Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Inflation up and Interest rates up in UK!!

VAT up 2.5%
Electric, GAS and Water up 13% + VAT Rise
Local Transport up 13%
Petrol up

Of course Inflation will rise and of course Interest Rates will rise

Banks are willing to lend at above 15%
Overdrafts now cost 17%
Unauthorised overdrafts are 25%
Company loans 19%

It's a banks dream being in a credit crunch!!!
Mortgages will go up to 8.5% soon

MP's give themselves 15% rise, plus a huge expenses scam

Of course Inflation will go beyond expectation and the Bank of England who always wants rates higher will be quick to move again.

What about the 1 million unemployed 18-25 year olds??? This will be announced this week.
Also we will see a 10% of unemployment for the UK this week.

So let's see, so many out of work, salaries are being cut by employers, we can't spend due to tax rises etc, but we will have runaway inflation.
What is that all about???????

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