Friday, July 29, 2011

Tit for Tat in Murdoch affair

So if this guy gets a fine or criminal record for throwing a foam pie at Murdoch, it must stand to reason that someone if not all of the Murdoch empire are charged and jailed, doesn't it?

Safe driving

In the UK if you eat when driving it's an offense and is punishable with a fine.
This is because you have to take your hand of the wheel to hold the food and therefore, deemd not to be in control of the car.

If you smoke there is no such reasoning!

Q1: What is the difference
Q2: Is this idiotic ruling anywhere else?

Ban smoking as well in the car!!

The state of the NHS today

This is pitiful for an official report about the state of the NHS.

All I can say, is that I hope the Management of hospitals are not ill at anytime soon!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Islamic Fundamentalists have begun to take over UK

I am sorry but I have been warning in the strongest terms in the past and now this!

More like this will happen.
Question: when does the illegal become legal?

Answer: When it becomes the normal by inertia and apathy!!!

As I have said, this is just the start in one area. Watch for more of these 'small' minorities.
Tower Hamlets have already been hit by Islamic areas and Sharia law being implemented amongst the Pakistani community

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Armed raid goes wrong with thief being killed

If a thief goes around illegally armed with a gun he must expect to be harmed himself.
Getting stabbed by the victim and killed I can't see where the problem is! Only that the victim has been arrested by Police, instead of keeping the streets safe anyway!
This man will be let off I am sure.

Asylum seeker immigrant joke

I bet we pay out!!
Why not send them for a holiday where they came from and save us the cash??

And they will get cash for their legal expenses.
This will most definitely not happen in other EU countries.

The Cash rich MOD and Civil service

So this is where our money goes and yet UK is now indefensible due to cuts in the military.
Again it's the Civil servants who are ruining this country at will and are not accountable for what they do!

Such spending is rife in the Civil service.
Where is the National Audit Office and what are they doing?
Spending our money more than likely

Friday, July 22, 2011

CommonSense Party UK manifesto in brief

The CommonSense Party UK manifesto to get UK on it's feet again.

·         Stop all Government employee bonuses
·         All Aid abroad to be stopped and Aid put back inot Britain
·         All Government meetings outside the offices to be stopped
·         All Government internal social events to be stopped
·         All bonuses to Government owned banks to be stopped
·         All Government banks profits to be repaid to the Government and offset against costs of packages
·         All Aid for Eco projects to be stopped
·         All Aerospace funding to be stopped
·         Stop social benefits for immigrants not paying tax for 5 years
·         All immigrants awaiting deportation or their case to be heard will do manual work which helps to pay for thjeir costs of lodgings and food.
·         Benefits paid for children who live outside the UK will be stopped
·         Immigration for non-Commonwealth passport holders to be stopped.
·         Utility cost will be capped and rises will be capped.
·         Taxation on excessive profits ( an average of the past 3 years) will be taxed
·         Nationalize public Transport in order to increase employment, but no Unions allowed.
·         NHS to introduce Sisters again and employ more nurses
·         NHS to cut Middle Management by 50%
·         Sponsoring hospital wards to be introduced
·         Government Pensions to be capped and pulled into line with private pensions payouts and to link it to performance of investments and not a pseudo performance rate.
·         Cut back on increase of Aid to the EU.
·         Pull out of the EU or back out gradually
·         Consult more with the electorate on issues involving National decisions with EU
·         Freeze personal taxation
·         Freeze VaT
·         Start to build low cost social housing in needy certain areas and for first time buyers.
·         All UK families who have been repossessed MUST be top of list for re-housing. Immigrants should have families support them or return to their country, or put in basic housing. No more luxury housing allowed.
·         All unemployed must be re-trained if there are no jobs for them and then an agent MUSt find them work. Large companies MUST be part of the programme or be taxed more.
·         Stop all political Aid to countries like Pakistan etc where it provides no benefit at all. Also the Muslim countries have their own funds to repalce ours.
·         Deport ALL immigrant criminals without fail, why do we need the expense. They go back to their own countries.
·         Stop anymore funding of the Euro crisis. We do not belong to the Euro so it isn't our concern as we decided not to join for this reason originally.This would save Stg40 bn alone
·         On the Olympic village there are 95% Polish workers, this is unacceptible when we have adequate skills in the Uk. This should be limited to 25% foreign workers until all positions are filled by as many UK workers as possible.
·         Government should force banks to lend money to businesses and mortgages. This was an agreement which has not come to fruition. Otherwise we penalize banks with taxation or higher Capital reserves.
·         In return we will introduce a scheme of concessions of taxation for these types of loans.
·         All money lending companies who use Interest above 15%+baserate will be banned and made illegal. Such companies as Wonga lending at 2300+%
·         Baroness Ashton should be pulled back from the EU or her expenses fund stopped.
·         MEPs expenses to be capped as a per diem. This will be a figure for travel, housing and food and running an office and staff, basically they will have a strict budget and any breakage will be penalized.
·         All government contracts will have penalty clauses for budget and time breakage.
·         All Government tendering must be at market levels and not masked by false bids to get the contract, only to be quadrupled later.
·         Introduce a mild form of protectionsim to favour UK companies business. Government must favour UK companies with the point that their bids are reasobnable and meet the criteria of tenders and penalties.
·         Increase spending in the armed forces.
·         Introduce conscription again to lower the unemployment and gain Armed Forces personnel, plus skilled training.
·         Review all Local Council budgets and funding.
·         Introduce performance concessions to local councils
·         Introduce Service Level Agreements between the local Councils and the Government and the tax payer
·         Raise Road tax or introduce Tolls on Major roads as a means to cover cost of lowering tax on Petrol
·         Education must re-introduce payments for teachers when doing extra curriculum activities i.e. sport and arts.
·         Large corporates and Banks to sponsor schools
·         Lottery Prizes to be reduced in order to fund Schools and NHS.
·         Stop the programme for Nuclear energy and study ways of having solar energy imported from Africa to the National Grid.
·         Promote ways for households to reduce their energy costs by partially funding Solar installation to homes.
·         Fund Universities to research into cars pwered by alternative method of power with a view on cost of running the engine.
·         Make the Post Office  a new peoples bank with lower costs and more products.
·         Introduce a savings insurance scheme up to amounts of Stg100,000.
·         Introduce a funding scheme for workers to be able to create co-ops for manufacturing such as car making. Funding will be provided with a business plan and management structure in place. Government will assist in marketing such companies abroad.
·         Send all immigrant prisoners back to their own country
·         Extra space in prisons allow sentences to be upheld.
·         Judges to review sentencing to Modern day requirements
·         Review Police activities and bring back Police onto the street
·         Create Prisons in the Thames Estuary
·         Prisoners to lose privileges
·         Prisoners to be educated and re-trained
·         Sentences to be more severe
·         Quit the Human rights Act and release rule 8 immediately

Monday, July 18, 2011

Economic recovery in the UK? I don't think so!

Forget about what the MP's tell us and what do they know?
Even if there was a 50,000 less unemployed last news , don't believe it, when school leavers are going back to school, so they comer off the list and people claiming benefits after 6 months lose them, so off the list.

I said the other day that the UK is bankrupt and it's true.
We have NO manufacturing to get us out of the blues, we are only a service industry country now.
People could join the military to get out of the unemployed, not anymore!
We keep giving our money away to countries that will continue to have handouts for ever, but won't help themselves.

The government is in a corner and are masking the fact that they don't know what to do.
I have suggested many things, but no one seems to listen.

Use common sense and run the country as the government is expecting families to.
Stop spending, take cheaper food, stop entertainment, stop socializing etc etc.

Personally I would bring in my personal accountant and review all budgets, expenses and spending.
Then I would explain how bad things are.

If Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and maybe Italy go down then I am sure France and UK will as well as Belgium and a few more.

I'm afraid it's time for protectionism to come back !!

Tomorrow I will publish my solutions

People catching up!

How odd that newspapers and people are just catching up with my thoughts!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Britain doesn't have an army anymore

It's absolutely laughable.
I have been warning about reducing our Army.
The governemnt a few years ago started to cut the army on the basis that it was all about technology now and that's why we don't need so many personnel.
1. They are wrong, we always need to have personnel. Who actually gets the homig devices into place for our bombs?
2. Recently the government announced that funding for tecnology in warfare was to be cut significantly.

The UK is now open t all and sundry. You don't think that the Germans will come and defend us do you and nor the French!
Mark my words! The Argies will invade the Falklands very soon. It has to be August or in  the Spring as i can't imagine them making the same mistake twice and go in just before Winter!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Save the UK PLC

In my view all bonuses to government workers should be stopped immediately.
All Government expenses for meetings and social gatherings should be stopped immediately.
All Aid abroad should be stopped immediately.
All bonuses to Government owned banks and companies should be stopped immediately.
All aid for Eco projects stopped immediately
All aid for special foods stopped immediately
All Investment for space projects stopped immediately
Stop social benefits for people not paying UK tax for 5 years
Stop all benefits for families who don't live in the UK and have paid tax for 5 years i.e. child benefits being paid for children living in Latvia etc
Stop all immigration for non Commonwealth countries.

Basically let's get back to basics and common sense and save our country and citizens before it's too late!

12p tax rise to save UK

I don't think this is far off the truth but my feeling is it will be higher!

Last one out please turn the light off!

We are not a free society anymore with our own culture

This is where it's going.
I have warned you many times!

Whitehall bonuses are criminal!

When the country is bankrupt and the people cannot afford the increase in costs and increase in taxation, how on earth can we condone the payment of bonuses to those who still spend our money without recourse??

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

UK unemployment higher

These figures are still rubbish as people on benefits can only claim for 6 months. therefore, those that have no benefits and no jobs are NOT taken into account.
Add another 500,000 onto this figure and it's more correct.

Nuclear fall out

I don't know if it is a common occurrence, apart from the UK.
Since Chernobyl and the Japan nuclear problem there seems to be an awful lot of friends of mine suddenly having Cancer. Actually my friends are living in various countries, but mainly UK.

It may be a coincidence, but it still amazes me that the UK government wants to continue it's new programme of Nuclear power, when countries like Germany and Switzerland etc are stopping theirs.

UK tax payers face a Stg 42000 bill from government

This is where it gets silly.
With all of the tax rises and the rises in Utility costs again just announced 18% plus transport and petrol etc etc
the government thinks that each worker will pay this Stg 42,000 to pay for pensions in government.
The average salary in the UK must be about Stg 28,000 with a huge majority way below this, so how are people to pay this on top of the other rises.
The UK population will only suffer so much, then it's absolute chaos and Anarchy.

UK Government be warned!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Murdoch and his Empire

Curiously , Fox news and Wall Street Journal owned by Mr Murdoch's News International, have reported very little about their affairs in London lately.

Fox news have only used about 10 minutes of total air time according to an American news person.Wall Street Journal apparently haven't mentioned at all.

Still the Bond film with Mr Carver (Jonathan Price) the news mogul controlling everything springs to mind!!

Britains debt to be announced is Stg 2 Trillion

This means that we are bust. there is no mistake about it.
I hope that the figures will show what the government has promised the:
EU Central Bank
All the parasite countries in Aid

All of which has not been consulted with the British tax payer.

This is a nightmare.
We will go back to bartering like the Middle Ages very soon!!

Eurozone debt is going into freefall

I warned before about Italy as being a country in trouble when no one else mentioned it.
Italy is the biggest issuer of bonds to fund debt and most has been at high levels of interest
compared to today's levels.
The whole debt scenario has NOT been released by the Euro governments in the hope that
things will get better. Well it isn't isn't!
Expect the Euro zone to go into a bit of a freefall.
Even Germany isn't excused from this.
HVB bank the 3rd largest bank in Germany is owned by Unicredit of Italy.
This has a double whammy! First the bank still has a rubbish portfolio of Real Estate.
Secondly the Italian side will be in trouble as well if the ratings go down and this will in turn put a German bank in crisis.
The UK will actually come out of this ok as they acted much quicker.

The Euro is in meltdown!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

News International and the closure of the News of the World

I know that the actions of the NOTW was bad, butt he sudden closure of a newspaper 168 years old with less than a weeks notice is somewhat odd.
My thought are:
1. If it was so profitable why close it, why not just rebrand it.
2 .I suspect that N.I. was going to close it anyway
3. Closing the NOTW means less compensation
4. Closing the NOTW means less redundency if any
5. Why sacrifice 250 people for 1 woman
6. I think this woman has enough on people to suggest they shouldn't sack her. Remember there have been      
    numerous investigations which haven't come to anything so I think she has a lot of information.
7. She seems to have been very close to Tony Blair and to David Cameron.
8. Gordon Smith refused to play her game and quieten an MP trying to question too much,and therefore I think the SUN newspaper may have victimised him.

Time will bring out the real truth as time always does this!
So expect some dirt and some collapses of peoples credibility.

Friday, July 8, 2011

It's common sense!!

Gas up 18%
Electric up 16%
The government want to put tax up as thy have realized a big hole still.

I on't want to blow my trumpet BUT!!!  how right have I been.

Let's see what is the result here?
Prices up roughly 4 times the rate of inflation
This means inflation will go towards 6-7%.
This means that Interest rates MUST go up.

On top of that the government will snatch fom the pocket.
More people won't be able to cope financialy.
This means bankruptcies will go up.
This means house repossessions will go up.
This means benefits will rise.
This means unemployment will go up.
Plus, Plus,Plus!!!

Mark my words !!!!!!

However, we canb still throw money at countries in Africa etc

Money going to islamic countries so that the terrorism is stopped is absolute rubbish.
We give money and we still get blown up or threatened. It all goes in the pockets of the government officials and no where ese!!!

Mark my words!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

It really is a shame that the UK Govt cannot do to it's own people what it preaches abroad

UK Government pledges to fee 1.3 million Ethiopians for the next 3 months.

What happens to us??

It's a disgrace. This is never ending. Let them die and they will stop copulating!