Friday, April 29, 2011

Who says our Monarchy do nothing?

No matter what the non-royalists say with a possible 2bn people to watch the Royal wedding today, NO other country can do this in the world!
Even the Americans have now dropped the Queen of England and adopted The Queen as their introductions on USA TV.
This puts the world's focus on the UK and this country alone.
There will be TV revenues, Merchandise revenue all over the world.
Look at Australia, they have been pushing for a republic and yet they cannot buy enough memorabilia in Australia. This of course is partly due to Prince William winning the hearts of the Aussies recently when he showed compassion and a willingness to help those hurt in the floods.
So I hope all of those who scoff at the Royal family now stay quiet!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Donald Trump questioning Obama's qualifications

I find this an interesting article where Donald Trump who MAY stand for the Republican Presidential nomination, asking some questions about Obama's and how he got where he is today.
What is also interesting is that he suggests his birth details may not be as we expect and that his grades were not good enough to get to Harvard, compared to friends children who cannot get to Harvard.
It's all beginning to look like a lynch mob against Obama.

To Av or not to Av this is THE question

A lot of news about the new proposed new AV voting scheme.
I have a few observations though:

Labour has actually created the 2 party government . Why?
1. They moved a lot of boundaries a few years ago. If you all remember we were told that the Tories had an great deal to turn around. The reason being was that Labour tried to force the Labour vote for First past the Post by moving these boundaries. If they hadn't then it's likely that the Tories may have had a majority.

2. The boundaries need to be redrawn before the AV should come in. This would mean,a s I have said before, more MP's but they will be more accountable and accessible than they are now.

3. The Liberals are now accusing the Tories of trumped up stories on the cost of bringing in AV. The Tories are saying that it will cost a lot. The Liberals are now saying that they should take the Tories to court for this false statement. Well if you think about it logically it would and here is why:
a). The Liberals want to make the vote electronic. Well judging by History and we can look at the NHS Debacle. The application being developed cost STG 1,5 Billion pounds and then the plug was pulled. Anything the Government does will cost more than 3 times the original estimate.
b). In order for this to work well, the Liberals are saying that it has to be compulsory to vote. Well if people can't afford a PC anymore because of the austerity cuts and our level of living reducing, how can people vote electronically. To make it compulsory, you need staff to chase people after the fact. Then there will be prosecutions, so this will cost.
c) The electorate don't care! As long as we get a vote and the current one has been around for about 100 years, then continue and make amendments to make it more fairer for us all.
d) it won't help in finding illegal immigrants, as the Censor won't.

I am sure I can think of other reasons just from a commonsense point of view. So if I was the Liberal party I would be VERY careful in taking the Tories to court.
d) One of the few reasons for AV is to stop the small individual parties getting a seat in Parliament.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Parasites of Europe

I keep highlighting what the EEC is costing all of us including our Europan mainland friends.
What I can't understand, is why there isn't a government in Euope standing up and saying NO.
We in Britain, are now being asked to fund a further MEP'S (parasites) inflation busting pension scheme, when everyone else is losing theirs!
I want the UK government to stand up and say no! It's not worth just mentioning it in the press as David Cameron is saying, because they are just not listening.
We British should turn around and say NO, we refuse to pay now go and get the money elsewhere. I know full well that citizens of EEC are also fed up with it all.

I have said that in the UK each household at least is being cut in income by STG 5000 per annum because of austerity, now I want someone to deny this and tell me why.
I want to know who is accountable in the government for this inertia with Europe.

If someone is willing to fund my campaign I would create a party that will be far better than the UKIP and put pressure on these UK Government twits!!
All I need to do is to bring common sense to the table.
I know that I can get some very commendable candidates to help me.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

NHS just gets worse

Yesterday in hospital.
'can you help the patient sit up better as they are very uncomfortable in bed like that'
' sorry we can't because of Health and Safety'

' it must be 30c in here, can you open the window more?'
' no because of health and safety' apparently someone wanted to jump out of the window a few years ago.

My thought is, let them jump it saves money!!!

It's pathetic

NHS just gets worse

Yesterday in hospital.
'can you help the patient sit up better as they are very uncomfortable in bed like that'
' sorry we can't because of Health and Safety'

' it must be 30c in here, can you open the window more?'
' no because of health and safety' apparently someone wanted to jump out of the window a few years ago.

My thought is, let them jump it saves money!!!

It's pathetic

David Cameron under pressure to block EU demand for £400 per British family

If David Cameron doesn't do this, his whole credibility will be out of the window!!

The other countries in Europe have not established an Austerity package like UK and then we are expected to fork out for them, NOT GOOD!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

British taxpayers face £600m bill as EU defies Cameron's calls for austerity

If Cameron and the Parliament have any balls they will just not pay. This is for increase in expenses for MEP's and yet another building in Luxembourg for lawyers, it's an outrage.
If  UK refused then the EEC will collapse anyway

Let's see if Cameron has the guts!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

David Cameron blocks Gordon Brown as head of IMF

Now this is what I call ABSOLUTE COMMON SENSE!!
I just can't believe he was considered.

New heart attack jab even more effective than statins

Having found such a huge breakthrough in Heart attacks I wonder why it takes 2 years to be able to test on humans.

Orange telecom

Orange have told some workers that they can keep their jobs , IF they move to Manila in the philippines.
They would get a rice allowance and Stg1.78 a week for laundry.
This is where I would begin to stamp down on companies. They bleed the UK and then insult us with derisory things like this.
Slap a huge tax on them
Again a case of a company being French owned taking what they can out of Great Britain to call it Mugs of Britain!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Alternative Vote in the UK

I think that to some extent the AV vote is a good thing, but not with the current voting boundaries in the UK.
Labour changed alot of them because they tried to bring this in.
If the UK did bring in the AV vote then the boundaries will definitely have to change big time and this dates back to the 1400's. Boundaries were changed then to suit the Lords of the manor.
Blair did the same thing and it would most definitely exclude the Tories for many years if this occurred.

I would imagine to make smaller counties.
This will enable ALL MP's to be accountable to their voters as well as make them more communicative with them.
If you look at Essex, why should there be just a few people representing Essex when it's so large. Most people don't even meet there MP's in a lifetime. So how can an MP know what his constituents are thinking?
So if you think about it MP's can't actually represent their people.

With AV it would also mean no seats in government for the minor parties like the Raving Loony Bin party or whatever they are called and nor for ethnical parties just trying to cause a problem.

This will most probably mean then George Galloway wouldn't get in again. Which is a shame because no matter what you think he really does care and helps people on his radio show. Sometimes you have to listen to his reasoning and he mainly says don't listen to what we are being told and in the case of Iraq, to some extent, he was right.

So basically, it's your decision, but in order to accept AV things need to change, otherwise we are in trouble of having a dictatorship in Labour for many years!!

Also, it should be made compulsory to vote to stop apathy in out country

Do you need further proof of Muslim oppression?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Patients are denied high cost drugs by NHS trusts

I still state that this will never change when there are at least 4 managers per patient!!
They will protect their own jobs.
The government needs to re-distribute the wealth and provide rewards on turning the ratio around.
This will mean introducing more nursing staff, patients and provide more cash for drugs, by reducing under performing managers!!
The ration should be one manager for 6 patients at least.

This is not to mention the wasted billions on a failed computer system for patient records etc

I tried to contact the NHS a number of years ago to offer my services as a software IT specialist and I could have done this much cheaper and made it more interactive for the doctors on a global scale.
But no the NHS management who are really useless decided to waste millions on Accenture using them as a milk cow!!

Oh and if you live in Scotland or Wales you can have all the drugs you want no matter on the cost!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When is radiation a killer or not?

I have been listening to the BBC about Japan and the radiation levels.
It is being reported by someone that it cannot be compared to the level and situation in Chernobyl.
Now whether Chernobyl was an explosion of the reactor or not, radiation levels 10,000 aboive safe level or whatever it is seems to be comparable to me.
Like it isn't safe either way.
So I wonder where these idiots come from!!!
No doubt it won't stop the UK MP's going ahead 'cos the UK will get some cash from it somewhere, or the MP's will!!

Australia has sold itself!

Although a large expanse of land, Australia has sold 30% of it's mineral business.
It's so big that the Chinese have built ports and made special ships to take away iron.
This also includes a smelting factory.
Then we can talk about many other minerals that the Chinese want.
Of course it's not only the Chinese, but there are a few other Asian countries as well.
Now you can see what is going to happen here:
1. Australia will be held to ransom with threats of pull out and therefore massive unemployment, communities left high and dry etc
2.Eventually when the cost isn't worth it, the Asian countries WILL pull out without a concern about the devastation they will leave and a huge void of resources!

Unfortunately, in these days of economic downturns, all governments and politicians are becoming pimps and prostitutes together.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I repeat the Euro is breaking up!!

With Portugal at long last applying for help this leaves Spain to do the same and possibly Italy.
The Central bank is now suggesting raising interest rates because of Inflation in Germany and France etc.
This causes Ireland and Greece problems as well as Portugal because :
1. Higher interest Rates will kill off a recovery
2. The Euro will get stronger and this kills off a recovery as goods become expensive for exports.
3. Mortgages go up and lending so this stifles recovery
4. The majority of Ireland's mortgages are Inflation linked - not good!!

So expect Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain and possibly Italy to pull out of the Euro.

I won't tell you again

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cameron is mislead by his advisors!

Just because he is visiting Pakistan, there is NO need for Cameron to apologize for the worlds problems citing UK as the cause.
What is he thinking about?
Then announce he is GIVING Stg 650 million to Pakistan for deteriorating schools!
Now the last time I heard Education in the UK is being squeezed because there is NO money due to the austerity package.
So why are we giving it away at all?
I just don't understand these idiots!

here is the link to the woeful event.
No wonder the Pakistan President is smiling, he can see his personal income just rocket up!!

MP's should understand how cultures work and it doesn't matter what we do they will always clash it is their culture which is tribal!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Government to simplify National Pension scheme

This is all well and good. However, what they haven't spelled out, is the increase in cost to about 10,000,000 people!!!
Someone on Stg 25,000 a year may have to pay an extra Stg 300 a year in contributions.
These are basically Government staff.
Now we all know what a cushy life they have.
However, think of that fact that the austerity package has cost them something like 3-5,000 a year (my estimate and not the official one) and now this.
It will be hard to think the Unions will allow this!!
So expect strikes to occur

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bob Crowe the parasite

Bob Crowe head of the RMT rail union is one of the biggest parasites going.
He calls him members out on a whim just to justify his STG 150,000+ salary.

As usual cheats always get found out.

On top of all of this salary and expenses ( I never lose salary calling a strike) he has been living in a house at half of it's going rent. Not only that but the taxpayers subsidise it.
So he pays Stg 150 a week when it should be Stg 300.
Then he claims all kinds of expenses against it.
Bob Crowe isn't a clever man, just a huge sponger!!! Shame his hardworking Union members who always lose fortunes when he calls a strike, don't see him as to what he is and kick him out.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Time to stop the Fat cats!!

All I read is about the local councils and government offices spending our money when they are laying off workers.
Here is a novel idea!
How many millions will that save??
Doesn't take a brain surgeon does it!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Britons need to see themselves as a single nation, says Security Minister

Am I really hearing this in the UK ???
A Christian country established on it's own morals and culture.
And yet we get a ditzy MP saying this.
After Germany, France, UK, Belgium etc have all said integration isn't working!!

Again I repeat my previous claims. IF it was two way fine but can you imagine English or Christains having a claim in:
Saudi Arabia
plus a few others!!!!

The security minister needs sacking immediately.
She shouldn't be in this role!!

Libyan Foreign Minister Defects to UK

Apparently he has electrifying evidence about Col. Gaddafi's involvement.
I guess it's what we all know and that he authorized it!!
However, I would have thought it wise to get this information now, rather than wait for him to arrive on Wednesday in the UK - If he get's that far!!!