Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Britains debt vs the aid and funding it gives

The credit crunch meant that the UK had to find 86bn pounds over the next 4 years to repay.
What is an astounding fact is the following:

IMF wants Stg 9bn increase in contributions
Eu wants an increase of Stg 900mio
Greece will cost us Stg 10bn
Portugal will cost us Stg 4.4+
Ireland will cost us Stg 10bn
Announced increase in aid is Stg 4.5 bn
Eu is threatening to penalise the UK Stg 1 bn

This so far totals Stg 39.8bn

So can someone tell me that when we have a credit crunch here and austerity measures, why the hell we give nearly 50% extra of our debt away!!!???

Where is the common sense in this?

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