Wednesday, December 30, 2009

UK-China relations

Do NOT expect Gordon Brown to do anything against China after the execution of the British national.
He will back down when the Chinese threaten any involvement with UK companies i.e. MG.
It will all blow over and the family are left to their own devices.
He cannot even ask the Chinese to repatriate the body, that's how sterile he is!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

There is a Scotsman, Welshman, Irishman and an Englishman!

Is it hardly surprising that the recent expensive scam of Gordon Brown to promote Britishness, has failed to the point that his party are having to pay people between 75-85 pounds to attend his meetings! Where do I sign up?

The guy is complete LOSER and it's about time he realized.

As my heading states, if you ask any of these Nationals what they are, they say it as per the heading, except on a government form it asks if you are British! There is no such thing. When I replied I am English, I was told there is no such thing!!!

Complete morons!!!

There is a Scotsman, Welshman, Irishman and an Englishman!

Is it hardly surprising that the recent expensive scam of Gordon Brown to promote Brtitishness, has failed to the point that his party are having to pay

2010 will be a tough year

Don't get too excited about next year. This will be the year of Austerity!
It doesn't matter which party wins the election, the need to pay off national debt will be upper most in any governments minds.
Labour just won't say it, as they are afraid of losing and the Conservatives are stating it because it has to be done.
As I have stated before, taxes will have to rise and threshold levels reduced.
Government spending has to be reduced so we will see levels of NHS, Educational funding at the very least frozen.
I belive estill that Sterling will go below party against the Euro and this will make it very attractive for exports to Europe, but this may take 9 months to effect.
I also think that we shall see interest rates going higher. This is not because of inflation, but a need to attract other sovereign investment in the UK and fast before we are downgraded which will have the saem affect on interest rates.

For the retail side, we should all pay off our personal debt as soon as possible to help the affects of higher interest rates.
The banks have really screwed up. We will not be spending on credit cards and having loans from banks as much, so their profits will begin to fall. It's about time as well.

I also see an uprising in the UK on a couple of fronts:
1.Cultural differences
2.Government wastage

Throughout Europe there are murmerings of dissent about being Politically correct and that Muslims are a minority. It is being realized that this is now no longer the case. There is a massive outflow of UK nationals now because of the dissent. However, I think that this will become a problem in-house. Economically it's a disaster as a few years down the road, the strain on benefits etc that the ex-communist nationals can take or pay to their families abroad is rediculous. All it does is take our money outside, while we can't get benefits ourselves!

Government wastage of our money is getting to silly levels. They are just as bad as the bankers. They are trying to find all kinds of ways to get expenses and in yesterday's news they may have a windfall of millions of pounds! How has that suddenly appeared when they are being asked to pay back expenses they fraudulently took??

I also see the collapse of the Euro and it's structure. Someone in the Central bank in Germany cannot create a rule and hope that it has the same affect in every country. No! they all have differences. The fact the the Eutopia was to have a single currency and the only difference between each country was inflation has failed miserably. If Italy pulls out now, then their debt to be repaid will be halved, so why stay in?? It has affetced Spain in a bad way as well with high levels of unemployment.

These are just a few thoughts and I will add more as I think of them.

Monday, December 28, 2009

VAT is not the reason that people are shopping !

The Economists have it wrong again!
Do they honestly believe that saving Stg 2.1/2 for every Stg 100 spent is making shoppers go out in their droves before the rise of VAT from 1/1/10.

I don't think so.

It's because people are not spending on expensive holidays etc and saving their money that they see bargains and a way of saving hundreds of pounds with the discounts at 50-75%.

My wife saves hundreds of pounds a year by buying birthday presents and next years Xmas presents in the sales not only after Xmas but in mid-year as well.

After this recent credit crunch customers have realized that to buy decent gifts after Xmas is a huge saving!!!

sterling is doomed

I have said for 6 months that sterling has to go to .8500 so below 1.00. Now all of a sudden economists agree it will go below 1.00 if Brown doesn't get his act together to make a plan to repay debt. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know he is incapable of doing this as he has backed himself into a corner. It is inevitable!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

UK is a deadduck!

Regular readers of my blog will note that I have said that economic recovery will not be until mid next year. So I am surprised that the newspapers headlines state that the UK is STILL in a downturn!
Be realistic guys! when the credit crunch has hit the UK hard and that the business market is still not being lent money by the banks and that the banks are using the government money to hold them up, how the hell will the turnaround happen quickly.?
The government have been "wet blankets" in forcing the banks to use the tax payers money for lending to individuals and small business.

Monday, December 21, 2009

How useless are our rights?

Again I write about the law being an Ass.
I wrote a few days ago about the Father being jailed for protecting his family against a knife wielding burglars.
Anyway it now seems that he has 50 other convictions with arms and now considers himself invincible, while his victims get jailed for attacking him after they have been tied up and threatened to be killed.

This government has made a complete arse of our law.
Give back the magistrates who need tools to deal with this type of thing.
In other words use Common sense!!!

Why not score judges on their performance and weak dealings with thugs???
Everone else is scored these days!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Labour betrays our elderly

A record number of pensioners are having their homes taken, in order to pay for care in homes.
This goes against the promises from Labour and Mr Blair.
Again this proves that the Healthcare system in the UK is falling apart!

Maybe pensioners should think about putting their homes into Trust who then invests in a regular and safe plan to provide an income for them or perhaps into Government gilts, which helps the government's funding, but doesn't take away the asset from the owner. This Trust can then have a will attached to hand it over to relatives when the pensioner eventually passes away.
Also, if a pensioner has to go to a home, perhaps the government can ask the councils to take the homes to rent to homeless families under the Private Homes scheme run by councils. This provides regular income (3 year contracts) to the owner and provides a cheaper housing for homeless families and thus helping the housing shortage.

Pensioners have paid into the N.I. for many years and deserve better.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Who would want to come to the UK?

1. A Father having had him and his family tied up by knife wielding burglars, escaped and hit the burglar with a pole and a cricket bat, is sentenced to 2.1/2 years jail (suspended) but the burglar got off!
The judge said he used unreasonable force!
What is the correct force when threatened with a knife etc?
Didn't the government say that resaonable force could be used after the Mr Martin affair?

2.A brother and sister were barred from a school disco because their attendance was interrupted by their Father's death from Cancer. The school governors need to be questioned to the point of pain to insult children like this! It was in Bradford, so I guess this P.C. city is the reason!!

Labout to axe armed forces

In the press today it says that Labour have a huge black hole in their finances and plan to axe bases and jobs.
Didn't they announce in the last budget an increase?

I am confused here. They go to a war which requires funds, but they don't have any. They announce that Saddam didn't have WMD and yet went in and then got sidelined by the Americans. They also pushed for Saddam to be a war criminal and then was executed.

Our boys are being blown up because they don't have equipment suitable.

I can't go on for sheer stupidity on the governments part.

Who is this Ainsley character and why is he in this position of incompetence. Oh yes! he is an arse licker!!

In the meantime our country doesn't have a defence force anymore.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Euro is in trouble!

Months ago I wrote that the Euro will most probably disband and I am sure this will happen in time.
With all Euro policies made in Germany how can a decision to do something be correct for all countries. The idea of the Euro was to only differ in the inflation of each country and this has been a total nonesence!
So now we have the Greeks going against the EU rules and I am sure that this will be followed by Spain and Italy.
The thought of the day is that IF Italy decided to pull out of the Euro It will only cost them half of the debt as when they went in!! Surely this is a good reason for pulling out.
Spain has unemployment rates that are crippling it's U25's and there is little hope at the moment.
The Credit crunch is only just hitting Germany and other countries and there cannot be too much comfort in this.
Things need to change and fast!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bankers Bonus

The civil servants are a useless bunch. Already it's emerging about loopholes.
Every time this happens and they never learn, they just can't see beyond the end of their noses.
I guess that most can credit their pensions and not be taxed at all for now. That would be a logical thing to do!!

I warned you about the budget!

Reading in the papers today, it seems that most of my predictions will come true(previous blog).

In the next budget, we can expect a basic tax rise of about 2p in the pound at least!
We will see N.I. contributions rise.
The government would love to see VAT at 20%

Of course we have to see:
Cigarettes rise by about 5p
Alcohol 2p on Beer and about 5p on spirits
Road tax 10-15 pounds
Petrol 2p

This is because they are a captured market.

Also expect council tax to go up about 50 pounds a year,
plus more tax on things like improvements and sheds/conservatories etc.

Papers are saying that eventhough pensioners have a 1.5% increase for next year, it's all taken back the following year.

Services will be cut as budgets are slashed in certain sectors.
Expect the Labour party to renege on previous promises, like funding for NHS and Education.

The reason I am saying this is beacuse the pre-budget report didn't spell out enough in order to cover the revenue that Alistair Darling announced.

At the end of the day there is a threshold that people can pay taxes and we are getting near to this before a fallout from the voters.When the Conservatives take over, they will have a hard job, but the Conservatives will be experienced at this, as per when Margaret took over in a similar situation.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


What is the point of Copenhagen?

Most countries won't meet the goal.

So what is Gordon Brown proposing as well as the other "do Gooders"

Well lets look at China. It heaps out loads of carbon for it's industry, but sticks 2 fingers up at the west.
So why don't we say that we won't give them anymore money for carbon reducing programmes, which to date they haven't met anywhere near.Put a tax on them and they won't be able to sell their goods to most of the countries it sells to. Therefore it will have to reduce it's industry and therefore it's carbon output.
Do we tell them to stop fornicating, so they have 1bn plus population to support?

The western world having got itself into a mess are at breaking point, so why are we offering loans and help to Non-developed countries, who really don't give a toss about the West, but how they can fill their own bank accounts!
Look at all the "pop aids" concerts that have gone on, about 10% of the money raised actually gets through and the rest is in bribes and middle men etc etc.

I still don't understand how the Africans and others have the strength to have children and yet they are starving themselves. If they are not willing to help themselves, then let's have a "hand of god"and have a clear out.I don't mean to be callous, but I just don't understand it!

So the West has to stop lending money to save their own economies and countries!
When the West sorts itself out then they can help others. We know that a percentage of non-developed countries will renege on repayments etc and the Western countries have to draw down from the IMF Gold reserves.

What about the IMF accumulating gold for the West countries and pay off the wests problems rather than the non-developed countries?

Back to the 70''s

After yesterdays UK pre-Budget message, what isn't mentioned yet is the tax increases for Cigarettes, alcohol, petrol etc, yes don't be surprised when it comes because it will!!
EU is now motioning that there should be tax on SMS messages!
What they don't realize is that at the end of the day there is a finite amount of tax people will pay.
As in luxury goods, we can all make a choice and my guess is that people will begin to shun these items. So get rid of mobiles etc and we are back to the 70's.
Not necessarily a bad thing!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Is Global warning a symptom of Humans?

Now here is a novel idea.
If we look over the Earth and the things happened and happening over the past 50 years we can see:

USA blowing up Nevada under ground
French blowing up Nuclear in Atol ?? wherever in the Pacific
British testing Near Easter Island.

This is all fine and obviously not good,
But remember:
The Earth has a Molten core
The Earth moves and causes Earth Tremors
Earth Tremors cause Tsunami's
Volcanos have been more active and expected to become more
The Ice caps are on an axis which is changing in the Earths position of the sun

So for a novel idea, has anyone actually looked at the Earths evolution?
The question is, whther it is Human's fault for any changes?

Frequent fliers could face higher tax says Government climate adviser

Oops! I didn't think of this one!
So let me get this straight.
The UK government has wrecked the economy so much that in the budget it's likely to raise all kinds of taxes at the same time it's trying to get the economy going again and unemployment down.
Now I have to work abroad to get a job they are now talking about raising my tax because I travel too much to be able to see my family!!

I bet they won't tax themselves for travelling all over the world on freebies and meetings to Denmark for Global warming?

This is one confused government in total disarray and not likely to get voted in again for another 20 years!!!

At worst bring in the Liberals if people don't vote the Conservatives or the Common Sense Party !!

Pre-Budget report - Austerity package

Mandelson is on TV again trying to soften the blow.
Basically, as Labour know they won't be elected again, they are likely to announce huge rises in taxation all round.
This is the COST of them screwing us all up!!

Income tax will rise in both rate and allowance cost.
Tax on Cigarettes will go up
Tax on booze will go up
Petrol tax will go up
Road tax to go up
Capital tax to go up in the form of allowance down or a basic increase
Corporation tax to go up (eventhough we are still not in a revival)
VAT will go up and I suspect more than 17.1/2%
Stamp Duty to go up in the form of an allowance or basic rate
Cuts in expenditure on sectors
Govt borrowing to be cut
Cuts in services and local authorities
New charges for VAT for food and maybe children's clothing
TV license up

I can't think of anymore at the moment.
But it will hit hard !

Over 1 in 10 living in England are from abroad!

Now this is published maybe the government will take notice that the UK will in the not too distant future be full of foreigners.
All the Indiginous Brits will be living abroad!!

As per my previous blogs the UK will then become bankrupt as foreigners won't be paying the tax required to support them.

Britain, the sick man of Europe:Heart and cancer survival rates among worst in developed world

Is this a surprise when the government is spending money in the wrong places. 4 middle managers per patient is not investing in the NHS!
Scotland are allowed to have drugs paid by the British tax payer, but the drugs are not available to the tax payers!


+Kick out middle managers
+Bring back Matrons
+Sack the IT management who can't organize their way out of a paper bag
+Stop visitors getting free treatment and start charging them (as we have to abroad)
+As per my previous blog, don't allow people to have NHS unless they can prove they
have a job and that they pay N.I.
+Regionalize balance sheets and run like a business
+Performance and expertize published and retain funding from the government based on this

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Who the hell do the MP's think they are?

Daily Mail headline - Desk-bound immigration chiefs deserve £10,000 bonus for 'putting their lives on line' for Britain, says minister

Phil Woolas is defending bonuses of Stg10,000 for desk bound twits in the Immigration Border in the UK that they are doing more than the lads in Afghanistan.
Soldiers get an extra Stg2000 approx for leaving their families and risking their lives, which the Government won't give them the proper tools for the job and then come out and say this.

For God's sake, sack these MP's they are arrogant and not on this planet. Of course another option is to send them to Afghanistan and announce they are coming instead of this cloak and dagger stuff they currently do, so they don't get shot at!

French federalism begins!

Did it miss the majority of people's eyes that the French have called an EU Agricultural summit and omitted amongst 6 countries the UK!
The reason being is that the 6 countries disagree that the French farmers should get more payouts.

Expect more of this as the EU constitution takes hold.

My prediction is that the UK will have pull out of the EU because it will become too expensive to stay in!

or we can all move to France and become rich farmers who spend half the day having coffee and wine!

Tax the Bankers!!

Alistair Darling to increase taxes to the bankers getting bonuses?
Well this is indeed a windfall for the government, but how much will it raise?
One thing is for sure, the UK government ten years ago promoted freedom of employment and entrepreneuralism. Now they earn more than the MP's they are upset.
What the government don't say, is that alot of the companies are now owned by foreigners.
Can the UK Government tell the foreign owners what they can do with their staff?

All this will do is to send people abroad and make Labour bigger fools than they are currently.
This is the 1970's all over again and apparently they still haven't learned a lesson!

So the earners will be abroad while the takers will be in the UK. Sounds a great deal and one that will send the UK to banruptcy!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tax the hell out of the high earners!Labour don't care.

Labour are thinking of anyway to tax the high earners and the big bonuses.
They aren't going to get in at the next election, so they don't care!
In the meantime hedge funds are moving to Zug in Switzerland or anywhere that is by far benficial.
This is the start of the fall out in the UK, watch out for more!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pensioners Rights!

Why is it that the UK government make our pensioners suffer each year with such a small annual allowance for heating in the cold weather.
Look at the past few weeks, it is wet and damp and cold for our pensioners.
What I don't understand is that they have paid there taxes and Social Security all these years and when they need it most to warm their homes, the government won't give them enough.
Patients are leaving the warmth of hospitals with various ailments which include Cancer, Heart, Arthritus problems to name a few and then they have to go back to their humble abodes and on many occassions have to wrap up with blankets, because they can't afford the heating they need. In some cases they are alone and miserable for days on end, so what life is this that we in the Western World want to give our pensioners?

Here's a novel idea! Why not provide free heaters and vastly discounted gas and electricity rates for the pensioners during October to March!
This would mean an outcry from the greedy FOREIGN energy companies that take huge profits out of the UK.
The UK Government are spineless smurking pratts and don't care about our Grandparents etc who helped to populate this country.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Charity begins at home - or not!

It has long been known that the unelected top civil servants earn more than their fair share.
In todays press it notes, that there are over 323 of them and that quite few earn over Stg 1million. Now who on earth allowed this?

The M.P's of course who often give themsleves 25% rises every year when restricting the population to 0.5%! Apart from their expenses.

Someone like the CommonSense Party needs to go in with a "real" accountant and hammer all salaries, Bonuses, council funding etc.etc Hasn't anyone seen "DAVE" the film with Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver when they slashed spending by hundred of billions of dollars.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Social Benefits are not for the Brits!

Let me go back 21 years when my wife and I escaped from Kuwait. We arrived in the UK with nothing as everything was left in our escape.
Anyway when I went to the Social Benefits office I explained the situation and was told that there wasd nothing they could do for me. I then confirmed with them that an Iraqi was being paid to stay in a Mayfair apartment at Stg 2000 a month and the social benefits person said " Oh yes! if you was Iraqi I can give you all kinds of things!"
Then this week it was announced in the press that some dubious Somali family all of about 10 of them had arrived in Britain and had a Luxury house for Stg 83,000 a year plus the Father and child had another apartment elsewhere.
Where is the Common Sense and why are we paying for immigrants when we cannot get anything in their country. Why do you think they come here, it's so easy for them to make money and not work.
They also get clothing, Unemployment, family allowance etc etc
And I bet they get their own mosque!!!!

It's about time the UK government ended all of this unjustixces for the British people.
Why else is the UK in such debt!!
And why are we pledging billions of pounds to other countries when we can't support ourselevs and our people??

Social Services are out of control

Today the Sun newspaper reports on a couple who refused to give their child junk food to increase his weight, according to a doctor and they had their son taken away from them and it took 4 months of fighting Social Services and courts to get him back again.
When they did the Social Services agreed that the parents were good parents.

So the question is why did they take him away and cause the parents and the child all the trauma?

Do gooders and people with no parenting skills what so ever and were most probably childless gays!

Common sense = The government is trying to stop obesity and people to cut down Junk food.
The government is trying to get people to eat healthily.
There was no threat to the boy
There was no real reason apart from not allowing Junk food, for them to take this action.
Why did it take so long for the court to see this waste of money.
Why do Social Services allow kids to be killed when they are in danger?

Why is there apparently NO recourse against Social Services?

On many occassions I have advocated that Social Services should take on pensioners who have brought up families.
Our pensioners like anyone else like to help and feel needed with their experience.
This will cut the shortage of staff in many Social Service areas.

Otherwise let these parents take the Social Services to court for wrong doing and for the menatkl anguish and then we shall see what happens.

I have practical experience having been trained with some of them from the North of England!!

They are all a bunch of Bankers!

Use Common Sense Labour for heavens sake!

Instead of going into brinkmanship with the top management of banks and especially RBS, who are threatening to resign if they don't get their Stg1 million bonuses.

Call their bluff and let them resign, but you as the government and majority owner of the banks, state that if they do resign, they can never be a Director or any other senior manager again, in a financial institution of any kind.

I think this will make them think again!!!

Grow up and stop shaking the rattle.

Labour will back down in some way as they always do!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

UK services cuts

After the announcement of overtime cuts in the police, expect more cuts in:

Local council services such as:
Road cleaning


Fire Brigade
Teachers overtime
Any service that requires overtime for people to get a decent wage.

What you won't see is a cut in M.P's expenses etc. They will still get their 20-25% increase. Sounds like Animal Farm to me.
You won't see a cut in Local tax rates to account for the cut in services either!

UK is prime for mafias

Labour are announcing today to cut Police overtime by up to 20%.

The affects of this is an increase in crime.
Police numbers to dwindle because the salary is not good enough
Mafias will move in even more because of the lack of investigation and control.

Car theft is already on the increase as more and more "Eastern bloc" migrants come to car washes. Seeking cars worth nicking taking the number plates and getting the addresses. They then get into houses and steal the car keys and then driving off in the "pre-ordered"cars.
This has been going on for years in Europe and is now becoming prevalent in the UK.
The mafia for cars is normally the Bulgarians.

Restoring banking

Isn't it about time that the Bank of England and the FSA start telling the banks to get back to core business.
Why does RBS own:
Real Estate (not just repossessed houses)
Designer labels

Surely if they went back to basics the world will be a better place!
If they banks don't agree then slap a higher Capital ratio on their holdings

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Euro catch up!

It shouldn't be a surprise to many people that Europe is now being hit with the Credit Crunch as a lagger to the UK!

This is historical and fact that Europe will always lag to the Uk and Germany's refusal to provide money supply to the market is now causing problems and also with their refusal to ease the banks provisions and capital ratio's.
It seems that bank lending has reduced in the Eurozone by .8%.
Now they will see the crunch hitting harder as things are picking up in the UK.

However, it will take the UK years to sort this mess out!

I wonder if the UK can show how to sort this mess out. I doubt if the Labour Government will, but the Conservatives will have to bring in their own Austerity package for a good 5-10 years.