Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cutting funding for the debt

Cameron has announced over Stg500 mio of cost cuts to quangos.
This is a realisation of what we all knew, that they are a waste of time!

What they have also realized is the wastage of expenses and freebies. i.e. £125 million on taxis; £320 million on hotels; £70 million on flights; £3 billion overall on travel; £580 million on office furniture and £1 billion on advertising

This is proposterous!
I know that they must have these items but we all know they abuse them as well as look after their mistresses and family on them

We as voters know it goes on, so why the hell haven't we done anything about it before??
I mentioned in an earlier blog that Lord Hanningfield replaced a new carpet because he didn't like the colour at a cost of Stg 7000.
We don't get to hear about it and the local govt officers don't like to rock any boats.
Now the Lord is being investigated for wrong doings and could possibly be charged.
This type of wastage of our money he bloody well should be!!

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