Wednesday, May 11, 2011

NHS reform

There is something lacking here.
GP's taking control of the finances! it's doomed for disaster. Only because GP's are not accountants or money Managers. They rule and quite rightly so, with their patient in mind. So if they get a patient who needs costly Cancer medicine which in the UK so far has not been allowed, then the GP will give it. So we can expect many short falls in funding!

What I don't see in this reform is the ability to stop all the foreign ponses coming to the UK, without paying for any NHS and getting Free treatment.

In 1948 the NHS was introduced on 5th july by Aneurin Bevan I think in Manchester.
The nation was asked to pay money from their earnings in order to allow them medical care.
This is still the cae in UK, but unfortunately the governments since then have allowed foreigners to take free care as well.

Now I travel an awful lot and if I need medical care in another country, they want (in Europe) E111form, an insurance certificate or my credit card details. There is no two process!

So why do we do it?

If we stopped this it will save hundreds of millions pounds a year.
In June there will be an influx of Arabs to Europe and any wanting medical treatment will find their way to London.
It's like a pilgrimage as is Mecca!
I have personally known this to happen and especially to have babies so they get the UK passport!


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