Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mr Sarkozy is right about the Romans!!

The French President is kicking out undesirables, coming from another country.
Thye live off the state while stealing from the regions they live.
Why shouldn't we be able to send them back to their country?

All the do gooders are coming out of their wormholes. Fine let them suppoort them then instaed of out taxes.
Germany has said they won't do it. Fine pay for it, but don't ask us EU residents to pay for them then.
Why do you think Romania etc wanted to join the EU? What do they contribute? Sweet F.A.!!!

The list of the EU members below and who does what to the funds.

Member states of the EU

Austria - Not alot

Belgium - Nothing they are broke

Bulgaria - Cost and full of mafia

Cyprus  - Cost

Czech Republic - Cost

Denmark - Not alot

Estonia - Cost

Finland - Not alot

France - Not alot

Germany - Joint provider with UK

Greece - They are broke

Hungary - Cost

Ireland - They are broke

Italy - Nothing

Latvia - Cost

Lithuania - Cost

Luxembourg - Zero

Malta - Nothing

Netherlands - 3rd to UK and Germany

Poland - Cost

Portugal - They are broke

Romania - Absolutely nothing only cost

Slovakia - Very little

Slovenia - Nothing

Spain - Thye are broke

Sweden - Small

United Kingdom - Joint Biggest contributor with Germany

You can now immagines that UK, Germany are propping it up, with the French net takers from the EU because of their agriculture policies.
It isn't hard to see that it isn't sustainable, is it !!!


Vlad Drakulla said...

Hi Boy!

Please, don't sign the old sogn w/o checking! Bulgaria is close to ZERO as a "cost"! And we are about to become net "giver"! And when you speak about gipsies, please, don't call them "bulgarians"! And remember -- I live in Bulgaria and I can say that HALF of the mafia here came from your beloved empire!

God Bless the Queen.
And Freddie...

HAB Alan said...

Thankyou to mr Drakulla for his comments, however, it is a well known fact that (1) the Bulgarian mafia are professional in car stealing around the world and in particular in Europe ( oh and I have been given training on this). (2) why are Bulgarians looking to come to other European states to get handouts from the state and then ship it back to Bulgaria (3) many gangs in the UK are run by Bulgarians.even in Amsterdam I have seen this.
Sorry can'T agree with you!