Monday, November 30, 2009

Cancel ALL school trips and activities!

Reported in the press at the weekend, it says that somewhere in the UK a council has decided, without consultation that all activities involving children and their parents will require that the parents are all CRB vetted!!

So Carol services to old people homes, concerts, sports activities etc will mean that if a parent wants either help, or go along to watch, they have to be vetted.

This is proposterous and will eventually cancel all activities, where the schools require assistance from parents.

I want to know who the hell is checking the councils and their staff that bring in these stupid rules.
I know that we have to be careful but to strangulate ALL activities, with a cost mind you of Stg65 for each CRB check, is just taking it oo far!!

We will all become a bunch of potato couches and sour pusses with no celebrations going on at all and that involves Birthday, weddding, anniversary parties!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

USA extradition treaty

What kind of an agreement can it be, when it is one sided.
This is what the UK has with the USA.
This is highlighted by the case of Gary McKinnon who has a dosability of Aspergers and yet this isn't taken into account when the USA wants to charge someone.

It is about time that the UK government started to look at bi-lateral agreements and not cower to the big bully boys !

The USA wants to save face by someone being able to hack into their "SAFE" computers.
What they should be doing is offering Gary McKinnon a job to show them how it was hacked into and how to stop it in future.!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Broadband tax

A controversial new £6 tax on telephone lines to fund the introduction of superfast broadband internet will leave nearly two million households paying up to three times the levy initially proposed by ministers, according to leaked government documents seen by The Times.

Now we know why the Government was so keen to ensure that each home had Broadband.
They also saw how much other countries charge and thought Hey! this is a great money spinner.

Maybe instead of taxing the users why not tax the advertisers?

Expect to see many more announcements on taxation on our daily lives!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Banks win Overdraft charge court case ! What now?

This is a poke in the eye for the government. Why?

Well the banks in question are owned by the tax payer and they have been ripped off!
The banks will now start to make charges even higher.

Will the banks continue with their threat to charge for ATM withdrawals - of course they will, they think they can get away with murder now, as the government is inert and incompetant!!

Primary schools to give lessons in gender equality

Can you believe that the UK government is wasting our money on such P.C. (Political Correctness) as "Children as young as five are to have lessons in "gender equality" as part of the first national strategy to tackle violence against women and girls."

1. Children as young as this have absolutely no idea of these issues
2. Governement is trying to take over the Parents role
3. Parents are not doing their bit when it is needed

What happened to a childhood?

The government really needs to be brought down to Earth as they are wasting money as bad as the banks at the moment.
I would like to know which blithering idiots think of these things and which one's listen and implement????

Even the Dutch are mocking the UK

In the Dutch newspapers today they are mocking the fact that the UK has the largest DNA database and arresting people for the least offence in order to increase the database.

Also they have been mocking the road cameras.

Now let me think! we have the large and growing database for DNA etc, but, arrests for crime have gone down ,along with the huge cost of implementing this database, which seems to get lost each year, in several formats (100 laptops missing a year and a number of database of names etc from Government and Defense officials on discs).

Is it me or is there something wrong here? Surely the money can be used for more urgently required items like NHS, Education etc etc.


Maybe a labourite read 1984 by George Orwell and took it literally!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to cut Unemployment and Budget deficits!

Re-introduce conscription ! and also for immigrants here for 3 years or more.

Youngsters will be used (employed) and won't claim unemployment
Youngsters won't be around to have a family ( Boys and Girls)
Youngsters will learn a skill
Build self esteem
Build a more worldly person
Cheaper to be in the forces instead of paying benefits like: housing, Job seeker, Child allowance etc

It isn't rocket science is it?

Who is a statesman?

No UK political party has a true statesman.

"A statesman or stateswoman or statesperson is usually a politician or other notable public figure who has had a long and respected career in politics or government at the national and international level. As a term of respect, it is usually left to supporters or commentators to use the term. When politicians retire, they are often referred to as elder statesmen."

We have a bunch of Mamby Pamby's who stick to the rule of the Party Leader.

what happened to people like - Norman Tebbit, Douglas Hurd, Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Denis Healey, David Owen, Enoch Powell, Merlyn Rees, Yor Jenkins, Anthony Wedgewood Benn, Gerald Kaufman et al?

We have Kenneth Clark advising Cameron, but I suspect on a tight rein.

I think that Conservatives should have had Michael Portillo as it's party leader beacuse of his experience.

This new age stuff just isn't working.

Thats, why I would like to establish a new party.
Even George Galloway makes sense on his talk show ( not all the time) but I suspect he is misunderstood like

Labour to change their tune

Having screwed up and sold the arse out of the UK, Labour may now change their view on the EU after Tony Blair didn't get the presidency!

"Let's be clear on this" a favourite saying from Labour when they are lying - Most of the Utilities and Communications companies are now in the hands of Foreign Companies and all profits go back to their own country, so why will they be willing to spend more on improving services over here, when they don't get fined enough etc !! I wouldn't.
If it was a UK company in say France that wasn't providing the correct service or caused a problem with services they would be fined out of the water. UK is too weak or should I say Labour. Conservatives don't look much better either!

Some years ago I was told that Lord Hanningfield saw a Chelmsford Office that had been renovated and refurbished and thought he should have it. So the dept. had to move out and Hanningfield didn't like the colour of the carpet so he had it replaced at the cost of Stg 7,000. Yes he definately needs investigating !!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am no Brain Surgeon, but!

In the papers today it says that Labour will raise taxes if they are voted in again. Well that is complete news to me!! If regulars reading my blog know I have been saying this for some time.
How else is the UK to reduce it's debt?
Here is a Labour budget ahead:

Personal tax up 2%
Tax allowances down
Tax to rise on- Cars, Road tax, Petrol, Cigarettes, Alcohol, Utilities, VAT UP TO 22%, VAT on new items, Benefits down (unless you are from EU and can ship the money home), Pensioners allowances cut, Spending on NHS, Defense, Education etc all down.

Get the picture?

But hey! Labour got us threw the Credit Crunch !!!

I despair - Last one out please turn of the light !

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More Labour Guarantees!

The opening of Parliament has produced "Guarantees " from Gordon Brown.
How many promises and guarantees has this guy broken?

Can anyone tell me if he has stuck with any in the past!

Why can't Labour just admit defeat and get the hell out of running the country.

The problem is that Labour cannot find enough ways quick enough to tax.
Soon it will be a tax for the time you live.
They talk about training. Well this is a way of getting unemployment down.

I am surprised that the Queen can stomach this rubbish!

Any promise of lowering borrowing by the government is false. If they tax us what they are not stating is that the borrowing has to increase in the meantime to cover interest and fees etc.
So that means more taxation than is being mentioned.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mandelson for Foreign secretary for the EU?

Quite likely, this guy is a parasite and latches onto any job that can support his way of life as well as his boyfriends!!
He will do anything to save his standard of living.
Having been ousted from government twice and then becoming boss of the EU and now back as a senior figure for Labour again and NOW possibly getting a top EU job again which is open to all kinds of freebies, which will suit him to the ground for the next 10-15 years.

Wake up Europe!

NHS travesty

why are there 4 managers per patient??
Totally bewildering.
Cut the managers, bring in matrons = cut in MRSA and an efficient service!!

Social Services and our Pensioners

If the Social Services are understaffed and don't have the qualified people, why not use the experienced pensioners who want to work, lend a hand.
They can spot any problems before a graduate can, just by looking at the child and the home.
This will save money and bolster the much needed service and save more kids!

Bank of England money is going where?

Now that Stg 200bn has been issued to the Bank of England, I would like to know where it's helping the economy and the small and medium sized business.
Barclays will lend small companies money IF they have 50% themselves AND they put up collateral of a personal nature. This seems like a personla loan to me.

Why is it that the tax payer owns most of the banks and yet, they stitch us up for fees, overdraft and borrowing?
Can the government not force them to use the money more efficiently to smaller businesses.
Why can't they penalize a bank for not lending good causes.
Persoanlly I contacted Barclays and got the above answer and yet my company is solvent and a good track record.

Stg 200bn I think will go mainly in bonuses somewhere!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gordon Brown is a disgrace !

Gordon sends a letter to a Mother after she lost her son in Afghanistan.
He states her name wrong, spells the boys name wrong and makes several spelling mistakes.

He calls her and will not apologize but says he is right.

1. Why are we still in Afghanistan when Blair obviously lied the reasons.
2. Why are we not leasing helicopters for our lads who are quite obviously at risk when in cars
3. Brown should have had English lessons and not Scottish lessons

Get rid of Brown as this guy is a Dictator or would like to be!

Labout to axe spending on training for young

My wife and I have been trying for months to get my son an apprenticeship in Electrical Installation.
Unfortunately, we have hit a brick wall.
We contacted all the government agencies as advertised by Sir Alan Sugar adverts and found that there is in fact NO actual apprenticeships. So again the advertising cost and the government is all spin. SO it's hardly surprising that I see this article in the Observer 8th November 2009.

Practically speaking. My son is 17.1/2 and cannot claim Job seekers allowance etc so why should the government help??
When he is 18 he will be on the dole and then we shall see how quickly they act!

I reckon pretty damn fast. !


In the Sunday Times 8th November, there was an article headline "Home Office ignored risk of dangerous immigrants "

I have 2 takes on this.

1. The Labour Government are a bunch of Political Correctness twits and mainly run by Scots and Wimmin who are married to parasites sponging off their spouses contacts.
There is no 'Statesmen' in their ranks and therefore no experience.

I had a friend who worked for the Home Office and the Immigration dept. He complained about letting in all these people, especially the ones from India or Pakistan, who obviously have no money etc and have no intention of going back and that's why they bring Grandma as well!
Anyway, he was told to shut up by his managers or risk losing his Job.

2. An English educated (Keele Uni.) degree friend of mine from Pakistan came to London on Business and I was waiting for him. After 1.1/2 hours he came out and I asked if there was a crowd or they had questioned him.
His reply was that the immigration had asked if ANYONE could speak English! He owned up and they asked for his assistance in translating.

Customer #1- A family looking very poor and he said if you let them in they will not go back. He was told that they had to let them in.

Customer #2 A well known fundamentalist whom Pakistan want to get rid of. My friend informed the immigration Officer of this guys beliefs ( death to the English infidel), but again he was told they had to let him in.
At this stage my friend refused to help anymore as there was no point in questioning anyone if they were to come in anyway. If a Pakistani friend says this to me it proves this government is screwed up.

Petrol Rationing

Some Bozoe in the governement has come up with the idea that each person should have petrol rationing and if they go over this TO SAVE THE PLANET they should get charged more.
Isn'this just another tax?

Let's be pragmatic here - They know that cars and bikes etc need petrol so it's a captive audience. We need cars to go to work, visit relatives etc.

If the governments REALLY wanted to save the Earth then give more money for alternative energy. Provide tax beaks to ebnergy companies to devise cleaner energy. This would be a co-operative action by the worlds governments.

No of course not they don't give 2 hoots about saving the planet just how to get more tax in!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Taxes to be hoisted and should the UK stay in EU

The Conservatives say that the EU Lisbon Treaty (a.k.a Constitution) is bad for Britain. Well of course it is, as Britain has the huge potential for Europe, to raise money and here is the reason why - Taxes!
Most of the main countries in the EU have a tax cost of 50% for salaried people and the UK starts at 20%, with a maximum of 50% for high earners at Stg +150K p.a.
So the potential here is tax hikes for most of UK earners to 50%.
VAT will rise to 20%
This will bring in billions of pounds for the EU to give away, to the useless countries that joined for handouts, as well as the EU MP's, that rip us off in Brussels, with their misuse of expenses and nepitism.
The Conservatives say, that they cannot hold a ballot now, because we will be the only country to say 'NO' and therefore, it won't stand, especially as we have lost the possibility of 40 veto issues (Margaret Thatcher must be livid!).

Here is a thought - what about if the UK voter can have a vote on whether to stay in the EU??

Now that is thought provoking and practical.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I am alive tax me!!

Labour has promoted the use of computers and to use Broadband.
Now we know why! they want to tax everyone who uses either.

Finland has now mad it illegal not to have Broadband and don't tax you!

I am sure that Labour want to tax the ederly for breathing longer than they should!

Islamic State UK

Islamic state Newspapers articles about a Lord in the UK stating that we will become an Islamic State is being castigated for his views.I am not a racist, but I am a pragmatist and I have lived, worked and visited the Middle east for 15 years.If we look at the various things in the UK at the moment it is true that most Muslim families are larger than the Christian families as this is their culture.Therefore, within a given time period the UK will become mainly Muslim and WILL have some kind of Muslim council or laws.This is a generla thing and if we look at the Muslim countries around the world we have :
Rank Country Population Type of government 1 Indonesia 228582000 Presidential republic 2 Pakistan 172,800,000 Semi-presidential republic 3 Bangladesh 162,221,000 Parliamentary democracy 4 Nigeria 154,279,000 Presidential Federal Republic 5 Egypt 77,100,000 Semi-presidential republic 6 Turkey 71,517,100 Parliamentary democracy 7 Iran 70,495,782 Presidential republic 8 Sudan 39,379,358 Authoritarian republic 9 Algeria 33,769,669 Presidential republic 10 Afghanistan 32,738,376 Presidential republic 11 Morocco 33,723,418 Constitutional monarchy 12 Iraq 28,221,181 Parliamentary democracy 13 Malaysia 27,730,000 Parliamentary democracy and EM 14 Saudi Arabia27,601,038 Absolute monarchy 15 Uzbekistan 27,372,000 Presidential republic 16 Yemen 23,013,376 Presidential republic 17 Syria 19,405,000 Authoritarian republic 18 Kazakhstan 15,217,711 Presidential republic 19 Niger 13,272,679 Parliamentary democracy 20 Burkina Faso13,228,000 Semi-presidential republic 21 Mali 11,995,402 Semi-presidential republic 22 Senegal 11,658,000 Semi-presidential republic 23 Tunisia 10,383,577 Presidential republic 24 Guinea 10,211,437 Presidential republic 25 Somalia 9,558,666 Coalition government 26 Azerbaijan 8,676,000 Presidential republic 27 Tajikistan 7,215,700 Presidential republic 28 Sierra Leone 6,294,774 Presidential republic 29 Libya 6,173,579 Jamahiriya Revolution 30 Jordan 5,568,565 Constitutional monarchy 31 UAE 5,432,746 Federal constitutional monarchy 32 Kyrgyzstan 5,356,869 Semi-presidential republic 33 Turkmenistan 5,110,023 Parliamentary republic 34 Chad 5,041,690 Presidential republic 35 Eritrea 5,028,475 Presidential republic 36 Lebanon 4,196,453 Parliamentary democracy 37 Palestine 4,148,000 Parliamentary democracy 38 Kuwait 3,399,637 Constitutional monarchy 39 Mauritania 3,124,000 Military junta 40 Oman 2,577,000 Absolute monarchy 41 Kosovo 2,100,000 Parliamentary republic 42 The Gambia 1,700,000 Presidential republic 43 Bahrain 1,046,814 Constitutional monarchy

How many of these countries are true democracy?
Having worked amongst Muslims for such a period of time I think I may know a little about their faith and their commitment. Although the Muslim faith promotes tolerance with other religions, in practise their aim is to take over as many cultures as possible!
Wake up Britain can't you see this has started with the application for a Muslim council.
Why does Saudi Arabia not allow church's?