Thursday, May 31, 2012

Euro and Ireland

It appears that Ireland will vote to stay with Austerities.
You may ask the reason why.
Well let's take a look at the background.
The whole infrastructure of Ireland has been built on funding from the EU. They even got to as point of being able to borrow at negative interest rates. They have built everything based on the the advantages of a small nation being in the EU and the Euro.
So, based on this fact it must really irk the Irish that Greece has obtained billions of Euro's and now it's the chance of Spain and then it will be followed by France. So the Irish will NOT want to be left out. So this is why they need to vote along with austerity.
In the end with the funding from the UK and with the EU, you can bet your life the Irish will walk away with a plus cash flow from the EU and Euro.
Also, bear in mind the Germans need a positive piece of news, so they will reward Ireland.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

UK and IMF

The IMF says Britain are not recovering fast enough after the austerity package.
Here may be a few reasons why:
Utility bills up 15%
Dartford Tunnel fees up 30% eventhough it's been paid off many times
Banks not lending to individuals nor SME companies
Overdrafts up to 29%
If you can get a loan it's generally at 14.9%
Credit Card interest upto 30%
Tax up on petrol
VaT up from 17% to 20%
Food costs up for families

I would estimate that daily living has gone up by 25% since the 2008 financial crisis and there are more increases in costs and tax coming.
When there is a crisis like this ALL big companies put their prices up, otherwise how else are they making almost record profits and just look at the banks, they are steaming ahead for their shareholders.
Don't get sucked in by management not taking their bonuses or not taking as much, it is all hidden for when the furore dies down in the form of shares or in a bonus pot invested somewhere.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Abu Qatarda

Why are we waiting to kick this useless piece of life out of the country.
We now have the go ahead by the 'Uman Rites' mob in Europe.
Jordan have wanted him back for years to charge him for something he did in Jordan.
He has sponged millions from the UK taxpayer. Just save money and get him on a plane.
Otherwise, ship him to the USA where they want him as well.
Anyway to defy the UK and all the proper channels it would have cost the UK a fine if Stg 25,000.
We could have saved millions of pounds!
I wonder if his wives and family will go with him?
Doubt it, they will stay here and get all the benefits they can, 'cos in Jordan they get naff all!!

What are the consequences of Quantative easing?

QE may have held off initial problems with the banking industry, but no where else.
Here are the facts:
1. Banks borrow this money at 0.5% and it shows a huge profit on their Balance Sheets and to the shareholders. This improves the bonuses!
2. Banks overdrafts are ranging from 18-30%
3. Personal Loans are ranging from 8.9%(very little) to 14.9%
4. Bank Credit cards are charging between 24% to 35%
5. Small to Medium sized companies are not getting the loans promised by the government and they do nothing
6. Large businesses are hoarding their cash. This is why the Stock Market is so strong
7. Banks have generally stopped lending no matter what they say.
8. The economy in the UK cannot get going strongly unless there is money
9. Stg 325 bln into the system, but where has it gone? as I said above, to the banks

So basically, the whole thing has been a whitewash.
However, watch the bleating 2 years down the road when inflation starts to grow fast!
No doubt it will be blamed on the consumer for spending money, or having too much in savings.
And they wonder why?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

IMF as expected asked the UK to bail out the Euro

As i said months ago Britain will be asked to bail out the Euro in the form of lending to the IMF. We are now up to our limit of Stg 40 bln which is in the IMF charter. However, watch out as Spain collapses that we will be asked to add more. This is an outrage bearing in mind what we are going through, the Europeans are trying to stuff us 

Euro is at an end and the EU is coming to an end

Let's take it bit by bit!

France - The voters have decided to take action by voting against Austerity. When the chips are down the French are great at protectionism via the back door, so it's not official. Expect this to occur.
Expect more strikes. Expect the students to become violent.
If the French want less austerity then how can the European Central Bank manage?
Credit rating to go down further.

Greece  - The voters have decided to take action by voting against Austerity! I seem to have heard that elsewhere? Children are being given up to charity, because parents can't afford them. There will be violent clashes. Expect the government to be in disarray for weeks and maybe months before a coalition can be formed. Credit rating to go down further

Spain - with 1 in 4 now unemployed this is a civil war about to happen. Credit rating to go down further.

Holland - now voting against cut backs and they are one of the better off countries.

Germany - recession beginning to hit. Need Europe to begin to boost the economy to keep it going and support the Euro. Not going to happen for another 18 months!

UK will see signs of a turn around end of this year. UK will lose AAA rating. No justification if USA has lowered.

Other countries - Who is helping the Euro? It's very quiet from other countries.

N.B. What idiot is trying to take the EU social Welfare and give it to Turkey, who (1) hasn't joined the EU (2) still has human rights issues. This has to be a give away against the UK. Again some idiotic ponse from the EU has made a suggestion and is not accountable or liable for such an idea.

With these ideas the EU can NEVER continue to exist!!
It all becomes a Mafia corporation.