Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rochdale vs Muslims vs Social Services

Girls in Rochdale have been groomed for the sex trade, by 15 Muslim men.
Apparently it’s well inbred in the culture there.

What is worse is that the men predominantly from Pakistan take girls who are Christian and white from the age of 13 years old.

I have lived on and off with Muslim society for 15 years in the Middle East and their view of white, Christian women is that they are ALL
Whores/Prostitutes, because they can’t do the same thing with their own, as it’s against Islam.
The other way is ok and it’s about time the Western world and Social service get to understand this.

One girl interviewed said she had gone to school covered in flee bites, smelled because of poor hygiene,
dirty clothes and her Father even told Social Services and the police who did nothing.
Why did her Father not take her away
Why did the police do nothing
What on earth did Social Services do.

With the Police it is of course possible, going by history, that they are either involved or partake in such lewd events.

Social Services are a complete waste of time, who employs Graduates who think they actually are saving the world!
When my wife had a child we had them come around to the house and we were actually asked ‘ were we abused as kids?’
I told her that it was none of her effing business and to piss off.
So unless they get answers to their stupid questions, they have no idea.
I was also asked what I considered myself: British, Ethnic etc etc.
I replied ‘English’. The woman said that this was not an answer as it wasn’t on her list, so I asked her what she did for Scots, Welsh and Irish
Who never consider themselves British.

The second time I had dealings with these numpties, was when I was trained for high level Autism coaching.
2 came from Newcastle area. They didn’t appreciate my banter with my only other male colleague, they complained about us
And were some of the most bigoted people I have met, again graduates from the University of non-real life!

Suggestions of what the government can do:
Ensure that Muslims mix with Christians more and for both religions to understand each other
Bring in grandparents to work in Social Services for common sense
Sack most graduates in Social Services
Make police accountable for such failures

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