Monday, August 30, 2010

What on earth is the Bank Of England thinking?

Bank plans to cap risky mortgages

I will repeat my earlier blogs:
1. House prices will fall
2. There will be more negative equity
3. There will be more repossessions
4. Longer time for saving a deposit 25% means this will slow the economy down and take longer to recover.
5. This will be false economic fiddling. i.e. House prices are not really in inflation,but the borrowings, so the fall in prices will not reduce inflation, but it means that the Bank of England can report a steady inflation figure 
6. The government will be in trouble by not being able to report the economy growing unless they expect people to save more, which causes a problem with money supply.

But mainly the first time buyers will be hit and therefore the market will fall through the floor!!!!
Where does that leave the Middle Class with massive negative equity???

Armed forces staff being refused service in Muslim shops

An Army hero went into a shop and the owner refused to serve him stating that law says he can't serve people in the forces.The government says there is no law stating this. So the council should sue them for racism or revoke their license it's simple!!

We have had supermarket till people who are Muslim, refusing to serve alcohol to customers because they are Muslim.

So why are these people allowed to own or work on shops.

Kick em all out !!! Bloody scroungers who are telling us what to do, we can do without the them

Carla Bruni a prostitute?

So Iran has called Carla Bruni a prostitute after she signed a partition to stop the stoning of a woman to death.
I guess this will bring an end to the French government prostitution, after they moved in to rebuild power stations etc when the Americans bombed Iran all those years ago. They did the same with Libya and I am sure other countries.
What goes around comes around !

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Obama and the Middle East peace process

Obama is now wanting to visit Jerusalem for the peace bid in the Middle East.
Doesn't he know that this is futile!
This is lip service from the Arabs all seeking to get more funding on the basis that talks will continue.
In the end this will surpass his presidency and they get more money for their bank accounts.

At the end of the day the Arabs will tell the western world what they want to hear, but behind it all they have no intention of doing what they say they will!!

So is this just a bunch of Jollies for Obama who has always wanted to see Jerusalem and such places???

Friday, August 27, 2010

UAE economics

The UAE still has many projects planned.
What I can't understand is that contractors are owed money and yet others are willing to come in and do work knowing that they may not get paid for some time if at all.
So then Why do it??

Projects are still canned because of the lack of money.

Dubai World has announced that it can sell assets to get USD 19 bn back as part of the USD 39bn they are in debt. So why the euphoria? They still owe 66% of outstanding debt.

This economical wave just doesn't ring true, something has to give !!!

Oh and I hear that there is only 30 years left of oil here so, what will the government and contractors do then????

I tell you what will happen. The Middle East is based on deception. So they will do all they can now and then later renege on payments and they will have an infrastructure second to none and at the end of the day it won't cost anywhere near the oustanding bills!!!

Polly Peck

Now I am old enough to remember this saga and about Asil Nadir and how he did a runner from the UK when his empire went belly up.
He has now returned after 17 years to face the music.
Why I ask myself?
He has obviously got fed up with Turkish Cyprus where he was born.

He has asked the government to help him!
Why I ask myself?

He did a runner with many peoples money and tax he owes the government, so why on earth should we help this Non-Brit?

Knowing our government they will though!! The rest of us can get lost.

I would ship him back to where he came from or imprison him

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Councillors and their vermin

Squirrels are the category of vermin and yet in Wales where the valley people are generally inbred, this is what they come up with to spend out taxes in a time of serious cutbacks!!

What a bunch of retards!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Motorists face £250-a-year tax to park at work

If you park in a car park for work you may get taxed
If you shop and park your car you may be taxed
If you park your car on the road you may pay even more tax

It just continues.
Councils are now looking at ways to tax parking of cars so as to cut their bills.

If the government continue then this can end in a civil war!!!!

Staff to pay for parking

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Extradition for people not committing a UK law but are being extradited

This makes your blood boil.
People being extradited for things which are not a criminal offense in the UK.

Therefore, it proves that the Legal system cannot be standardized.

Blunket admits he made a mistake, but it's too late, or is it?
Pull out of the EU is an option.

Why is the UK being picked upon with an average of 3 people a day being extradited.
HAve you ever heard of someone being extradited back to the UK. NO because it only works one way!!

Petrol to go up the 3rd time this year in UAE.

This is a country with an abundance of petrol but because the outlets are not making / making enough profit they are raising the price again. Last month it went up 25% so I think that was 50% in 2 rises. Now it's about to go up again I guess by another 25% in 6-8 weeks.
It's still about a third of the price in the UK, but it's just another indirect tax hitting workers here. Soon it won't be worth working here for a lot of people.

UAE is tax free, don't believe it!!
Cost of living is at least that of the UK if not higher.
Housing is expensive
Schools are expensive if you can find one with room.
Road Tolls are here
Food prices go up without warning (100% in one month on basics)

There are hundreds of thousands of accommodation empty and now it has come to a point where companies are not paying so building and maintenance is stopping and buildings are not liveable.

It's all coming to a sticky end here.

The business model MUST change.
Dubai has no industry so it has to change to attract people and business in another way.
It has tourism, but this could fall foul of health problems as hotels are NOT maintaining their air conditioning and this will lead to wide spread legionnaires disease.

Abu Dhabi is now being hit by problems and this is where it is claimed to be the richest area per head count globally.

The acute businessman attitude just isn't working anymore, so the people should realize this and change their attitudes before it's too late!!

The ultimate slap will be when Dubai loses the golf PGA event at the Dubai Desert course.

Julie Gillard the Aussie Prime minister gambled and failed

I refer to my blogs of 18 July and 7th August, where I stated that Julie Gillard was taking a big risk in calling a for a vote after just a few weeks of taking over the Prime Minister seat.
I also said that women should not hold top positions in government because their decision making process in these top jobs just don't work.

Here is a clear example.
She stupidly called for an election believing that acting as a Rottweiler in lipstick and trying to act as macho as a man she would win! Well now she is suffering the consequences. Aussi has a hung parliament the first for 70 years. With her at the helm of the Labour party she will not agree with the the Liberal-National party as she tries to continue to act as a man and it will all fail again after about 6 months.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Donkeys looking to be rehomed stand in the yard at a farm they are being cared for near the Donkey Sanctuary on August 16, 2010 near Sidmouth

Tax and more tax !

So Nick Clegg is looking to tax Post-Graduates on their passing their degrees etc when they get jobs. What jobs I ask?
How can you tax foreign students who go elsewhere?
Now let me get this straight - Students are to be taxed so that others can get education. This is when students are approx STG 30,000 in debt after they finish their courses.
I am confused how this is to be done.
They really don't think this our properly, before opening their mouths.
It's time to sit back and take stock and understand what hole we are in and make decisions not to please politicians but one's that make sense and get the economy going.

The rate this is though out, foreign students won't come, Teachers will be laid off and the money spinning will fail.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pakistan Flooding aid

The Arab league which has in it's members Qatar, Saud and UAE has donated USD 35-40 million to Pakistan flood victims.
This is like giving pennies to them by the wealth of the Arab League and the fact that the countries mentioned are fellow Muslims!

Either they are wanting the west to hand over the money or they know that corruption is so bad in Pakistan it's futile to help these people.
My feeling is that at least 70% of this money will b e redirected out of the country by the regional leaders

Ground Zero mosque is 'local decision' Pelosi says

The debate over whether to build a mosque near the Ground Zero site of the Sept 11 terrorist attacks in New York is a "local decision", Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives has said.

Of course the above is absolute rubbish. New York has one of the highest populations of Jews and I don't think they voted for it do you??

Again this is some PC group of people not using Common Sense

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Alistair Darling to attack Gordon Brown over deficit failure

At last someone standing up to Gordon Brown the Scottish Dictator.

But it's too late, the damage is done!

Gordon Brown should be held accountable and tried in a court of law as they would have been many years ago.
Corporate management are tried and imprisoned.
Gordon Brown should be tried and sent to the dungeons, or at the very least held accountable for his actions against our Nation.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Freedom of speech?

According to Sheikh Maktoum he is promoting freedom of speech and transparency in Dubai.
Which is good in theory.

However, how comes we all know that Dubai is in 'default' by re-structuring it's debts, but according to the papers the economy is picking up?
How comes that there are agents in every nightclub and public place listening to all conversations.
How comes they are looking to block Blackberry, because they can't view the messages, as they do with all other message systems.
How comes editors have been removed from their positions or UAE, because of things they wrote.

So I am not sure if this is a new incentive or just a load of hot air again.

Quote: "My directives to these authorities are clear and beyond any questioning, as we rely on candour and transparency. We strongly believe that media is the mirror of the nation. It has a noble message to disseminate and to enlighten the public, away from exaggeration, bias and distortion of facts. Media is the nation's voice. The sun cannot be blocked by a sieve"

Translate that as you will!

USA has a EU Ambassador

Now this EU Ambassador was not the result of a vote and claims to represent all countries even the UK.
Bearing in mind the 'special' friendship the UK has with USA and all of the perks, I wonder what CAmeron and Obama think of this!

If I was the USA I would tell him to sling his hook and will only deal with the UK.
When has the EU been friendly to the USA and supported them like the UK.
This means that the UK will not back the USA in future, because this puppet or muppet will block it all as will the EU parliament.

So the ball is in the court of the Americans!

USA has a EU Ambassador

Now this EU Ambassador was not the result of a vote and claims to represent all countries even the UK.
Bearing in mind the 'special' friendship the UK has with USA and all of the perks, I wonder what CAmeron and Obama think of this!

If I was the USA I would tell him to sling his hook and will only deal with the UK.
When has the EU been friendly to the USA and supported them like the UK.
This means that the UK will not back the USA in future, because this puppet or muppet will block it all as will the EU parliament.

So the ball is in the court of the Americans!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Councils pay for Prostitutes for the Disabled

Taxpayers' money is being spent on prostitutes, lap dancing clubs and exotic holidays under schemes designed to give more independence to the disabled.

One local authority is using its budget to pay for the services of a prostitute in Amsterdam, while others have said visits to lap dancing clubs are permissible under new policies which transfer funds directly to those who receive care from social services.
Holidays abroad, subscriptions for internet dating and driving lessons have all been funded by the taxpayer under a national initiative introduced by the last Government.

Now this is a classic case for my new website. I want to know:

Who passed the law to so this?
Under whose authority?
Why is the tax payer paying for this?
Was there a vote?
Let's expose these political ( or in this case NON-political) idiots!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

World Aid

Pakistan has been asking for aid from countries because of their flooding.
They are also citing the fact that the Talaban are re-grouping there.

Now let me understand this correctly

The Taliban (means Learned schollars) were first established in Pakistan and then went to Afghanistan.
Pakistan has been accused by USA and UK of harbouring Talibans
Pakistan wouldn't send aid to the west but only muslim countries
Pakistan is always on the take from the western world but never gives anything back
Always pleading poverty
Full of corruption, which is likely where the aid goes

So if I was the UK government I would say ' get lost' we have out own problems

Perhaps it can be conditional in arresting Taliban leaders or Bin Laden!!
That would show their commitment against terrorism, wouldn't it?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Resting today

There is so much stupidity in the world, that today, I am having a rest and not blogging anything !!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another figure is condemned in his views on the Burka

Richard Dawkins, the outspoken atheist, has courted fresh controversy by likening the burka to a bin liner.

Now let me get this right!
In the western world we can joke about our religion and all is ok. Look at Dave Allen a famous Irish comic always derided the funny things in Catholic society. Everyone loved him.
In joking or saying something about the Islamic faith, we are either threatened with a Jihad, or threatened to be killed personally, or shouted in all media about Islamphobia.
1. this seems like a really oppressive religion full of bigots, as the Quran doesn't preach this kind of thing.
2. Islamists seems to want to shout everyone down in the world.
I have many Muslim friends and they are very dear to me. However, they don't act like this and will accept other peoples point of view.
Richard Dawkins is only saying something that is particular to him and the Islamist groups seem to try and say that we are all like that and what we think of Muslims. It isn't, but this is why there are bad feelings!
First Muslims have their faith and get on with most people and their culture etc.
Second Islamists are based on Wahabism and won't accept anyone but themselve and that includes my moderate Muslim friends!!
Why can't we all learn to live together and respect our own religion?

6 in 10 people want to retire outside of the UK

This of course can have very serious repercussions on Government finance with the revenue earners leaving and the revenue takers coming in from Europe!!!

In todays Daily Telegraph

Will the last person to leave Britain please remember to switch off the lights? Nearly six in 10 Britons would like to retire overseas, making us the most unhappy Europeans about the quality of life in our home country, according to a survey of more than 7,500 people by actuaries and benefits consultants Aon.

Less than half or 43 per cent of Britons said the United Kingdom was their preferred retirement location, with many instead planning to pack their bags and retire to sunnier climes. Among other Europeans questioned, only the Germans (46%) and the Irish voiced nearly as low levels of satisfaction with their home countries at 46 per cent and 49 per cent respectively.

By contrast, Spain (87 per cent) and France (81 per cent) topped the popularity tables when it came to workers intending to retire in their home country, followed by the Danes (74 per cent).

Spain is the retirement destination of choice for British workers, with almost one in four or 23 per cent of those who said they wish to retire abroad identifying Spain as their preferred country. Oliver Rowlands, head of retirement at Aon Consulting said: “Cheap air travel and the communication tools available over the internet means that retiring overseas doesn’t necessarily mean being completely absent from your family’s life, making the prospect of emigration to other countries on an previously unseen scale a real possibility.

Charles Taylor case

I don't know too much about Charles Taylor only that when he was in power, there were alot of nasty things about him and his activities.
What I find incredulous is the absolute bulls**** that Naomi Campbell came out with. It was obvious that she didn't want to say who gave her the diamond and the questioning in the court seemed to be rubbish as well.
What woman do you know will open a door to a stranger in the middle of the night, be given a pouch, which had something in it and then put it by her bedside till the morning... I don' t think so!!

Let's look at the history of the supermodel.
At least 2 times she has been taken to court for violence on her domestic staff and I think it's 3 times.
Each time she has lied vigorously to get away with each hearing.
One maid was very badly beaten and had a mobile thrown into her face and yet the supermodel said something like she must have fallen or something pathetic like that.

Anyway this just shows that if you are a celebrity you seem to get away with anything.
If it had been a normal person they would have been sent down for GBH!!

This is the character of this witness m'lud!!

Oh and by the way, her friend Mia Farrow and her agent , in court seem to say that she did know it was a diamond and who it was from allegedly!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

What is Obama doing?

This is a good question from a European point of view.
He was elected and there was a whole load of press about him.
Now there doesn't appear to be much at all and he isn't in the first 5 pages of the newspapers.
His wife Michelle, I was thinking only last night, hadn't been in the European press for some time, so what is she doing. The next minute- she was on the news, after having cadged a freebie holiday, from the king of Spain!

The big health shake up in the USA seems to have gone quiet.

Oh yes!! he did scream and kick about the travesty of what BP had done in the Gulf of Mexico and the businesses going to go bust because of polution etc.
It has now been noted that the Oil has in fact dispersed naturally and there was no catastrophy.
BP put aside STG20bn for the pay outs!
I am now wondering what payouts?
BP should actually do a study on the books of all the local fish related business in the area and see who was going under anyway, before the oil leak and build a case for the Yanks to get lost!
BP will most probably get a tax deduction for the money put aside over the next 5 years and then bring back the billions and show an even stronger balance sheet.

What did go very quiet was Obamas claims that the deep sea oil drilling was the safest in the world!!

Me thinks that Obama is in trouble overall !
I did see him on a ladie's chat show!

Another question: why aren't there any mens chat shows?? God forbid this is chauvenistic!

Obama hasn't really made many policies
The Fed is dumbfounded in what it can do for the economy

From an outsiders point of view, who is there in either party to take over.
The USA needs a person of authority and decision making in order to lead them

The only one I can think of is Sarah Palin (Annie Oakley) who shoots from the hip and says what she thinks!

Well why not, the USA has now had it's first Black President, now they can have the first woman and get it all out of their hair quickly, before some normality resumes.

Any other suggestions, then send them in to me!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dissent sorted!

I am not sure if it's me, but the yanks and the brits have given GBP billions in aid and trade etc over the years to Pakistan and Afghanistan and surrounding countries.
Now Pakistan knows that we need them more than they need us, for the fight against the Afghans.
Karzai is banking millions and milking what he can get from all of this aid.
All of them are speaking with fork tongue, lining their pockets and laughing at the stupid West.

Q:How can we turn the whole thing 180 degrees and make third world dicstators fall into place.
A: Nuke Afghanistan!

Pakistan will collapse at the knees of the allies, Iran will stop brinkmanship in fear the same can happen to them.Also other countries trying to flex their muscles will quieten down. They are only able to, because of the signs of weakness.

Not being funny, but there's nothing that can be done afterwards.
Why do you think America was so strong after the WWII  and Hiroshima?

This is another good way of helping the USA and British out of the current problems. Other countries will beg forgiveness and buy loads of arms and goods from both countries!!!
Oh and we get rid of Al Qaeda and Bin Laden.

Maybe this is the whole ploy of both governments anyway to clear their old armaments and kick start the arms manufacturing again.

Just a thought for people to ponder!

US to charge Britons £9 for permission to enter country

So now the Americans want us to pay for their friendship.
As most of our trade is with Europe and mainly Germany, why not tell them to get lost?
Of course our politicians won't, because the Americans will threaten us with more sanctions and tax!!!!
I guess this is to punish us for the BP problem eventhough it has been paid by BP already and according to the US the oil has naturally dispersed!

Let's slap on a surcharge of them coming to Blighty.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

1ST things to be done if We are in power No.2

26. A scheme to create apprenticeships by funding small to medium sized companies
27. A re-training programme for all
28. Cut overseas donations and programmes
29. A Scheme to make use of pensioners in the Social Security services
30. The Bank of England to make all policies for the Economy again and cut committees for polices and interest Rate management
31. Bank of England to be nucleous of all retail loans e.g. Overdrafts, Mortgages, loans, car leasing etc and make a limit of 50% of monthly salary.
32. Bring in common sense for our legal system
33. More police on the roads and cut back paper work
34. Fire Brigade activites to be widened to help other services.
35. Cap all utility company rises until they prove they have stopped wastage and leakage.Then cap the rises to match inflation
36. Bring back paramedics ability to assist more in emergencies instead of just respiration and heart shocks
37. Doctors to open a minimum of 6 days a week to help those at work
38. Re-Nationalize Railways but cut Unions. Start a new company with new contracts, with good wages and overtime.
39. Revamp the Royal Mail to also use a business model for printing utility bills etc and earn a profit.
40. Bring common sense into the classroom and give the teachers more power

Money will come from cutting wastage and overseas activities and cutting benefits to foreigners etc.

1ST things to be done if We are in power

1. Bring in my own accounting company to review ALL books and wastage. This can save billions of pounds
2. Cut Civil Service wasters
3. Cut useless committees and departments
4. Reduce women in roles that they are obviously not capable of- mainly cabinet positions.
5. Make each Department a Business centre and Accountable for their own bottom line
6. Stop all benefits to foreigners who do not produce 3 years worth of Stamp, N.I. contributions
7. No child benefits and unemployment benefits to Foreigners whose family are not in the UK
8. Cap all immigrants
9. Make all NHS, Education etc rules unified in England, Wales and Scotland
10. Bring back the 3 'R's'
11. Ban women covering their face as it's not a general Muslim thing
12. Allow Christians to show their faith
13. Revamp the Church of England and make it an entertainment rather than a chore
14. All Useless and PC laws to be listed and MP's named and held accountable for their stupidity and ask them to quantify costs etc
15. Bring back Xmas to all towns and cities. If immigrants don't like it, then they go move elsewhere in the world.
16. Everyone in UK must speak English
17. Union Jack to be Proudly flown on all Government buildings and any houses wishing to.
18. Enlarge the forces and bring back Conscription
19. Prisons to lose their luxuries and also put inmates to work.
20. Scrap the Human Rights act
21. Investigate our involvement in the EU and if it's worthwhile anymore.
22. Increase nurses and reduce the middle management
23. More money to pensioners
24. Build affordable homes for First time buyers and low income people
25. Cut all give aways to immigrants (Dagenham council give Nigerians money to buy a house)

Alot more where that comes from and all can be done by changing the Management model!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Saudi Bans Blackberrys and then re-instates them!

Saudi banned blackberry’s today due to security issues on their encrypted messaging system and that it may be used by terrorists.
Tonight they have satisfied and allayed their fears and it’s back in service again.
I Suspect the royals have realized that having an encrypted message for them texting their mistresses is better than not having one!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Passions rise over Islamic centre on 9/11 site

Reading the newspapers today, they highlight the news that planning permission has been given to build a Mosque very near to Ground Zero, where fundamental Islamists sent planes crashing into the World Trade Centre killing approx. 3000 people.
UNfortunately, I think that this will grow into a problem over time. I can see damage to the building and most probablky a bomb killing more people. It may have the best intentions, but this is going to backfire!

Some of the stupid statements:

Muslim groups complain of Islamophobia in the wake of recent failed bombing attempts by Muslim men in a Detroit-bound airliner and in Times Square in New York.

What about Yankeephobia! In the Middle East many people say that they don’t like the Americans and want them out of the region.

But Sharif el Gamal, the chief executive of SoHo Properties, partners in the US$100 million (Dh367.3m) scheme, said his team will continue working “tirelessly to realise an American dream”.

Whose Dream is this I wonder?

“We are Americans, Muslim Americans,” he said. “We are businessmen, businesswomen, lawyers, doctors, restaurant workers, cab drivers and professionals of every walk of life representing the demographic tapestry of Manhattan.”

If this is the case why don’t they integrate into the American way of life more fully?

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf heads the interfaith project called the Cordoba Initiative, which is behind the centre. He said the site will have a theatre, swimming pool and mosque. At the moment, the site at 47-51 Park Place is a soot-stained building dating back to 1857.

1. Muslims will not accept American woman having a swim in their bikinis etc, only covered up.

2. I reckon you will see Jews going there (Not)

3. Which home grown American will go there after what happened?

4. With only a Mosque there, why would another faith use the centre?

“This is still a country predicated on freedom so you should be able to worship as you see fit,” Mr Qureshi said. “Being sensitive to the people affected by 9/11 is a valid concern, but if this is coming from people who are misinformed and not aware of what Islam is, then that’s a problem.”

Ergh!! how can be people be misinformed – maybe the Islamists didn’t mean to steer the planes into the World Trade Centre?

After the meeting, the New York mayor, Michael Bloomberg, said the owners are entitled to use the building as a place of worship. “The government has no right whatsoever to deny that right and if it were tried the court would almost certainly strike it down as a violation of the US constitution.”

Killing 3000 isn’t a right?? In Saudi Arabia Christian have no right to have a church or practice their religion, so why is it ok for one and not the other??

On his website, Imam Feisal, known as a moderate Muslim, said the centre will be a place for “understanding and healing, peace, collaboration, and interdependence”.

1. Why do we need to understand it was terrorism.

2. Define collaboration

Meanwhile, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair), said anger over the mosque was part of a wave of Islamophobia and blasted opportunist politicians.

Islam preaches accepting other religions and cultures. Islamists based on Wahbism refuses to do this, so why the blasting of politicians. If they don’t like it, get out!

Glut of Oil

There is a Glut of oil in the Middle East and yet the European Oil prices hit USD 82!
With the UAE still having problems with Dubai re-financing I hope it means that they will use common sense and start to sell off at lower prices.

Also, with about 500,000 apartments empty in Dubai the government will need money to help the debt strapped locals.

I look to oil prices to come down to USD65

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

EU rules the UK again and causes problems

Waiting times in the NHS had been dropping since the 1990s but the rules limiting junior doctors to a 48-hour week, which were implemented last August, had reversed the trend. Thousands more patients were now waiting longer than 18 weeks for surgery.

Ministers were seeking to renegotiate Britain’s position on the European Working Time Directive, including a possible opt-out for NHS staff. The Royal College of Surgeons carried out the first comprehensive analysis of how the directive had affected waiting times.

Surely this misses the point. We should opt out altogether and stop the EU butting into our business and ruining the NHS. However, we should also revamp the NHS for staff, Management and who is using the service, especially parasites from abroad!!!

A friend of mine recently was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. From the time of visiting the Doctor to her operation in Holland, took just 2.1/2 weeks. admittedly, it was private but in holland they have a combination of Free and private which depends on your salary. Even if it is free, this is linked to your registering as a legal person and you carry a health card.So if you are a UK citizen you can have an E111 card from the NHS to get it free, but again there has to be proof. Seems reasonable to me!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What on Earth is Bloomberg thinking of-a mosque next to ground zero?

So it's fact, the yanks are as stupid as the brits.
To allow planning for a mosque next to Ground Zero, which Islamists ran airplanes into the buildings there and killed thousands, is just beyond belief and will incite racial hatred.
Again this backs my idea of a website to bring these stupid decision makes to account.
It is most probably some minority person who thinks it will bring people closer together. Too right it will and it will be in a riot!!!

Link to an article :

It's also on BBC website.