Thursday, September 30, 2010

Armed Forces cuts

After my comments yesterday the Prime Minister may be wavering as Dr Fox has now open support from the Senior Armed Force staff.
I hope so, because to cut anymore is a complete disaster!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ed Milliband 3

What message does it send out to youngsters when the new Labour leader is unmarried and not looking to get married either.
This breaks all protocol I believe!! Surely the Queen doesn't like this situation?

Ed Milliband 2

Here is a short video of Ed Milliband from the Sun Newspaper.
Apart from the fun side of it, if you hear what he is saying it's more or less the same as Brown and also the fact that He wants us to trust Labout again after all of this abysmal economy crash.
Surely there can't be too many Labourites who can admit it all went right and can hand on heart trust them at such short notice!!!

Ed Milliband has no charisma and will be a waste of time

Reading newspapers Ed Milliband has already contradicted himself.
He says that strikes will not be tolerated and then brings out a lefty report.
He tries to make a joke in a Monotone voice, this just doesn't work.
He was unknown to most of Britain and has no charisma like David Milliband and absolutely no experience of government.
The guy is a dork!!
David was caught making comments after Ed said the Iraq war was wrong and then shortly after this we heard that he is likely to leave the front benches, so snubbing his brother and not wanting to help him.

Labour will rue the day they elected him!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Savers told to stop moaning and start spending

This official needs to be sacked !!!
We have had a credit crunch with houses being repossessed. The banks won't lend.
So what is the golden rule in times like this:
"Cash is KING!"

Why do we have such pratts in high places.. The next thing is that they will say Money supply is too high we had better raise interest rates!!

When the government can look at the situation objectively and then come up with a decent plan, people like this should keep their mouths shut.

Where were they when people lost their houses or had bailiffs knocking on the door?

I want Charles Bean to stand up and say this in a meeting of hard working people and get their view, because the Bank of England also didn't stop the collapse of banks, they just stayed quiet or didn't shout loud enough!!

Our Army heroes are worth nothing compared to Afghani scroungers!

The army are laying off soldiers without a 'kiss or goodbye' and heroes are being treated like scum and yet if you are an afghani family etc you get a STG1.2 mio pad eventhough they were supposed to be kicked out of UK

The same happened to me when I escaped from Kuwait on the invasion where the government wouldn't give me anything but an Iraqi immigrant had his Mayfair apartment paid for and I think it was STG2000 a week.

It's an absolute disgrace.
How about some common sense and start to treat our own first!!

Can you imagine going to Karzai and asking for benefits in Afghanistan?
Can you imagine going to Lithuania or any other bloody useless EU country and ask for the same?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ed Milliband wins

If Ed thinks he can get the Unions support for his election and then say that he isn't their puppet, then he is totally deluded!!
He won by just over 1% with the help of his Unions, so why wouldn't they expect something from him, because he must have promised something.
Whatever, it is, it's going to be bad.
1. More Union Power
2. More Unionists in the government
3. More pay
4. Less hours working
and it goes on!!

All in all it will mean more debt and battering the middle class.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Clegg speaks at the U.N.

Today Nick Clegg speaks in the U.N. and one of his messages is that strength doesn't come from conflict.
I beg to differ.
If the US or UK still had their empires there wouldn't be this turmoil in the world, because the countries under our power would have to toe tow the line !!!

UK Government quangos to be scrapped

Did you know that there are 750 government quangos? I didn't and now ask why?
The government has announced it will:
axe 177
under review to be scrapped another 94
129 to be merged and 350 have escaped a bludgeoning!

No wonder we have a deficit and of course in these quango's there are lots of useless civil servants picking their noses all day and collecting a huge pension!

I wonder how many people will get the chop. Knowing the Civil Service none of them.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Britain stuck in a 'mortgage famine'

It's been announced that the banks have only approved 31,000 odd mortgage applications in August, the lowest for 16 months.
So where is all this recovery talk about.
The banks are making huge profits but not lending to JOE public for the actual foundations of UK life.
The government should investigate and heavily fine any bank who is shirking responsibility.
Soon you will hear that repossessions will be through the roof, as people cannot re-mortgage their houses !!!
It's about time the government started to act responsibly against the banks, when they are making huge charges to everyone but not putting anything back.

Vince Cable is an Idiot

In yesterdays LibDem conference Vince Cable said he wants to tax even more land and house owners!
On top of the cap on mortgages that the Bank of England want to bring in, will mean houses will fall at least 50% in price and the economy will collapse.
This is why the LibDems cannot run the Government themselves, they are inexperience and full of inept idiots who have no common sense.

The Streets are full of Anarchy

The governments over the years have cut the budget of the police force to such an extent that the police have now lost control.
The Police have now issued the warning and it's all plain to see by all.
Nottingham has one of the worst accounts of guns, just to pick one area, but this is becoming typical in the UK society today.
So there can be no bleating from the government.
In the current credit crunch wouldn't it make sense to add more police to the streets (beat) as it has proven in other areas, that this cuts crime significantly.
Our police of today are pen pushers looking for excuses to get out on a lifelong pension.

So would it make sense that with all the taxes going up there is a worthwhile cause behind it as well?

However, this also backs my idea of the armed forces and they will go the same way, especially as it was announced at the weekend that there are significant reserves under the Falklands. You can read it like a book and this government are going to be screwed!!! Mark my words and this will happen in the next 1-2 years

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

House prices to fall, caused by new proposed Mortgage caps

I said it a couple of months ago, but it seems to have trickled down to Mortgage lenders, banks et al now.

LibDems are screwing up the coalition

Their annual conference is in dissaray and they just don't know what to do. They have craved power and now have it, but are divided.
Cable is an incompetent twit who sticks his foot in it all the time.  He is the Business Secretary, but doesn't understand business at all. If anything he should just be a secretary!
Nick Clegg isn't saying very much and is fighting the fire to keep his party in partial power. He knows the LibDems are in trouble, but he isn't ordering the MP's to stay in line.
This is a recipe for disaster !
Expect this to fall apart within 6 months

London is to lose it's 'Financial Centre of the World' status

The UK government want another windfall tax on top of the others.
I hope the Prime Minister has handkerchiefs, when the banks won't see the point of being based in London anymore.
Switzerland will get the benefits!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Increased 'Green' taxes will be the noose for this government

I know that the deficit has to be sorted out, but the rate at which tax is being introduced is even greater than I suggested in my previous blogs.
The new Tax:

Motorists and holidaymakers face 'green tax' rise of £800

Increase of 30p a litre of fuel
Increases taxes on flights

So why does it make sense to push Carbon reduction and push for Green items. AT the end of the day it all cost much more than the normal item!!
Taxes are now going beyond earnings.
This is definately going to end in tears for the government and for those who will:
++Lose their jobs because of increased taxes
++More poverty from loss of earnings

It seems to have a degree in University in Economics just doesn't teach common sense. 
Basically, they are idiots !!!

Cut back on the parasite MP's will be a more worth while saving.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mr Sarkozy is right about the Romans!!

The French President is kicking out undesirables, coming from another country.
Thye live off the state while stealing from the regions they live.
Why shouldn't we be able to send them back to their country?

All the do gooders are coming out of their wormholes. Fine let them suppoort them then instaed of out taxes.
Germany has said they won't do it. Fine pay for it, but don't ask us EU residents to pay for them then.
Why do you think Romania etc wanted to join the EU? What do they contribute? Sweet F.A.!!!

The list of the EU members below and who does what to the funds.

Member states of the EU

Austria - Not alot

Belgium - Nothing they are broke

Bulgaria - Cost and full of mafia

Cyprus  - Cost

Czech Republic - Cost

Denmark - Not alot

Estonia - Cost

Finland - Not alot

France - Not alot

Germany - Joint provider with UK

Greece - They are broke

Hungary - Cost

Ireland - They are broke

Italy - Nothing

Latvia - Cost

Lithuania - Cost

Luxembourg - Zero

Malta - Nothing

Netherlands - 3rd to UK and Germany

Poland - Cost

Portugal - They are broke

Romania - Absolutely nothing only cost

Slovakia - Very little

Slovenia - Nothing

Spain - Thye are broke

Sweden - Small

United Kingdom - Joint Biggest contributor with Germany

You can now immagines that UK, Germany are propping it up, with the French net takers from the EU because of their agriculture policies.
It isn't hard to see that it isn't sustainable, is it !!!

Recovery or not?

Newspapers over the past week or so are now saying that Interest rates may have to go up due to a so called faster recovery.
Those who can remember just a few months or so back, I said the same !!

So called, because I hear that 95% of all manual jobs are being given to foreigners, when our skilled guys are living near the breadline or on the dole.
Even my son cannot get a long and steady electrician job with me paying his salary!!

It's a farce and that's why it will continue till 2013.

Pope to call for 'full communion' between Anglicans and Catholics

In a move which the pontiff views as a positive step for Christianity, he will on Sunday make a personal plea for the Churches to come together.

Does this mean an end to the UK Monarchy which is Protestant and why we had the Civil War?
This could mean loss of jobs amongst the clergy, plus a number of divorces as the Priests can only be married to God!

Interesting call.

However, it still doesn't address dwindling numbers of Christian active people and the Church's inept marketing and persuasion for more people to turn to God!
It seems only a catastrophe can do this.

Friday, September 17, 2010

UK recovery will be confirmed in 2013

2013 will be the year that the UK economy will be announced as back on the upwards track.

  • In the meantime we will see house prices falling a little but mainly stable
  • The government has to get apprenticeships up and running
  • Change the Social benefits regime
  • Unemployment will still occur even in the Civil Service
  • Banks to feel comfortable to lend again
  • New small to Medium size business to increase again
  • Debt reduction and more savings

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Inland Revenue still arrogant

After all the gaffes and what I have posted, the Inland Revenue are still trying to worm their way out of the fact that they are incompetent!!

Why don't they accept it and apologize to all of those that will be charged extra tax.

Also why are they reclaiming the tax over 1 year, why not 3 years???

Thieving wotsits!!!

POPE really needs a new team and a younger one!!

Pope visit: Cardinal drops out after calling UK 'Third World'

Cardinal Walter Kasper, a senior aide to the Pope, has pulled out of the Pontiff's visit to Britain after saying the country resembled a “Third World country” where “aggressive new atheism” is rife.

I repeat my comments from yesterday, they only have themselves to blame!
They don't market themselves to the younger generation but only to the older ones, hoping that the families will drag them in.

Priest: Repent my son of all of your sins

Sinner: Father I am a terrible drinker and beat my wife

Priest: 9 Hail Mary's my son

Sinner: Off to the pub them and same old!!!

Sinner: Happy days.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cardinal of UK complaining of lack of religious understanding

The Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor is complaining that the young are basically religiously inept.

Let me get this point:

  • Church attendance is falling because the church cannot communicate anymore
  • The church and it's priests want to bugger every young boy
  • They have no marketing skills
  • The Irish are blanking the POPE
  • The POPE will not apologize outright for it's wrong doings
What are the advantages for religion?
How will it save us
How can it relate to todays life ( clue: look at the book of Proverbs )

Basically the Church doesn't help itself.

Payment to Councils for approving house building

The coalition has proposed to pay councils for their approval of building homes in their county.
This will provide upto STG1bn for something they should be doing anyway!!

What they haven't done is to read my blog explaining that if the Bank of England / Government put a cap on mortgages to individuals, they still won't have any buyers!!
So approve the building of 100 houses at STG 168k. Deposit required STG 42k amount of first time buyers maybe 5% !!!

It's doomed and a cash cow for councils

Having said that maybe a few builders will be employed

Still doomed!!

Lords and Lady's stealing from the tax payer as well

Pensioner Peers are now using their pensioners travel cards to get First class travel!

Peers and MP's have been banned from travelling First class at taxpayers expense.
So it makes sense for them to use their railcards to get a discount.

what is actually missed inj this action, is that they will not travel amongst the mere plebs of this country.

Maybe the government should just ban First Class travel altogether, unless they pay from their own pockets and unable to claim it back!! That should be clear

law and order doesn't exist

As per my blogs the newspapers and the government are only just finding out that criminals do not get the maximum sentence and that the criminals are laughing all the way to their short prison sentences!

Someone I know stole STG 30,000 of an old age pensioners savings they were entrusted with.
The police are trying to bring a case against them of either Fraud or Stealing.
However, the police cannot get the evidence to prove it, so they will be let off with insufficient evidence. Even if they do charge them,the courts will let them off and the pensioner will not receive a penny back.

It's outrageous!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Arrogant Civil Servants

The taxman gets potentially 10 million peoples taxation wrong and then the Head of the Inland Revenue says it isn't their fault!
What an arrogant twat!
This guy should be sacked.
It doesn't matter if it's a computer that is wrong at the end of the day the taxman has staff that has to test and validate it's correctness. Therefore, it seems this wasn't done.
Who is at fault then, the person who signed off on the project and that is the head of the Inland Revenue.

This guy is given 7 figure bonuses for being a complete dork.
This would not be acceptable in a corporation and the right thing to do, is to apologize to those who are receiving letters to repay money (and in some cases will be about STG400 a month for a year) and then he should resign.

Of course the civil service don't do this. Instead he will most probably get promoted to a higher salary.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Defense cuts will mean Falklands will become Malvinas

An announcement that the military expenditure will be cut, is putting the defense of the UK states at serious weakness.
Most of our troops are involved in Afghanistan and Iraq. Cuts in the budgets by Gordon Brown et al has already been criticized by the top brass in the military in the press, with them stating that lives are being lost because of lack of funding and equipment.
Now the government want to cut more!!
If Argentina wait, they will just walk into the Falklands and there will be nothing the UK can do.
Falklands is now all about oil and it's revenues, which is what the original conflict was about anyway, before they actually found oil, otherwise no one would be bothered about a tiny island in th the middle of no where!

There is very little if no presence of troops in the Falklands and this will be the biggest embarrassment and snub to all the lives lost in the last conflict, when the Argentinians move in!!

Bring back Maggie !!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mosque in New York

Now let me get this straight!
Muslims around the world have burned the Stars and Stripe flag many times and stamped on the flag etc.
No one says anything.

Then some idiots decide to have a mosque NEAR ground zero and there is outcry of war if the Americans won't allow it.

The mosque is NO community centre and will be used as a fingers up to the American People and Christianity.
Muslim leaders are saying that it isn't on ground zero but 2 blocks away. This is not relevand it is within easy reach of a bomb or another plane etc.
Why have they decided to have it at this location? They are calling for the locals to believe in harmony etc, well it seems to me the Muslims are totally inssnesitive to do this.
The Mosque will only be used by men and Muslims, full stop. So isn't this against one of the free speech amendments and all are equal?

I tell you what let the Americans agree to it IF the saudis will alow a church to be built in Riyadh the last bastion of the Mutawah!
No way will this be allowed or agreed.
So its' all nonesense.
Did you know that the Quran states that a Muslim can lie to a non-muslim because (1) they fear for their life (2) they fear it threatens their religion.
Doesn't Obama know they are doing this all the time to him and the western world.

I would just say no but they could build one outside New York. How can they not agree??

Friday, September 10, 2010

Government to cut even more social benefits

Mr Osborne said: “We are going to reform out-of-work benefits so there's a strong incentive for people who can work get work.

What he hasn't said is how the government are going to create the business to offer jobs!
Unless the government invests in small to medium sized businesses, they will not be bale to create the jobs needed.
Again I re-iterate, there will be more house repossessions and more poverty.

If a family have been on the benefits for say 10 years how do you motivate them to go to work?
all they do is turn to stealing etc so theft will rise.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Along the grapevine

Abu Dhabi only has about 30 years left of oil!
Could account for their programme of Nuclear power stations is progressing fast and that they are nurturing Tourism.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1 in 5 tax records may be incorrect!

We have all known for years that taxation for individuals has been wrong.
It has taken numerous years now for the taxman to find out.

If it means that the government owes us, then I doubt if we will hear much more. However, bearing in mind that they have realized 6 million are paying too little and 4million are paying too much.

The question is:
How can the taxman get their own calculations wrong?
Why do we have to pay back taxes, for their mistake.
Courts would generally favour the individual if taken to court by a corporation.
Why isn't someone in the Inland Revenue held accountable and sacked?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Giving the power back to the people!

The new government keeps selling this to the voters.
What I want to understand that apart from creating bedlum, what is this to achieve.
The British people want a leader, who is accountable, who is a statesman, who makes decisions and puts them into action.

How can they give it to the people? is everything to be done by referendum?

In my view, it just isn't practical.

In fact it sounds like they are offloading the monkey!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How stupid is the Inland Revenue and the media?

In the press today the Inland Revenue has undercharged 6 million people and overcharged 4mio.
Then they say that the net effect is only STG 200 million.
No wonder they are useless.

If 6 million people owe the Inland Revenue STG 1400 each on average
And 4 million people will received STG 400 each on average to me
that equates to STG 6 billion in the bank!!

1. they make a huge mistake
2. no one has any recourse when they want it back
3. their computers systems are completely useless
4. their I.T. didn't check the calculations correctly.
5. average I.T. pay is about STG 17k
6. pay peanuts you get monkeys!!!

If this was a corporate they would not be able to get their money back if it was their mistake so why does the tax man???

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fined for stepping out of line

I was speaking to a local lady when checking in at Dubai Airport and we was talking about the high cost of living in the UAE and the taxes coming on board with no announcement.

This lady was fined (unknown to her as a new law) last week for crossing the road in Dubai airport in the wrong place.
Her fine was AED 250 or STG43.

What's the betting it will happen in the UK?