Sunday, June 17, 2012

Egypt is about to shoot itself in the foot

So the Egyptians have a cause to get rid of Mubarak.
They want freedom and most communications have been on Facebook and other social services for their rallies and discussions.

So we now have Mubarak in Jail and there is 2 contenders for the President and leadership role.
1. A guy who is an ex-Mubarak minister
2. An Islamic almost fundamental person who wants to run the country on an Sharia basis.

So the Egyptians have a choice of the following:
1. A guy who has the same values as Mubarak, which is really a dictatorship
2. A guy who wants to make Sharia Law, which already exists in Egypt, but will be much stricter. This means that the openness that they crave, or the more Western values, will be restricted, so actually is the opposite to what they have fought for.

My guess is that as the Egyptians are not the brightest sparks will go for the Islamist and shoot themselves in the foot.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

UK PLC is terminally ill

The UK is very sick!

We have one of the lowest performance for pensions in the world.

Quantative Easing has nothing for the ‘man on the street’. It finances the banks at 0.5% while they charge us 8.9-14% for loans, upto 30% for overdrafts and credit cards, ‘Official’ loan sharks like are charging between 1600-6500% in interest. Bank profits are going through the roof and they wonder why!

No loans to businesses.

I said weeks ago about 10 years down the road and that figures will prove Abortions going through the roof as people can’t afford a family.

his week’s Sunday Times quoted up to 28% increase in London for Abortions!
Instead of a ‘baby boom’ we have a’ baby collapse’ which means 20 years down the road we won’t have enough workers etc. But that will be ok ‘cos we will have the flood gates open for immigrants. This means that 40 years down the road we won’t have an indigenous UK native anymore.

The government is going to allow Gay marriages which means that Churches won’t be able to decline marrying them. This contradicts the Bible, so marriages will move away from Church.

The government cannot look beyond their noses and see the damage that they are causing to the UK.

However, when you have a Prime Minister who forgets his daughter and leaves her in the Pub, we should expect this.

Where were the minders and hangers on?

The government should be looking at things to make GB great again.

Suggestion: Introduce a flat Tax rate of 25-30% and see how many companies will want to come to the UK, employ people, pay taxes etc! I have been saying this for months now.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Spanish Banks bailout

So we have gone from Euro 40 billion to Euro 100 billion for a Spanish bank bailout.
Don't you believe it for one minute!!
If you talk about Euro 400 billion you are nearer to the truth.
Basically, the bail out fund is insufficient and the ECB will have to issue bonds.

Friday, June 1, 2012

UK recovery

I said ages ago that the UK economy will be back again 2013/2014. I still think this is correct.
The USA is now recovering and we will follow about 10 months later.

Petrol companies making profits

Oil prices dropped have dropped about USD 45 a barrel but petrol prices in the UK are still high and expected to rise. 
In the current climate how comes a Swiss owned refinery in Essex UK has closed down as it's gone bankrupt.
Because of this closure we have warnings that petrol in the UK can go up 10p a litre.
Now this just doesn't make sense, for the whole of the UK! There are other refineries and one that is just about 5 miles down the road.
I think there is some skulduggery going on there. this is profiteering.

The government refuses to cut tax or even stop a rise in August. This will be counter productive and you can see cars being used less, so the govt will in fact lose revenue.

The govt is threatening extra taxes on the oil companies but lets see the facts;
1. The govt wont drop taxes
2. The govt will keep the rise in tax on profits for itself
3. there is no benefit to the motorist
4. It won't drop road tax

So in the end, it seems it's just a way for the government to raise more revenue and they don't care about the families.

The last time petrol was this price on the markets the cost of a litre of petrol was about Stg 0.90.
So why is it 50% higher?

Is the IMF really qualified?

First the IMF tells the UK that they need to bring in austerity packages.
Now they are saying we are stifling our economy for a recovery!

So what is it they want us to do?

Then there is Mrs Legard now found out not to be paying taxes.

 I think it's called 'I'm alright Jack!'

The EU and Euro problems will go out to the next generation

ost Governments and people are correctly focusing on the near term affects of the global economic collapse and the Euro debacle.
How can we get the economies going
How do we save jobs
However, what people are not saying – Yet! Is what will it do to the next generation?
Because there is such problems and now poverty, the western world isn’t spending and if they are not spending they certainly won’t want to have children.
I suspect that in a few years time we will start seeing figures of how much an increase there has been for Abortions.
Also, in about 5 years, the governments may wake up to the fact that we will have the opposite effect of the ‘Baby Boom years’ and that the Western world population will in fact decrease, which in
turn, will put massive pressure on governments incomes and social benefit funding.
What about a lack of workers or skilled people like plumbers and electricians. How about capital intelligence being eroded by a lack of students etc.
This will be totally alien to the western world and this is where the Chinese will begin to take over. They already have poverty and still reproduce, so they will continue to grow in population and to redistribute themselves.