Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Labour to change their tune

Having screwed up and sold the arse out of the UK, Labour may now change their view on the EU after Tony Blair didn't get the presidency!

"Let's be clear on this" a favourite saying from Labour when they are lying - Most of the Utilities and Communications companies are now in the hands of Foreign Companies and all profits go back to their own country, so why will they be willing to spend more on improving services over here, when they don't get fined enough etc !! I wouldn't.
If it was a UK company in say France that wasn't providing the correct service or caused a problem with services they would be fined out of the water. UK is too weak or should I say Labour. Conservatives don't look much better either!

Some years ago I was told that Lord Hanningfield saw a Chelmsford Office that had been renovated and refurbished and thought he should have it. So the dept. had to move out and Hanningfield didn't like the colour of the carpet so he had it replaced at the cost of Stg 7,000. Yes he definately needs investigating !!

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