Friday, February 26, 2010

Europe is doomed !

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Screw the EU and their pathetic rulings

EU JUDGES ordered that a Somali mum be given a four-bedroom council house in Britain - even though she was an illegal immigrant.
Nimco Hassan Ibrahim, 43, can now live here rent-free and may end up costing taxpayers nearly £500,000.

Read more:

Gordon Brown continues to lie!

After all the reports of Dictator Brown shouting abuse, throwing things at his staff and the general bullying, Mr Alistair Darling reported that he has had certain events with the Prime Minister who again denied it. Today the head of the Civil Service ( Government office staff etc) has admitted talking to Gordon Brown on his communication skills towards staff. How much can Brown lie and think he is getting away with it?

You can't make this up !! The UK is like a Third World dictatorship.

GET HIM OUT !!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lending at an 8 year low

Well what a surprise, mortgage lending is down to the lowest for 8 years.
I mentioned in a previous blog that I did not expect lending to recover for at least another year.
What this does highlight is the government ineptitude to make the banks lend money or to create the NEW government bank.
This government will not do anything now, as it's on it's way out, and why?

Situations like this! They are like ostriches with their heads in the sand and Gordon Brown says ' don't trust the Tories with the economy !!' hahaha or LOL don't make me laugh.

Gordon Brown the dictator No.3

It's laughable that Gordon Brown's wife is supporting her husband as are a few Labour M.P's who say he has a forceful character. This is different to being a bully and making staff call the BullyLine!

It has been obvious for some time that he is a Scottish Dictator who shouldn't be running Britain!!

The quicker people get him out the better. If by any small chance Labour get in again, I will the first in the queue to leave England, because his taxation plans will just be too much and getting back to the 1800's with poverty

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dictator Brown No.2

This is my second blog on this issue because I had no idea that the news today would confirm what I had said before!
Mr Brown's staff have been calling the bully line for advice because he:
Throw tantrums
Throws items at staff
Swears and shouts at them
etc etc

This is typical of what I said in my first blog and there is NO way this guy should ever run our country.
I don't need to have an inside informer, I have seen many people like him before and they all get there ' come uppance' at the end of the day!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Afghanistan and Taliban

The patting on the back of the British and American forces is far too early.
The Taliban was given more than enough warning time to leave the area and to regroup elsewhere.
The fact that the British troops didn't meet much resistance proves the case.

The Taliban will regroup and attack in numbers and this is typical guerilla warfare.
Of course the stupid politicians want to claim a win already. This will be to their cost.

Watch out for much more blood shed on the 'friendly' forces side in the coming weeks.


We all new that it would rear it's ugly head again. Of course the Argentinians have figured that they must have found oil in the Falklands and now want the island again.
That is what it was all about anyway. So they have waited for the UK to find it and now will try and capture it.

I can see there being another invasion, but the U.N. will not do anything.

The point is that our soldiers are in Iraq and Afghanistan so we can't defend it again and I suspect that the Argentinians know this !!

Doesn't take a brain surgeon does it???

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gold fish Brown

Is it me who sees things but as I pointed out to my kids, Mr Brown is like a goldfish, because between sentences he takes a breath and his lower lip curls in and makes him look like a goldfish!!

UK PLC is broke !!

The government spent Stg4.3bn more than it's income for January, which was a shock as it was expected to be Stg1bn surplus. Let's see how Mr Dictator Brown will get out of this bag.

We are as bad as Greece and Sterling should be below 1.00 against the Euro.

As I said before expect the so called ' out of credit crunch' to be amended to back in it again for last quarter.

Just apply logic and Common Sense and you will have the correct view of UK PLC!!

Animal Farm for Harriet Harman

'People are equal except some are more equal than others!' out of animal farm I believe.

Anyway, here is the parasite, who is also a chameleon and supports whoever, will give her something, Harriet Harman is now under scrutiny for her trips all over the place, which has cost the tax payer Stg 650,000.

She is the biggest waste of space going and provides nothing. Currently, putting forward some equality thing into the House to pass is a joke.

Get rid of her !!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jurors do not understand judges

The British Government have carried out a study of how many Jurors understand the judge and I guess mainly on the summing up.
The study's results are so bad that there is likely to be an overhaul of the system.

I hope that this includes plain English!!!

The juror bases their verdict on evidence and argument, but at times it's so technical and legal jargon that the jury is either asleep or can't understand the language.

The survey found men were less likely than women to listen to arguments and change their mind when they hear evidence.
Most probably because men really don't want to be there but at work and earn money.

Jurors are in contempt of court because they understand more by reading the interent about the case, but of course this isn't allowed!

So any changes should make it plain English for all of us to understand the law and the arguments

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Terrorists in the UK

The wife of the leader of the Atlantic Bombers was sympathetic to his cause and wanted him to be a martyr, while she is claiming all kinds of things in the UK.
Take the same view of the Aussies jail her for 28 years for not telling the police what he was going to do and his gang.

Get her off the streets before she breeds another terrorist!!!!

Some human rights mob are likely to get her off and state that she need asylum from Pakistan. !!

Let's get real.

Social benefits are a disgrace !!

UK social benefits are run by a bunch of idiots as well as the government being idiots.

Look at the link below to see an immigrant with 6 kids who lives in a Stg 2mio house while on benefits and yet some people cannot claim beacuse they have to live off Stg 100 a week per couple !!!

The common sense party as reviouslt stated that immigrants should provide proof of earnings for 5 years before they get anything.
If we go to their country and I know from personal experience, we are not allowed any benefits at all.

Credit Card charges

Today I read that the banks have raised the credit card interest to 18.8%.
Whatever, happened to the Labour talks with the banks in not ripping off the retail customer?
I hope that people will now just stick 2 fingers up at the credit cards when people's cards are paid off and therefore, cutting off the huge profits the banks are creating from helping people to go into debt.

Power to the people !!

P.s. The credit crunch hasn't hit Holland too much because they are a nett saving country and don't like Credit.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Europe meltdown!

I can't believe that the politicians in Europe can't see what is going on and this will be to their peril.

1. BNP in the UK have been forced by law to allow non-whites into their party and yet Muslim groups won't accept non-muslims!

2. Riots in Milan by Egyptians after an Egyptian is stabbed by groups from South America.

3.Germany and Russia are seeing more neo-Nazi movements

These are only a few incidents, but they are beginning to increase and fast.
The European politicians will notice this too late and that the Europeans voters want their governments to cut immigration and this is for unemployment in each country.
It will end in tears !!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Arrogant Brown

The true Gorson Brown is coming out.
In an inetrview he says that he should have been Prime Minister and the successor of John Smith, who died!
I have to ask WHY?
This typifies the man who won't listen to anyone and dictates what he wants.
Even Harriert Harman is acting the same way and her policies on equality!

Brown should not be head of a democracy, but a tribal chief in Scotland!
Get him out and all of his cronies.

Brown trying to tug at heart strings!

Isn't it odd that both Gordon Brown and Alistair Campbell appear on TV and seem to cry about their experiences.
Today Gordon Brown ' opening his heart after his 1st born daughter died' !
Call me heartless, but this stinks of another media promotion for the pending election.
will they not stop at anything??

Thursday, February 11, 2010

USA and UK relations are damaged

Over the years there have been many UK government secrets and most are held for 35 years or so before being released.

Because of a UK muslim being held in Guantanamo bay by the Americans, was tortured, a UK court has ruled that secrets given by the Americans can be released. Bearing in mind that the CIA information to the UK government was given in the strictest confidence, it is no wonder that the CIA is fuming. The result will be that any intelligence etc we ask for, will be denied or slowed up etc and at worst no more co-operation.

Is there such a thing when the Muslims torture our troops, of course not!!

I can see an increasing build up of anti-muslim with all Eupropean countries and something will break.

In this case again, the British legal system is weak and most probably yielded to the Politically Correct brigade.

The consequences are dire for the UK and USA relations. How is it that the UK government couldn't stop this??

There is some skuldugery going on somewhere. Maybe Labour knows it will lose the next election and want to cause the Conservatives some problems!!!

We are not in the Euro but may have to help bail out Greece!

Mr Brown is in Brussels and will be TOLD that the UK will have to help fund the bail out of Greece!
1. we are in trouble ourselves and because we are NOT in the Euro, Europe will not bail us out.
2. Why are being forced to do this when we are not in the Euro
3. Mr Brown will capitulate as he is an idiot
4. There is Spain and Portugal to come and this is far larger than Greece

We are seeing the demise of the Euro, which is why we didn't join, so let the member countries sort it out!!!

This doesn't sound like a democratic Federal Government (no such thing) to me!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Flying tax will increase

For whatever reason they give (Green, Pollution etc), apart from funding the massive big blackhole by the government, expect a flying tax of 25-50% over next 5 years.

NHS stress from Obese people

It is reported that patients visiting the NHS with obesity has gone up 60%.
This is not a surprising fact if anyone is old enough to remember the 50-70's.
In times of hardship and families have to be fed, parents turn to value food which ultimately means, fast food, cheaper foods that contain rubbish, Bread, Potatoes with starch.

So based on the fact that there is a high level of unemployement and salaries are being cut etc, this should have been expected by all.

So I guess the best thing the government is going to conjure up is a massive increase in tax on:
+Motor bikes
+local transport
(can't think of anything else but I am sure there is more)

This will mean people will have to walk and run or ride a bike (depending on road tax!!) and therefore, exercise- Daaarrrggggghhhhh!!!!

Europe vs UK

Today going to a supermarket in Amsterdam I found the energy saving light bulbs at Euros 6-8. In the UK they are Stg 1.50 or Euros 1.725 and we complain about this.

However, as this is a euro rule that we have to have these now, how long will it take for the UK to start seeing these prices.

Also, the questions are:
1. Who is profiteering the government directly or indirectly from coproration tax, or the manufacturer?
2. What happened to price differences with euro betwen countries only being the inflation rate.

This is absolute nonesense and a scam!
This is why the UK should stay out of Europe and forget about Eutopia

Tax for death

As mentioned much earlier in my blogs, it wouldn't surprise me if the Labour Government brought in tax for living beyond an age. They have surpassed themselves by having a secret plan to tax the estate of people after death to pay for the cost of old age support for all the immigrants they are now trying to bring in, although the population want it stopped.
Labout basically have sold the country to foreigners and now they are going for the jugular and wanting to bring it to it's knees to extinction.
For our sake, vote them out as soon as possible !!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The penny has finally dropped about the Taliban!

Mr Ainsworth must be reading my blog.
He now agrees with me that the Taliban DO NOT want peace. Of course they don't, there would be no cause otherwise and I re-iterate:
Feed the Afghans
Provide jobs
Provide water
provide cash

How thick are our Judges??

This is about a potential suicide bomber who had 'thoughts' the police find suicide bomb components and propaganda.
But this isn't enough to lock him away.
Is it just me or are these judges thick????

Monday, February 8, 2010

Let's warn the Taliban !

It's reported that the Americans and British are warning the Taliban to get out of a region before they attack/bomb the hell of it!

Because of all the investigations and inquiries going on, we are warning the enemy beforehand and therefore, prolonging the role of the UK in Afghanistan.

What is this all about?

Do you think they warn our troops before they blow them up! I don't think so.
Let's get real on this. The Taliban are not willing to compromise their position because of their religious beliefs and that is what is fundamental about it all and why the Taliban were created not long ago (Talib= Student)in Pakistan. They are believing in Wahibism, which is the most fundamental and oppressive version of Islam and don't really care for the words of the Koran, but their own version.

When will the western world understand this?

Why is it that after so many years and the forces of SAS, SEALS, Mossad etc that we cannot find Osama bin Laden. It's no good offering money to residents to inform on the Al Qaeda, who is liaising with the Talibans, because of fear and intimidation.
No! the way to blow this out of the water is to offer jobs and money to the normal person. These kind of movements or terrorists only work off poverty, depression, hunger and desperation.

Mr Blair and Gordon Brown murderers?

The facts are now emerging that Mr Blair had no justification that the UK should have gone into war with Iraq.Many of our soldiers were killed!

Mr Brown upset by Mr Blair seems to have held back on funding of kit for our soldeiers. Many of our soldiers were killed!

If this was another country, these guys would be taken to the courts in the Hague and charged with mass murder.

So the question is, will they be let off by the Chilcott committee investigation. Of course they will!! No politician has been charged for hundred of years, why spoil it!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

MP's Expenses

It should come as no surprise to anyone reading this blog that Lord Hanningfield is being investigated. In an earlier blog I noted the waste that went on in the Chelmsford Borough / County council. The example of wastage I gave was in fact something I was told he did. So I presume he thought he was mightier than thou! as they say !!

Euro turning sour

As per previous comments, Spain is now being hit and the Euro is looking suspect.
All in all pressure is building and from what i hear Germany are not too happy with the Euro either as they are digging everyone out of the poop, because UK isn't there to bail everyone out!!
Spain has unemployment the highest in the EU and this will likely be the same for Portugal who will be next.
I am a little out of my original timing in 2000 to say it would last no longer than 10 years but I am feeling confident as each month goes by!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

All and sundry welcome to the UK

Let's get this straight, I only comment on facts!

1. An Iraqi immigrant to the Uk named Laith Alani has killed 2 experienced consultants in the UK who worked for the NHS.
He is in prison and on medicine to curb his killing nature, which is most likely an expensive medicine.
The Home Office wanted to deport him to Iraq. However the Judge who appears to be a Politically Correct tosser has deemed to provide asylum on the basis that he won't get the medication in Iraq and he will be a danger to his own people-- And the judges point is!!!!

2. Hardline Cleric Yahya Ibrahim is on a tour of UK universities talking about Jews being pigs and monkeys and apparently is asscoiated with the group with 9/11. He has been banned by USA and Australia. The universities are stating Freedom of Speech. What the hell do academics know about the REAL world????

3. Other radical Islamists allowed into the UK are: Abu Ammeenah, Bilal Philips, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, Tariq Suweidan and Sheikh Qazi Hussain Ahmed. These people have been banned in part in USA, Australia, Belgium, Holland and other countries.
However, they are all allowed to attend the UK !! Some are speaking about harmony in order to get allowances from their domociled countries but outside of this preaching they say not very nice things.

What is wrong with our Judicial system that these people are allowed into the UK.
We the REAL people don't want them here so when are the judges going to come to their senses. Why should people come to our country to kill and not be sent home to protect us???

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Conservative '8' benchmarks for the Economy

The eight benchmarks on economic growth were to:

:: Safeguard the UK's international credit rating;

:: Target 2 per cent inflation and preserve financial stability;

:: Create the conditions for higher exports, business investment and saving as a share of GDP;

:: Reduce youth unemployment and reduce the number of children in workless households;

:: Improve Britain's international rankings for tax competitiveness and business regulation;

:: Raise the private sector's share of the economy;

:: Raise productivity growth in the public sector;

:: Reform banking regulation to ensure lower levels of leverage, less dependence on unstable wholesale funding and greater availability of credit for small and medium sized businesses;

:: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the UK's share in the global markets for low carbon technology.

Maybe it's me and my abacus but this seems to be 9!

Create conditions for higher exports seems to smell of the reduction in sterlings value!!

Euro breaking down

Greece going to the wall is the start of the break up!
It is obvious that the ECB passing financial rules to countries on a general basis just isn't going to work as I have said before.
What can Greece offer to the EU apart from Holidays and Olives?
They have few means in order to bring their debt back into line unless the EU gives them money. This isn't going to happen.

In the wings with the same problems are:

Now Italy and Spain are main members and it will suit certainly the Italians to pull out of the Euro.


When Economists and politicians say something do the opposite!

The UK is out of recession!!!

Let's get back to basics here.
1. The past quarter was only showing 0.1 pct up
2. It's always revised

So I expect for this figure to be revised to 0.0 pct and this is figure massaging!!

I still expect Sterling to go below parity for the Euro.
UK has the same level of debt as Greece and Italy. Greece is in terrible problems.
So why is the sterling not lower. Again it's being massaged.

Economists will scream 'lower sterling brings in inflation', yes because we export more. Isn't that what we want. Besides a change in currency value will NOT affect inflation figures for at least 9 months and this is my 30 odd years experience in the financial markets speaking!
The UK government is not using it's common sense at all!!