Friday, September 30, 2011

This is the state of Law in the Uk!

If you and I commit a crime we cannot apply for a legal job, we cannot apply to many jobs, but it seems the police are above the law after all and look after each other !!

Eric Pickles stands for Common Sense

Why does the UK need the Eu? It doesn't !

So this week we have an acceptance for the Greece debt problems. However, these will prove to be only temporary.
Working for a bank that is a combination of 2 counties I am beginning to see cracks.
The bank seems to have panicked and are now slashing jobs left and right!

Now the EU is trying to force the UK into 2 things at the moment.
1. Give benefits to any EU national who comes here for a holiday. This of course will not work the other was as other countries may only offer a pittance of benefits or will not give them to visitors.
2. Trying to force the Financial business into restricting derivatives in the financial markets.

The UK will not like this as approx 25% of HMRC revenue come from banks and their trading.
Which is why the EU wants it to be spread to Germany and France etc.

If we left the EU, we would save an enormous amount of cash to pay off our debts.
We would be able to control our laws and general sales rights.
Lots of other items

It will also put a huge financial pressure on Germany and France (who is a net taker of cash from the EU)

Yes Germany is our best trading partner of 40%, but will they stop trading with us? Maybe by putting an extra tax on us. However, we will find other markets to grow, like the USA and Far East.

I think it's about time our Government started to think with Common Sense and put the pressure on the EU and not the other way around.
What I do think strongly is that if the UK break away then other countries will as well, like Denmark and Holland, which both countries think alike the UK.

EU are thinking of taking Britain to court over rules to stop visitors taking our benefits

My comment is ' let them' it gives us another reason for protectionism and another reason why the Euro and the EU is in a mess!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Economic cycles

Some years ago when I was a Trader I started to look at various charts and the patterns that formed in Economic situations.
One caught my eye, which was the global Economic chart.
It basically showed, that downturns lasted for 15 years and upturns lasted for about 7 years.
If this is true and I can see no reason why it isn't, based on the current downturn, we can expect the current downturn to stop about 2016.
This of course depends on when the market thinks the downturn began, so I will leave my readers to look into this!
I would expect things to pick up a little in 2014, which is what I said some months ago, with the claim that we are on an upturn in 2016.

Monday, September 26, 2011

UK legal system is an Ass!

Normally for you and I the legal system is full of people with Aspergers people ( not a bad thing). Why?
They only see white or black and no grey!
Now we seem to have a new breed of judges who are grey!

If the 'Travellers' win this will give them the right to drop in on any land and take it over without cost!

It has already been entitled the biggest illegal caravan site and yet the judiciary system cannot make it's mind up.
Let's be honest, no one wants them around least of all Vanessa Redgrave who is supporting their campaign. Is she looking for a new film role? She wouldn't want them at the bottom of her garden.
One of the arguments they used, was that they are travellers, so why would they want a stable area.
I also object for 3 other reasons:
1. They steal. Wherever they show bikes, cars, copper etc all go missing. Also my recent Asda watched then walk out of the store with full trolleys and the local police did nothing either.
2. They spat at my daughter recently when some showed up in my town. all she did was to walk past them.
3. No matter what they say, they are NOT tax abiding residents. As much as possible is done in cash, so how can they pay tax.?

I really hope that Basildon council win, but somehow I doubt it.
The police are scared of them. So they are a law unto themselves. In this case though I think that there will be a backlash and the people of Basildon will take the law into their own hands.

Labour Party speeches

I am astounded.
Labour of course blaming the Coalition or maybe just the Conservatives as hacking the NHS  and every other dept.
What is amazing is that the Labour government raised tax rates and are now advocating cutting them and blaming the Conservatives.
This is just bonkers.
Surely they don't think the electorate are that stupid! Maybe they do!!

The Greeks have a history of defaulting

4th Centruy BC 10 Greek Municipalities defaulted. There have been other times since.
1932 was the last time.
Ok a bit of a difference in dates but it is fact.
What is also fact is that the Euro caused it'S own downfall. They all knew that Greece should not have gone into the Euro, but the ECB tried to force the UK's hand but it didn't work.
They did not and have not, met the requirements.

Now the UK is going to have to help bail them out as I said some months ago.
The very fact that the IMF is now helping means that there will be bonds that the UK govt will have to buy.
This will mean many billions of pounds taken from us, when we are trying to rebuild like everyone else.
The IMF also wants to build it'S insufficient fund up and is suggesting more funds to be paid.
UK contribution will be 4.5%. So if we take a minimum, the UK will have to pay between Stg 22.5 to 45 bln.
This is on top our debts of 80-100bln.
This of course MUST mean cuts in expenditure.
So expect higher unemployment !!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

European crisis and who is to blame?

Well we are seeing the markets crashing again and warnings by the Bank for International Settlements saying that there is a gap of bank funding of USD 4 trillion.

What does this mean?:
1. The IMF doesn't have enough money to bail out on a large scale
2. The European Central bank has made some BAD decisions, least of all raising rates earlier this year
3. Bank for International Settlements which is the 'God' for banks, cannot provide correct controls
4. No control or Risk Management can cater for such a crash
5. We haven't learnt the mistakes of 1930'ish crash
6. Banks must have a clear out and stop the casino gambling and get back to basics
7. People must go back to cash under the mattress
8. Banks ripping people off will not save them
9. China is laughing
10. USA is lifeless as they are in trouble as well
11. There can never be a Euro again with a single Central Bank providing control for several countries.
12. Politicians are idiots and hope that sticking their head in the sand will solve the issue

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

UK secret plans if Greece are bankrupt

Apparently there are secret documents providing a plan if Greece are bankrupt.
Even quoting the law for Freedom of Information won't provide a glimpse according to the newspapers.
Until such a time I guess we bury our heads!

Whatever plan it is,  it is still bundled together by the Nimkumpoop economists and politicans we have!
Don't expect any wonderful solution.

Bring back protectionism now!

The only way to save the UK in the short term is to protect us from:
Foreigners using the NHS
Foreigners using the Social benefits
Foreigners from taking jobs
Foreigners exporting our economy
Foreigners importing their own countries problems
Foreigners from stealing in gangs (copper wire, car parts etc)
Foreign Aid

Many more examples!

Greece and UK involvement in bailout

I mentioned several weeks ago that the UK will end up bailing out Greece.
Well we will !
Even after all of the austerity packages the Greeks cannot cut the debts and here is why:
The Greeks do not pay anywhere the amount of tax due and they fiddle all the time.
VAT collected in the town Corinth  in the past 6 months was Euro 18,000 !
There has been a number of payments gone to Greece but still they are no where near to sorting their problem out as this money has gone to pay salaries.
Threatening not to pay anymore seems to be against the fact that the EU leaders don't want Greece to default!
Unless Greece is forced to take tax payments they will NEVER sort their debt issues out. It's only common sense.
We all know they have to go bust. The politicians would not make traders, because they cannot cut their losses!

So where is the UK involved in the funding.
Well the EU leaders are creating Euro Bonds, which the Germans do not want.
So basically each EU member will have to buy a portion of these bonds.
Hang on a sec! doesn't the UK have a debt problem - Exactly, so it'S pass the the parcel time!

The yanks going to Poland to tell the Euro members to sort out their debts was a joke ! Don't they know they are worse than countries in the EU and are a spent force?

Siemens withdrew Eur 500 mio from a french bank in the past week, so this isn't good????

It'S also curious how Angela Merkel said that Greeces debt was Eur 500 Billion and yet the UK said at first it was under Eur 100 bln and this weekend the Sunday Times said it was Eur 328 bln. Can the UK people never get their facts right?
My guess is it'S now nearer to Eur 500-750 bln due to interests and other hidden works creeping out!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

For all Tense and purposes the Euro is Dead in the water!

I have been quiet for a while because my wife says I am boring with the fcat I have been so right in my predictions!
Anyway this is another. It doesn't matter what the European Central bank says or does, it will not be able to stop the collapse of the Euro. There have been so many warnings and as usual the ECB President Mr Trichet has been slow and hiding.
Even the UK has acted and will still not be able to escape due to the exposure of the banks to Italy, Ireland, Spain, France and Greece.
I know that to shore up the Euro and countries that have debts to save other currencies, but it is a clear out time and back to basics.
Liquidity is King!

As I have said before, you cannot apply the same economic rule for all countries as they different economies and different cultures.
The Germans are now dead against anymore bailout and the Dutch are paying money out all the time.
The people will not stand for this and the politicians just cannot understand this!
Today the IMF has come out and killed the markets, so not a good omen.
This includes USA

At the end of the day it will be the survival of the least debt. This means China!!
The tide of power is shifting very fast. The last time this happened was 1939 which concluded in a world war!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Shortage of UK Midwives?

A very strange headline.
My daughter applied for a University place for this career and was told that the course was full and no more planned for at least a year.
Her due date for enrolment is for 2013!!

So on one hand the courses are full, but on the other there isn't enough courses or money to train anymore!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Baroness Ashton and the EU need putting into touch!

Whomever, recommended Baroness Ashton to head the EU, must be sorely regretting it.
She is unproductive and does everything she can against UK PLC.
Not only that, she is s parasite. Asking for Stg 25 million extra for more staff! Good God! how many does she need?
The latest is that the EU wants a central command for the military and that Britain is to be frozen out.
Now I may be old but:
We are the only active nation for defending countries and that includes those in Europe
We saved the European countries from Hitler
Our armed forces are always in the front and tend to get killed more than any other nation.
We did have the biggest active armed forces in Europe.
We have the biggest expenditure in military equipment.
The EU wanted one military force, but seem to disregard the UK

This is all leading to UK pulling out of the EU and not before time I say!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why we can't find jobs

The UK Government is an ass!
They keep telling people to find jobs.
One reason we can't is this!!

This is just one country's immigrants !

Friday, September 2, 2011

Banks are liars and we will revert to money under the bed

Banks are refusing to increase mortgages to 30% of the value of the property.

If this is the situation where are they lending?

According to the newspapers today, they are lending abroad, which will create more debt and they expect the tax payer to dig them out again!
I can see a number of banks going under.
I am now beginning to think, that my money is much safer under the mattress and screw the banks. All they do is charge me currently exhorbitant fees for doing very little.
Their time will come.

I am still in favour of the Post Office being made into a fully fledged bank under the stewardship of the government and not ripping people off. Come back the old 'passbooks' and get people back to thinking of savings again.
However, loans are available at a limit of income or monthly income.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another Think Tank, another waste of time.

A Labour backed Think Tank has come up with the same old stuff.
Benefit claimers must have a job at the minimum wage, for 6 months and must be given a job.
This takes them away from the benefits.
Also they say they can work a maximum of 30 hours so they can look to get a permanent job.

Labour lost all the jobs, so where will they come from.
Minimum wage may not support the families.

Absolute waste of time with a number of eggheads which seem to be up someone's derrier!

Our solution:
Create real apprenticeships which Cameron has failed to do. He promised 300,000 so far very few.
Bring in National Service so that the community can gain resources
Introduce education to National Service for those who failed at school with students being mentored by students. This brings a community service approach.
Stop immigration. The net immigration has risen by 237,000 last year.
Start building programmes for Indiginous people and not travelling Europeans i.e. look after ourselves.
Many other suggestions.

If people will not work after such a programme, then stop their benefits.