Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Europe, the UK crisis and China

1. Greece is bankrupt. We all know that. Nothing will stop their misery. Even if a fix is found now it won't solve the problem and that is the Greeks are habitual tax evaders. With no revenues the country will never have money. We all know that Greece was NOT eligible for the EU, but to prove the UK wrong about not entering, they allowed them to cook the books. Now the problem.
With Greece partially defaulting will still not solve the basic issue.
France is in deep trouble as I mentioned about 2 weeks ago.
Germany is now being hit and I see this first hand.

2. The UK as I said many weeks ago will end up having to try and dig the EU and the Euro out of the mire!. The IMF want our contribution of Stg 20bln and the UK has pledged another Stg 10bln to help the Euro and why? We are supporting Ireland to the tune of about Stg40 bln. Here is the crux of the matter. The UK is in deep financial problems, the EU is trying to hit on the UK all the time to dig them out, but who is there to help the UK? Basically the UK is broke as well. So how does it work that a broken economy and country funds another broken sovereign? This sounds like money going around the system, but no solution!

3. China is in deep talks to dig Europe out of the mess. This means as I mentioned many months ago that China is taking over and will command huge demands eventually. Now they are forcing countries to make more austerity packages as well as taking some of their industry. Greece they have the Ship building now , they have utility companies, they have car manufacturing. I can't stress enough how they are taking over. Where will their money come from? USA of course. They will liquidate their holdings and cause big issues int eh USA, which I don't think has been mentioned yet!

Watch this space!

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