Monday, January 24, 2011

UK banks hold the government in contempt

The banks are in discussions with the government to lend money to small businesses and there will be an easing of the bonus issue
1. we own most of the banks
2. why don't we order them to lend
3. If they want to give themselves huge bonuses without consulting the owners(us) then  announce that any illegal bonuses, in cash or shares, paid now or in a few years will be taxed at 95%. Any transfers to offshore accounts etc will bring a 10 year jail sentence.

Unless they co-operate !!

The banks are charging the small businesses 17.9% for loans. I guess the government want them to lend at nearer to 5%. That is the main problem.
As I have said before, in a credit crunch banks make more from inflated loans and fees.

What the government should do is announce an immediate bank structure for Post Offices, offering banking services and also an introduction of co-operative banks. We may be reliving the old days but it will sort the banks out pretty quick.

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