Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Think before you speak Mr Cameron

Shouting off about the Bankers bonuses was good PR work, except it is now chewing the government in the back side.
The government has now admitted it cannot do anything about bankers getting huge bonuses eventhough they are using the tax payers money!
So let's get this right. Banks get bailed out and because they are charging 17% for loans from 4% and claiming huge fees for anything and ripping the off the same people that saved them, they give themsleves huge bonuses and the government cannot do anything.
This confirms all that we have known for a long time, that the governments of the UK say alot but don't do anything.

The commonsense people would deduct all costs and interest for the taxpayer and get them to repay all profits against the bailout, before any profits can be declared to pay bonuses.
Isn't this logical???
At this rate it makes you wonder if we as creditors will ever get our money back.
I cannot believe what this government says anymore.

A bunch of Bankers springs to mind!!

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