Thursday, September 6, 2012

Free for all in the building trade?

Well here we go the government getting it all massively wrong again!
I advocated since 2 years ago is that the way to get the economy running is for more house building and 'Lo and behold' the government has suddenly woken up.
The problem is that they have eased the planning application, which means that hallowed green land not meant to be built on, can be.
Building applications are not the issue. The issue is funding. So the government has to force the banks to lend and not give them free money for their own profits in Quantative Easing.

The other aspect is that jobs MUST go to British workers and not Europeans like;Polish, Lithuanians etc, because all this does is to export our economy and nothing will pick up here in the UK.
Money has to stay here in the UK to be spent to get the economy going.
This is basic and commonsense in economics!
Which means our government will screw up again and wonder why it never worked!

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