Monday, November 30, 2009

Cancel ALL school trips and activities!

Reported in the press at the weekend, it says that somewhere in the UK a council has decided, without consultation that all activities involving children and their parents will require that the parents are all CRB vetted!!

So Carol services to old people homes, concerts, sports activities etc will mean that if a parent wants either help, or go along to watch, they have to be vetted.

This is proposterous and will eventually cancel all activities, where the schools require assistance from parents.

I want to know who the hell is checking the councils and their staff that bring in these stupid rules.
I know that we have to be careful but to strangulate ALL activities, with a cost mind you of Stg65 for each CRB check, is just taking it oo far!!

We will all become a bunch of potato couches and sour pusses with no celebrations going on at all and that involves Birthday, weddding, anniversary parties!!

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