Tuesday, November 15, 2011

EU want to force UK take in non-workers and non-EU immigrants

This is a taste of what is to come!
The EU want the UK to take in immigrants eventhough they have no intention of working, but to take social benefits.
On top of this they want us to take Moroccans and Algerians who are not in the EU and who may not want to work!
This is besides that the UK will grow so much that we will be the most populated country in the EU in 25-50 years.
But doesn't it strike you odd that these two mentioned countries are in fact French speaking and that their immigration to France is trying to be reduced!!!
Common sense must prevail! It's not about being racist etc, but it's about immigration, being able to save our taxes and social benefits, housing which we are desperately short etc

I only hope that the politicians look beyond their noses and get us out of the EU quickly!

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