Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6 in 10 people want to retire outside of the UK

This of course can have very serious repercussions on Government finance with the revenue earners leaving and the revenue takers coming in from Europe!!!

In todays Daily Telegraph

Will the last person to leave Britain please remember to switch off the lights? Nearly six in 10 Britons would like to retire overseas, making us the most unhappy Europeans about the quality of life in our home country, according to a survey of more than 7,500 people by actuaries and benefits consultants Aon.

Less than half or 43 per cent of Britons said the United Kingdom was their preferred retirement location, with many instead planning to pack their bags and retire to sunnier climes. Among other Europeans questioned, only the Germans (46%) and the Irish voiced nearly as low levels of satisfaction with their home countries at 46 per cent and 49 per cent respectively.

By contrast, Spain (87 per cent) and France (81 per cent) topped the popularity tables when it came to workers intending to retire in their home country, followed by the Danes (74 per cent).

Spain is the retirement destination of choice for British workers, with almost one in four or 23 per cent of those who said they wish to retire abroad identifying Spain as their preferred country. Oliver Rowlands, head of retirement at Aon Consulting said: “Cheap air travel and the communication tools available over the internet means that retiring overseas doesn’t necessarily mean being completely absent from your family’s life, making the prospect of emigration to other countries on an previously unseen scale a real possibility.

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