Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who is accountable these days?

Having made comments about silly and stupid laws passed in the UK and Europe I was having a discussion with my American friend and colleague yesterday. This discussion has been playing on my mind all night.
It dawns on me that he is absolutely correct (Although I don't like admitting he is correct) about government and local government and about who is responsible and accountable for the stupid decisions made.

Rule from EU that UK cannot import curved bananas!

The very fact that bananas grow on trees and have done for centuries and grow bent for a reason, in order to to bunch on the stalk high up, some stupid low brained idiot makes a rule. Most probably (1) they are a no brainer and have noithing to do (2) they are paid by someone to do this like a new banana growing country that has perfected a straight banana.

Example 2

EU nationals can come to the UK and claim all benefits including Children's benefit and housing benefit although the family is in their own country.

This drains STG 100's millions of pounds from our taxes, to just be siphoned off

Now in these 2 examples we should be asking ourselves

++Who Proposed these ideas
++Who decided to pass the law
++What are the consequences
++What does it mean to the UK individual.

Basically all of these questions are lost amongst beaurocracy and the fact that it is a body of people ( Civil Service, EU pariliament etc) who pass or sneak these stupid rules through.

With David Cameron passing decisions through to local council to hand back to the people, I don't think this will work. Some say it's a cost cutting exercise, but I don't think it will be.
1. A Head of Council earns about STG30k a year and now they will be asked to look after STG100 millions pounds and to run a county. Would you like to have to make these decisions for STG 30k a year. Of course not! So their salaries will go up to about STG150k a year, plus all of their cronies.
2. Many of them have had no business experience or real budgeting experience. In fact most are retired.
3. None of them undertsand for instance how much an IT project would be worth or how long it would go on. The same for road maintenance.
4. Most council employees are in it for the pension. They have no desire to make decisions or put their head above the parapet.
5. Being a Council employee has been about power. So if they get all of these millions, they will want to build empires and this will be a waste of money.

So all in all I hope that you can get my drift.

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