Thursday, January 26, 2012

UK Olympics

I think that if you check my history you will see that I got the cost of the Olympics spot on!!
STG 12 bln !!!!!

I cannot see why people are surprised it is always the case when the government announces any project.
It will cost generally 3 times as much. It's a game. The officials have no idea how much things costs and the favoured builders or contractors are told to under estimate the costs to get the job and then start to ratchet up the cost.

If you made MP's accountable then this may change things.
Labour's MP Tessa Howell is one of the biggest culprits who was the original sponsor for this project!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Is Vince Cable a Labour person or a Lib Dem?

Business Secretary Vince Cable wants to curb executives pay, stop bonuses and basically tax anything that has a monetary value.
I am surprised that this guy is a Lib Dem and not a Labour minister.
This guy alone can cancel the coalition with his antics. He really has NO clue about politics and what the man on the street is saying.
It seems that the Lib Dems feel that they are invincible because they can blame the Conservatives for everything they say.
I can see the coalition coming to the edge this year if it continues and if push comes to shove I bet most people will stick with the Tories.
However, I expect a conflict this year which will hide the economic problems in the UK and bring us back from the abyss!

Human rights is an ass !!

So we have 2 examples here in the UK

1. Mutarda the UK colonel for Bin Laden CANNOT be sent back to Jordan, because of his rights and will not get a fair trial in Jordan. This makes me wonder which system is correct? The one that tortures or kills the person who has murdered many civilians including children, or the one that does nothing. If I was MI5 I would arrange an accident for the guy and save us some money AND embarrassment on the International front!

2. A Mafia type of guy who has raped and killed says he is about to marry an UK citizen! Has sidestepped deportation back to his country many times.
 If I was MI5 I would arrange a n accident for the guy and save us some money AND embarrassment on the International front!

See the link here. No questions but a very simple solution. Why can't anyone else think of such solutions, it isn't difficult??

UK benefit rip off from foreigners

So we have just under 380,000 foreigners in the UK claiming benefits.
Based on jobseekers allowance alone this is Stg 1,027,520,000 a year alone.
They also claim: Child benefit although most of their families are in their own country, they also claim Family credit which is Stg 2,314,200,000 and there is more!!

All of this from us the taxpayer. It's about time the EU got it's act together on this illegal practise!!

Loan shark to be or not to be, that is the question!

So in the UK there is a radio advert, asking the vulnerable public who are out of a job and going to loan sharks, because they can't feed their family, to call a number any inform on loan sharks as it's illegal!

Now here's the thing that confuses me.
1. Bank rate is 0.5% (banks borrow money from the market or the Bank of England)
2. Banks are lending generally at 14pct
3. Barclaycard is charging 29.9%
4. Other credit cards are charging 16.9 - 19.9 pct some at 35%
5. 'Legal' loan companies are charging 2300 pct like Wonga sponsors to 2 football clubs I know and there is another company lending at 2600 pct
6. I contacted the Football Association asking how they allow this kind of treachery to sponsor football clubs and i was told it's not their business.
7. I wrote to the Treasury to ask how they can justify this kind of business and I wrote to the Bank of England. Needless to say I didn't get a reply.

The question is ' who is the crook' ??
In my simple mid it must be all of the above!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Europe and UK again !!

As I wrote some time ago it seems that the IMF will be approaching the UK for more funds. So this will be above a possible Stg 37-40 bln that is our ceiling according to the IMF agreement.
I explained months ago that the UK will end up bailing out Europe.

I also said that the effect to the average family was at least Stg 5000 a year for the austerity package and the bail out.
This now has to rise to Stg 7500.
Don't let the government fool you, it will cost us at least this for the next 5 years.

Expect more unrest in the UK with strikes becoming more often and unemployment rising hasn't stopped yet!
2013 will be a little easier for unemployment and the economy.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Europe is in trouble

As I said months ago the Euro will split. I did say that it was only delaying tactics.
It's as plain as the nose on my face that Greece will default. this will be followed by Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy.
The new fund just isn't enough to cope.
The French banks will also fall into trouble. Germany has a choice of paying everyone off or abandoning their Eutopian dream of managing Europe.
The recession is now creeping up on Europe as I mentioned ages ago.
It goes USA, UK and then  Europe.
It appears that the USA is slowly coming out of recession. It takes about 9 months for the UK to follow suit.
Expect some Euro countries to be downgraded again to at least a single 'A' and possibly BBB level. This is in itself means the Euro cannot continue in it's current form and such members.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Scottish Referendum

The Scots from eternity have denied being part of Britain.
The fact that the English taxpayer funds their Free prescriptions, Drugs, Universities and general living, is besides the point.
The Scottish National Party have for years wanted a referendum and want one for 2014.
Now David Cameron has said next year and they are crying about. They say they want more time to convince the Scottish people. Well they have had about 15 years already.

So Cameron has called their bluff.
What he needs to do now is tell them, that if they vote to part from Britain then the following will happen:
1. They will have to pay for their medication
2. They will have to fund their hospitals
3. They will have to fund their Education
4. Taxes will go up significantly
5. They will have to fund their Social Benefits
6. They will not get any Oil revenues as they haven't contributed to anything in exploration, drilling and refining etc
7. Unemployment will be about 50% and it will increase as companies pull out
8. RBS will go bankrupt
9. Bank of Scotland will go bankrupt
10. MP's will have to decide who they represent and if they say Scotland their salaries will fall

So the question is, how serious the SNP can be and what their manifesto is, 'cos I can't see how they can fund anything.

They really have no idea.
Also just to add that there is a city in Scotland, where the average age of living is 56 years old.
Maybe this is their ploy. They won't have to pay out any pensions if people have jobs!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

The UK Austerity package

Over the past year I have pointed out then the cost to everyone of all costs to them UK Austerity package.
Well we are entering 2012 and we are still hearing how much it will cost each family per year.

I mentioned Stg 5000 per year. This is now rising.For the lower paid person I would seriously look at this and consider going on social benefits!
In order to get people to spend we need to lower personal taxes, petrol taxes etc.
This actually brings in more revenue, but it seems the UK government really hasn't woken up to this.

Still the USA housing market is in the crap.Until this turns around do not expect the UK economy to turn around and this will be 6-9 months after the USA says it has turned around. Historically this is closely related!

Cameron's New Year message is inept

So we have the Olympics and the Queens jubilee, but if Cameron thinks this will help the economy he is seriously deluded.
1. The Olympics will cost about Stg 12bln so how ill we make a profit? Of course NOT a chance
2. The jubilee is a tourist attraction but is very short term.

How will this help the 1 million plus 18-25 year olds get jobs?
How will this help the UK recover from any Euro problems?
Just on these 2 items there is absolutely no chance!

So Cameron is an imbecile if he thinks the man on the street believes what he says.
If I was him I would sack my speech writers and advisors!