Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rochdale vs Muslims vs Social Services

Girls in Rochdale have been groomed for the sex trade, by 15 Muslim men.
Apparently it’s well inbred in the culture there.

What is worse is that the men predominantly from Pakistan take girls who are Christian and white from the age of 13 years old.

I have lived on and off with Muslim society for 15 years in the Middle East and their view of white, Christian women is that they are ALL
Whores/Prostitutes, because they can’t do the same thing with their own, as it’s against Islam.
The other way is ok and it’s about time the Western world and Social service get to understand this.

One girl interviewed said she had gone to school covered in flee bites, smelled because of poor hygiene,
dirty clothes and her Father even told Social Services and the police who did nothing.
Why did her Father not take her away
Why did the police do nothing
What on earth did Social Services do.

With the Police it is of course possible, going by history, that they are either involved or partake in such lewd events.

Social Services are a complete waste of time, who employs Graduates who think they actually are saving the world!
When my wife had a child we had them come around to the house and we were actually asked ‘ were we abused as kids?’
I told her that it was none of her effing business and to piss off.
So unless they get answers to their stupid questions, they have no idea.
I was also asked what I considered myself: British, Ethnic etc etc.
I replied ‘English’. The woman said that this was not an answer as it wasn’t on her list, so I asked her what she did for Scots, Welsh and Irish
Who never consider themselves British.

The second time I had dealings with these numpties, was when I was trained for high level Autism coaching.
2 came from Newcastle area. They didn’t appreciate my banter with my only other male colleague, they complained about us
And were some of the most bigoted people I have met, again graduates from the University of non-real life!

Suggestions of what the government can do:
Ensure that Muslims mix with Christians more and for both religions to understand each other
Bring in grandparents to work in Social Services for common sense
Sack most graduates in Social Services
Make police accountable for such failures

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Screw the UK Financial centre

The UK having pumped Stg 45 bln into the IMF for the debt crisis
is not enough for the EU.
 They are upset that we quite rightly refused to give them a blank cheque to ease their pain.
Nor did we agree to a transaction tax for Insurances, Share purchases or any other financial contract, which could be Credit Cards as well.
In order to get revenge the EU now want to control and rule the UK banking society and restrict them to a tight fiscal law, which in turn means the closure of banks or a Bail out by the UK tax payer.

The EU is now becoming an anti-UK federation and is going beyond it’s constitution.
But like everything else in the EU, this will all be done behind backs of the EU parliament and then implemented on UK at a moments notice.

This is currently being investigated by an unelected panel.
Who is on this panel?I doubt a UK MEP!

Basically, this is backing the call for an exit of the EU by the UK.

It's now beyond a joke and we have to withdraw from the EU!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Killings in France

The Killing of 3 or 4 people in France seems to me to be an execution! The man was an Iraqi and the people were shot in the middle of the head, which indicates there may have been more then one executioner or a very good assassin as a normal person wouldn't do this in the same place to all people!The police had better hide the little girl who has survived, as the executioner will be looking for her.

Free for all in the building trade?

Well here we go the government getting it all massively wrong again!
I advocated since 2 years ago is that the way to get the economy running is for more house building and 'Lo and behold' the government has suddenly woken up.
The problem is that they have eased the planning application, which means that hallowed green land not meant to be built on, can be.
Building applications are not the issue. The issue is funding. So the government has to force the banks to lend and not give them free money for their own profits in Quantative Easing.

The other aspect is that jobs MUST go to British workers and not Europeans like;Polish, Lithuanians etc, because all this does is to export our economy and nothing will pick up here in the UK.
Money has to stay here in the UK to be spent to get the economy going.
This is basic and commonsense in economics!
Which means our government will screw up again and wonder why it never worked!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cannot practise Christianity

So the court of Human rights and the British Courts say that if you want to wear a crucifix and your employer doesn’t want it, then you should resign or change jobs to a lesser demeaning role.
I wonder what would happen if we now told Sikhs they can’t wear their turbans or ceremony knives or Muslims cannot wear their headcaps etc.
Of course they wouldn’t have it and the courts will rule in their favour.
This is now al become barmy. It goes to show, that we are NOT a tolerant society and that Christianity will disappear or go underground.
They cannot deny this as Christians are now becoming a minority

Crooks in government return

Have you noticed over the years that if you are in government and are found guilty of an offense or resign because of one, then the time on average to return to government is about 2.5 years!
If you look at all of those Ministers who were convicted of expense theft, most are still in government or politics.
Baroness Warsi is still a Baroness and still in Politics
David Laws is back
There was a guy in the UKIP who used expenses to fund a car, but was never sacked and is still in Brussels as an MEP
It really is a Fraternity and what they can get for themselves. Politics is NOT about serving the people anymore, but themselves.
We need a party to change all of this.
CommonSensePartyUK !

The Coalition is a lame duck

The latest Shuffle in the UK government is a shame and the ‘man on the street’ knows it.
It seems that only the cabinet are in total denial of what is going on.
  1. Anyone who opposes Cameron gets the chop.
  2. Anyone who questions Cameron is chopped
What they failed to do is to get rid of the ‘dead wood’ I.e. Cameron and Clegg. These are the most unproductive people at the senior level of government.
Cameron has more holidays than the average man and the most that I can remember as a Prime minister.
So let’s look at some of the changes.
Baroness Warsi – well is this a surprise, she cooked the books for her own gain in expenses
Jeremy Hunt – We all know that this guy did NOT tell the complete picture with Murdoch, we all know he isn’t quite straight and yet he gets promoted.
Patrick Mcloughlin – favours a new runway at Heathrow and yet a far better choice for pollution and jobs will be the Thames estuary where I have advised my readers that there are thousands of acres of wasteland and the local economy needs it after Fords have closed down most of their manufacturing there.
Ken Clarke – has made some hideous blunders with the law, Prisons etc and yet still has a job
Theresa Villiers – Who? Exactly, but this is the UK government trying to get their 40% quota as ruled by EEC, regardless if they are any good!
David Laws – goes to Education. This is guy who also fiddled his expenses, so being good with Maths is a good role for him!
Newspapers are asking , where are the minority and blacks? Well if they are no good nor interested how can you have them in Government?
There needs to be a new party to wipe this lot out.
CommonSense Party UK !