Friday, December 30, 2011

My predictions for 2012

1. Argentina will invade the Falklands and the UK will not be able to get them back easily
2. The US Dollar will lose it's prime reserve currency role
3. The Euro will break up
4. UK crime will grow significantly
5. UK Unemployment will go over 3 million
6.UK  NHS will come to breaking point
7. In the UK more unrest for immigrants
8. More protests which become violent in the UK
9. UK Coalition will break and Conservatives win outright
10. UK House prices will fall 5%
11.UK  Immigration will be curbed
12. Foreign criminals will be sent home to ease prisons in UK
13. Recession in UK will ease end of 2012
14. France will lose it's AAA credit rating
15. Italian bonds will go to 11%, Greek to 18%
16. UK rates will rise to 5.5% from current 1.99% (Gilts)
17. Rare Earth materials will become even more rare and prices will surge
18. Minerals will rise as China takes a bigger monopoly
19. China will be blamed for more hacking as they buy even more National Grid companies
20. Oil will fall to USD 75 a barrel as use of cars diminish globally
21. China economy starts to hit a recession, which helps the oil price fall
22. Iran will threaten a low level nuclear attack and the USA will attack it.
23. Russia will begin to clamp down on it's capitalism and become a larger authoritarian state
24. Muslims will start having problems in numerous countries as a backlash to them trying to have their own Sharia systems within Christian countries.
25. Saudi to get more power in Bahrain
26. More poverty in UK and USA
27. More child abuse in UK and USA
28. Obama will not be re-elected
29. France will not allow UK to use French planes from aircraft carrier for any conflict
30. French banks will go bankrupt and need to be bailed out
31. Travel companies and airlines will go bankrupt globally

I will post others

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

UK is for UK employees

What isn't right is the kind of thing below that has happened in the UK.

A company in the Midlands made a UK guy redundant because he couldn't talk nor train his staff!
Why? Because they were all Polish and didn't speak English.

This type of thing cannot continue.

As I mentioned before, my son went to the Olympic site to get an electrician job and was told he wouldn't get it because 95% of the workers were Polish.

So eventhough the government wants to start building houses they need to stop this practise.
They are exporting the economy back to Poland.

I wrote to the Treasury and George Osborne, but of course I just an acknowledgement and no response!!

Expect a new war very soon over the Falklands

All my readers know what i think about this headline.

1. We are in a depression in the UK
2. Our armed forces have been cut back that it can't protect the Falklands
3. 3 Oil finds with large reserves have been found off the Falklands
4. Argentina has the backing of all South American countries

It is a forgone conclusion that the Argentinians will invade the Falklands very soon.

So the EU doesn't want the UK?

So yesterday's EU parliament included:
The EU Commissioner (Spanish / Portugese) stating that the UK asked for too much and that it would have ruined the single market. I ask, isn't that what's it'S done anyway?
Then we had the French saying the UK shouldn't be in Europe.
The Begiums saying that the English language should not be spoken.

However, what is odd, is that they are still asking us for money.
1. For the EU regardless of the refund we get, we are still huge net payers
2. The IMF will request upto Stg 40 bln which is supposed to be the limit, in order to bail out the Euro
3. We have funded the Irish and have a total exposure of Stg 80bln

So I am confused. They don't want us in the EU nor the Euro with any power , but they are more than happy to take our money and try to ruin the UK and the Banking industry, which is helping to fund them!

The Europeans really are stupid!!

So the EU doesn't want the UK

So yesterday's EU parliament included:
The EU Commissioner (Spanish / Portugese) stating that the UK asked for too much and that it would have ruined the single market. I ask, isn't that what's it'S done anyway?
Then we had the French saying the UK shouldn't be in Europe.
The Begiums saying that the English language should not be spoken.

However, what is odd, is that they are still asking us for money.
1. For the EU regardless of the refund we get, we are still huge net payers
2. The IMF will request upto Stg 40 bln which is supposed to be the limit, in order to bail out the Euro
3. We have funded the Irish and have a total exposure of Stg 80bln

So I am confused. They don't want us in the EU nor the Euro with any power , but they are more than happy to take our money and try to ruin the UK and the Banking industry, which is helping to fund them!

The Europeans really are stupid!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What's wrong with the Lib-Dems

Now let me get this right!
Clegg agreed with Cameron about the veto.
When there was a riot about it in the EU and the German and French threatening the Brits, Clegg changes his tune and his party follow.
Then yesterday when the Prime Minister answer 101 questions about what he had done Clegg was no where to be seen.
This stinks of a bad leader and someone the Conservatives should not be in a union with!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Euro Own Goal !

Germany and France seem to be saying that they have pushed the UK into a spot where they had no choice but to veto and that they are pushing the UK out of Europe.

Question: Who is going to replace our money?

Seems to me to be a bit of an own goal

UK and the EU and the veto

I really think that all of the newspapers and the politicians saying that veto is putting the UK on the sidelines etc. is nonesense
Well what do they think we are now?
They are all buffoons and this is just a smoke screen. This will be good for the UK for a few reasons.
1. We will have a referendum
2. The EU will lose our funding which is significant. This will have to be taken over by Germany, Holland, France mainly.
3. We can strike better partnerships with the Commonwealth, USA, India and others.
4. Do you think that the EU will stop buying our goods? No! they are buying them for a reason and it's not the Bilateral agreements.
5. We can be another Switzerland and its relationship with the EU.
6. We don't have to talk about Eutopia again
7. Goes to show that the Lib Dems don't have a back bone after Clegg has agreed and then criticised the Prime Minister
8. The Uk could drop the tax in London for Businesses and actually grow more and bring in more revenue.
9. The Euro is finished anyway, so why join.

Of course Germany and France will blame the UK for their failed folly!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cameron and the new EU Treaty

So Cameron blocked the new treaty did he?
This is what will happen.

The other members will pass the treaty and Britain will have to go along with it.
He has isolated us whilst putting handcuffs on us.

It is the European resolve to screw Britain when they can, so this will make it even more the challenge.

Cameron was an absolute idiot pre-warning what he was going to do. This put the EU backs up straight away, so it didn't need a brain cell to realize he had already screwed us.

I say again, we will HAVE to exit the EU eventually.
Ther may be a concept of Eutopia, but it can never be achieved, it's human nature!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Euro summit

Merkel and Sarkozy are disregarding anything Cameron wants.
Therefore, he will cave in and we will pay the price !!

Grease or is it Greece?

Courtesy of the Daily Telegraph 7th December 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

French default?

Europe promises

1. Cameron promises to veto any agreement if it doesn't suit the UK. He really hasn't understood that he is a nobody. He won't do 'jack all!' and the Uk will get screwed. The polticians should watch out because their jobs will become defunct!!

2. Sarkozy promises the earth,. However, he is a midget compared to previous French Presidents. Again he really has nothing to bargain with and can only promise.

3. Merkel is doing well, she is the winner at the end of the day. She is the only one who can agree and pull anything off. However, she has problems convincing the German people.

Whatever, agreement is reached it will be watered down and down the road will cause more problems.
The latest announcement is that GDP in all members has to be 3% or lower. Well NONE of the countries are at this level so how can it be agreed??

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

S&P going for broke with Europe

So now even the EFSF fund is under review. THE fund to bail out Europe!!
This stinks of an America hit on Europe!

At least someone is, 'cos the UK are failing miserably!!

Cameron is an idiot

Why can't Cameron understand, we are outside the closest members of the EU.
Germany and France do not want the UK anymore until they are in trouble again.
Expect Italian banks to be in crisis evenmore when all the bonds are revalued.
Expect the French banks to be the same.

A credit agency has now said that if the Euro members cannot agree, then they will downgrade them all and I presume that includes Germany!

All the news from the MP's about the UK really being hit is a red herring.
For hundreds of years we have been a trading nation and managed our economies well.
So we can do it again.
The only 'fly in the ointment' are spineless MP's and the Euro MP's about to lose their lucrative positions.

Why is the Bank of England and the Bundesbank printing old money again??
If they were sure that the Euro was to survive then they wouldn't waste this money, would they?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Could UK Unions have a second coming from EU?

If the UK is dragged into the EU, then this will mean that the European Unions will demand that the UK Unions back up their calls.
So we could see an instance where ALL the European Unions will force strikes in all 27 countries.
This will work unless the UK Unions want the same of course then we will get the Churchill salute!
This is a frightening thought as Unions in Europe still have a lot of power.
i.e. Holland or Germany. You cannot sack workers unless a damned good reason and even this is contested.
You have to give 1-2 years money and find the worker a job. etc etc.

Basically UK will be brought to it's knees !