Monday, December 14, 2009

Euro is in trouble!

Months ago I wrote that the Euro will most probably disband and I am sure this will happen in time.
With all Euro policies made in Germany how can a decision to do something be correct for all countries. The idea of the Euro was to only differ in the inflation of each country and this has been a total nonesence!
So now we have the Greeks going against the EU rules and I am sure that this will be followed by Spain and Italy.
The thought of the day is that IF Italy decided to pull out of the Euro It will only cost them half of the debt as when they went in!! Surely this is a good reason for pulling out.
Spain has unemployment rates that are crippling it's U25's and there is little hope at the moment.
The Credit crunch is only just hitting Germany and other countries and there cannot be too much comfort in this.
Things need to change and fast!

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