. Barclaycard is a prime example
7. Tax going up so companies will not swallow the loss they will pass it on so inflation!
8. so the UK government is in fact creating inflation so interest rates HAVE to go up eventually and quite fast as the Bank of England fears inflation and puts interest rates up twice as fast than lowering.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Greek crisis

So the markets have reacted positively, but the creditors are down about 60% of their debt to Greece.
Now the Greeks are saying it still falls short.

The Greeks lied to get into Europe and the Euro and they will continue to lie until they squeeze the last b it and in fact have a credit on their books.

This hasn't gone away yet!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How much has Labour and the present Govt cost us in immigration

Well for one jobs!
When the Olympics has 95% polish workers and the Tower Hamlets or Newham council won't take on British workers, we have a problem.
My home town of Dagenham is now renowned for fraud, Children trafficking and Prostitution, is it a
co-incidence that there has been a massive influx of Africans and it's now known as little Nigeria!
The same people have received between Stg40,000 and 80,000 to leave London and move to Dagenham and Barking.
In Dagenham and Barking they now have zero council homes or any home to give to an actual British person!
Why in Dagenham on a little industrial site have 5 churches been set up? Are ours not good enuf, or is it because our Reverends will not approve of child trafficking and money laundering etc.
It really is big business in Dagenham and of course nothing goes to the taxman, but plenty leaves our Social Benefits office!!

Bearing in mind that this is just one area. Bear in mind there is the same in Scotland, as it's easier for the Africans to get into Scotland.

This is an outrageous situation and it will get worse.

The only way to stop this is to stop all immigration from non-EU countries.
Restrict immigration from EU countries that are not indigenous to that country.
It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

The only way to stop this is to stop all immigration from non-EU countries.
Restrict immigration from EU countries that are not indigenous to that country.
Make British Nationals living in the UK come first in the queue
It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

This was all created by Labour, but the present Govt is not tackling the problem

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

LibDems are a disaster

Is it just me that notices?
All they say is hike taxes or things that doesn't have a tax then make it so.
Now they want students to pay Council tax!
So you have a dormitory at University with maybe 200 students. So instead of getting one council tax for the building you get 200! As if the students can afford it as they are already in Stg 30k debt when they leave Uni!
They are blithering idiots riding on wave.
Can anyone tell me if they add value (not monetary) to the government?